Properties and water absorption rate of paraffin wax coated paperboard
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Corporate governance and strategic information disclosure in Malaysian listed banks : panel data analysis
Published 2011“…Furthermore, it is undeniable that the banking sector is the heart of the economy in any country since it is the main source in mobilizing the monetary system. Thus, this study investigates the impact of corporate governance on strategic information disclosure of Malaysian listed banks by using a panel data analysis. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
تحليل نقدي لكتاب "من ضياء اللغة العربية: مدخل إلى اللغة العربية": الكتاب الأول المقرر لتدريس اللغة العربية لطلاب العلوم في المركز الإعدادي (Tahlil naqdi li Kitab "Min Dhia' al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah: Madkhal ila al-lughah al-Arabiyyah": al-Kitab al-awwal al-muqarrar li tadris al-lughah al-arabiyyah li tullab al-ulum fi al-markaz al-i'dadi)
Published 2015Get full text
Book Chapter -
Natural pigment based on orange fruit for superhydrophobic dyeing in cotton knitted textile application
Published 2018“…The synthetic pigment is replaced by orange fruit pigment to apply into cotton knitted textile applications in this study. The main objective of this study formulates and synthesis the orange fruit pigment for superhydrophobic dyeing and evaluate the mechanical and physical test for superhydrophobic dyeing in cotton knitted textile applications. …”
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Article -
التكنولوجيا التعليمية الحديثة ومدى الإستفادة منها في تعلم اللغة العربية وتعليمها الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا نموذجا = Usefulness of modern teaching technology in activating learning and practicing Arabic language in Malaysia: a case study in International Islamic University Malaysia (al-Tiknulujiya al-ta’limiyah al-hadithah wa-mada al-istifadah min-ha fi ta’allum al-lughah al-‘Arabiyah wa-ta’limiha al-Jami’ah al-Islamiyah al-‘Alamiyah bi-Maliziya namudhajan
Published 2009Get full text
Book Chapter -
High-power MEMS switch enabled by carbon-nanotube contact and shape-memory-alloy actuator
Published 2013“…The device operation is performed with over 5-W input powers. Long-term operation with more than 1�106 switching cycles is demonstrated. …”
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Article -
Evaluation of Digital’s Role in Sustainable Built Environment
Published 2023“…Integrating digital tools and technologies in a renowned conventional construction industry is challenging, mainly due to the complex interaction between heterogeneous but heuristic construction processes, building systems, and workflows in achieving a common goal. …”
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Article -
An overview of out-of-step protection in power systems
Published 2017“…The power system that designed as one of the main requirement is to survive from the larger type of disturbances like faults. …”
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