Study the effect of eggs incubation parameter through development of new experimental rig for IKTA quails species
Published 2017“…Overall, experimental rig produces 83.16% hatching with 360 ° rolling produced slightly higher hatching average at 83.33% compared to 83% with 45° swing.…”
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Thesis -
Study the effect of eggs incubation parameter through development of new experimental rig for IKTA quails species
Published 2017“…Overall, experimental rig produces 83.16% hatching with 360 ° rolling produced slightly higher hatching average at 83.33% compared to 83% with 45° swing.…”
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Thesis -
A survey on edible aroids consumed by locals in Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2021“…These species are Keladi Pinang, Keladi Batang Putih, Keladi Tapak Badak, Keladi Birah, Keladi Batang Hitam, Keladi Candek and Keladi Tetawi. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A survey on edible aroids consumed by locals in Kelantan, Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2021“…These species are Keladi Pinang, Keladi Batang Putih, Keladi Tapak Badak, Keladi Birah, Keladi Batang Hitam, Keladi Candek and Keladi Tetawi. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Turkey’s draft constitutional amendments: a critical perspective
Published 2017“…In this regard, this article explains two major points; the constitutional history of contemporary Turkey with its Ottoman background, and the AKP’s political journey that is a swing from hope to oppression. Yet, additionally, the article clarifies the minuteae of the amended constitution which are related to human rights and liberties. …”
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Article -
Sistem pengajian pondok di Patani dan Malaysia
Published 2020“…Sistem pengajian ini terus berkembang maju di beberapa negeri seperti Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak dan Negeri Sembilan. Sambutan yang menggalakkan daripada masyarakat untuk lebih mendalami ilmu-ilmu Islam menyebabkan rumah guru terpaksa diperluaskan malah rumah-rumah kecil yang dikenali sebagai pondok turut dibina di sekitar surau, masjid atau rumah guru sendiri untuk menyelesaikan masalah kediaman pelajar khususnya yang datang dari tempat yang jauh. …”
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Book Section -
Biomechanical evaluation and new improvement on ankle external fixator
Published 2023Get full text
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The potential of effective microorganism (EM) inclusion in enhancing the properties of cement paste and concrete
Published 2019“…Furthermore, the high compressive strength and low porosity also leading to improve the internal densification of cement matrix which reported the formation of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and ettringite by detecting from formation of bundle shape and needles like pine leaves, acicular, thin, narrow and pointed shape, respectively at later age of 28 days and 60 days using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). …”
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Design of low power high speed digital vedic multiplier using 13T hybrid full adder
Published 2018“…Meanwhile the HFA is a new designed adder which is proposed in this thesis is able to produce full output voltage swing output using low power consumption (18.97 μW) and least delay (46.8 ps). …”
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Comparison of diversity and community structure of aquatic insects based on habitat class in Johor
Published 2021“…Seven sampling areas were selected based on their importance to local communities and geographical distribution: Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin (PETA) (TNJER-PETA), Taman Hutan Lagenda Gunung Ledang (THLGL), Hutan Lipur Soga Perdana (HLSP), Hutan Lipur Gunung Belumut (HLGB), Hutan Lipur Sungai Bantang (HLSB), Hutan Lipur Gunung Pulai 1 (HLGP1) and Sungai Sayong Pinang. Insect samples were collected using a kick net method and slight modifocation made according to type of microhabitats. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Kerangka peningkatan kompetensi profesional guru sekolah dasar di Daerah Kepulauan Riau Indonesia
Published 2019“…Fasa kedua adalah kajian kuantitatif dengan melibatkan seramai 444 responden dari tiga kumpulan fokus iaitu guru, pengetua, dan penyelia dari Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Tanjung Pinang dan Bintan, Kepulauan Riau. Instrumen utama yang digunakan adalah temu bual dan soal selidik. …”
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Penghantaran imej mampat dan selamat secara tanpa wayar untuk sistem pengawasan hidupan liar
Published 2018“…Di dalam kajian ini, perisian LabVIEW 2017, perkakasan NI myRIO (penghantar imej) dan komputer (penerima imej) digunakan untuk pembangunan reka bentuk seni bina sistem pemampatan dengan kaedah jelmaan kosinus diskret (DCT), sistem penyulitan dengan kaedah piawaian penyulitan lanjutan (AES) dan penghantaran secara tanpa wayar menggunakan Wi-Fi. …”
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A longitudinal study of the self-concepts and experiential components of self-worth and affect across adolescence
Published 2014“…Self-worth components of experience showed a concave-up trend bottoming around Grade 10, suggesting a pubertal swing and partial readjustment by the end of adolescence. …”
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Book Section -
The investigation of soil dielectric influence towards terrestrial background radiation
Published 2018“…The soil species identified were Kranji, Linau-Sedu, Selangor-Kangkong, Peat, Telemong-Akob, Holyrood-Lunas, Batu Anam-Melaka-Tavy, Rengam-Jerangau, Kulai–Yong Peng and Steepland soils. All the samples were dried, grinded and sieve into fine powder for the elemental compositions and dielectric properties measurement. …”
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Thesis -
Serangga akuatik sebagai indikator kualiti air di Johor
Published 2019“…Tujuh kawasan persampelan dipilih atas dasar taburan geografi serta kegunaan jasad air tersebut kepada komuniti setempat: Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin (PETA) (TNJER-PETA), Taman Hutan Lagenda Gunung Ledang (THLGL), Hutan Lipur Soga Perdana (HLSP), Hutan Lipur Gunung Belumut (HLGB), Hutan Lipur Sungai Bantang (HLSB), Hutan Lipur Gunung Pulai 1 (HLGP1) dan Sungai Sayong Pinang. Persampelan serangga menggunakan kaedah jaring tendang dan berbeza mengikut jenis mikrohabitat. …”
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A study on customer satisfaction towards digital advertisement of consumer goods
Published 2019“…Excessive stress on employees will create health issues like depression, diabetes, ulcers, high blood pressure, anxiety, dissatisfaction, loss of concentration, etc. Butts, Pines (2009), NIOSH (1999). Many organizations wanted to reduce and prevent occupational stress. …”
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E-business framework design using an enhanced Web 2.0 technology
Published 2012“…However in this race, the e-business growth pendulum is only swinging one way, and it is easy to understand the reason for this by observing today's business market. …”
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Thesis -
Impact of oil prices on stock market performance
Published 2023“…The volatility in oil prices and the accompanying swings in stock market performance raised the question of what, if any, is the relationship between these variables. …”
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