Kajian terhadap etika kerja Islam dan komitmen organisasi dalam kalangan pekerja Lembaga Tabung Haji Malaysia
Published 2020“…Sehubungan dengan itu, pengurusan sumber manusia yang bijak dan strategik haruslah mengambil kira aspek komitmen khususnya dalam kalangan pekerja-pekerja yang menjadi tunjang dan harapan kerajaan untuk mencapai sebuah negara maju. Tanpa komitmen yang tinggi daripada pekerja, negara tidak mampu mencapai kejayaan dalam bidang ekonomi, politik dan sosial. …”
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Book Section -
Prioritizing issues of Malaysian vision 2020: an application of the analytic hierarchy process
Published 2009“…The present research findings are expected to provide useful guidelines to the policy makers at the national level in course of fine tuning the Vision 2020 strategies.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of a low cost lapping process
Published 2009“…Thus it is not unusual to find it difficult to fine finish small area of planar surfaces and attain high degree of flatness on the finished surfaces. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Malaysia on course to become a developed country: prioritizing issues with the analytic hierarchy process
Published 2010“…The present research findings are expected to provide useful guidelines to the policy makers at the national level in the course of fine tuning Vision 2020 strategies. …”
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Article -
Beyond vernacular Malay architecture : the perception on the conservation and adaptive reuse of old townhouses at Jalan Doraisamy, Kuala Lumpur
Published 2011“…The evidences indicated that the area had become more of a collection of international fine dining restaurants and pubs as well as one of the favourite food and beverage area for tourist and locals. …”
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Book Chapter -
Motor movement for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) detection
Published 2010“…In this paper, we are looking at the differences between autistic and normal children in term of fine motor movement. Previous findings have shown that there are differences between autistic children and normal children when performing a simple motor movement tasks. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
In-process truing for ELID (Electrolytic In-Process Dressing) grinding by pulsewidth control
Published 2011“…In conventional ELID grinding, constant voltage is applied on the metal-bonded diamond wheels to ensure constant protrusion of super fine cutting grits throughout the grinding cycle. …”
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Article -
Design and fabrication stable LNF contact for future IC application
Published 2013“…A low normal force (LNF) contact spring with high performance is fabricated using a unique combined MEMS photo resist lithography and electro fine forming (EFF) technology. Reducing a total contact material cost of a connector, a high- Hertz stress with LNF contact will be a key technology in the future. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of multiple-particle size reinforced silicon carbide(SICP) on properties of aluminium matrix composite
Published 2010“…The result shows that aluminium matrix composite with multiple-particle size SiC exhibit better properties including wear resistance than single or double particle size SiC reinforcement as a result of proper shielding effect of base metal and the fine particles by the coarse particles. This study could be use to optimise the wear rate of structural applications developed with multiple-particle size aluminium matrix composite.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Nasrin Gone Global: A Critique of Taslima Nasrin’s Criticism of Islam and Her Feminist Strategy
Published 2016“…In light of Rokeya’s work and strategy, and current struggles in Bangladesh to fine-tune the nation’s vision, the present article critically analyses Nasrin’s overly negative views of Islam and assesses the validity and efficacy of her feminist approach in Bangladesh society.…”
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Article -
The forest and the city: interpretative mapping as an aid to urban practice in sub-Saharan Africa
Published 2018“…It concludes that in order to provoke a more fine-grained debate about civic infrastructure provision, urban practitioners should employ local survey and interpretive drawing techniques to explore place based memory in support of a more inclusive and interconnected, non-predatory, African city.…”
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Article -
The effect of aggregate micro and macro texture on pavement skid resistance of Malaysia road network
Published 2023“…Microtexture refers to irregularities in the surfaces of the stone particles (fine-scale texture) that affect adhesion and make the stone particles feel smooth or rough to the touch. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Elemen kesihatan mental wanita bekerja di sektor perusahaan kecil dan sederhana
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Transformasi perumahan negara
Published 2012“…Lepasan universiti misalnya, terpaksa menangguhkan pembelian rumah idaman ekoran harga yang terlalu tinggi. Dengan pendapatan awal sekitar RM2,500 sebulan, adalah satu keputusan kewangan yang besar untuk memperunukkan antara RM1,000 hingga RM1,500 untuk bayaran pinjaman perumahan saban bulan. …”
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Article -
Ulasan buku Abdullah Md Zin, Zulkiplie Abdul Ghani & Abdul Ghafar Hj Don. pendidikan islam di malaysia: dari pondok ke universiti. kuala lumpur: dewan bahasa dan pustaka. 2005.
Published 2006“…Buku ini amat bermakna bagi umat Islam di Malaysia amnya dan tenaga pengajar institusi pendidikan Islam tinggi khususnya. Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, ilmu, pendidikan dan Umat Islam tidak dapat dipisahkan kerana Islam adalah agama yang mempunyai Kitab suci yang menghimpunkan segala wahyu yang diturunkan melalui Nabi Muhammad SAW. …”
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Article -
Kurikulum permata negara: asuhan dan didikan awal kanak-kanak 0-4 tahun, cetakan ketiga
Published 2013“…Kurikulum PERMATA Negara dibina berlandaskan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan sebagai teras untuk membina potensi individu kanak-kanak sebagai modal insan berkualiti tinggi melalui pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Pada 24 Oktober 2008, Jemaah Menteri telah meluluskan Dasar Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan yang member penekanan kepada menyediakan pendidikan dan asuhan berkualiti kepada kanak-kanak dari umur lahir hingga 4 tahun. …”
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Book -
The ethical dilemma of software piracy: an inquiry from an Islamic perspective
Published 2013Get full text
Article -
Knowledge construction and sharing in a networked collaborative environment
Published 2013Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -