Transformasi perumahan negara
Published 2012“…Dengan pendapatan awal sekitar RM2,500 sebulan, adalah satu keputusan kewangan yang besar untuk memperunukkan antara RM1,000 hingga RM1,500 untuk bayaran pinjaman perumahan saban bulan. …”
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Kurikulum permata negara: asuhan dan didikan awal kanak-kanak 0-4 tahun, cetakan ketiga
Published 2013“…Pada 24 Oktober 2008, Jemaah Menteri telah meluluskan Dasar Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan yang member penekanan kepada menyediakan pendidikan dan asuhan berkualiti kepada kanak-kanak dari umur lahir hingga 4 tahun. Pernyataan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Dasar Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan 2008 adalah seperti berikut: “Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha yang berterusan ke arah memperkembangkan potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi, dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. …”
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Book -
Pengaruh kompetensi doktor pelatih terhadap pembelajaran perubatan
Published 2019“…Majoriti responden adalah berumur antara 21 hingga 25 tahun dan telah berkahwin. Kajian juga mendapati kesemua kompetensi dan penguasaan pembelajaran perubatan dapat dicapai dengan baik dan tinggi. …”
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Microelectrical mechanical systems switch for designing multi-band antenna
Published 2009“…Parametric done for Alumina, SiN, GaAs and Teflon as MEMS bridge materials for finding better results in terms of return loss and number of bands. …”
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Signature recognition using artificial neural network
Published 2011“…It might be done by asking a secret question that the user will answer to get into that application, and it might be a password or a pin code, face, eye, fingerprint or signature. Automatic signature verification is an active field of research with many practical applications. …”
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Book Chapter -
Tribological (wear) properties of aluminum–silicon eutectic base alloy under dry sliding condition
Published 2004“…Wear experiments on both samples were conducted with a pin-on-disk type wear testing apparatus. The test variables were the rotational speed, input weight, and time/sliding distance. …”
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Influence of single and multiple particle size variation on mechanical and wear behaviour of aluminium silicon carbide composites
Published 2015“…Standard impact and hardness test was conducted to ascertain the energy absorbed before fracture failure and resistance to plastic deformation of the composite. Pin-on-disc test was also investigated at room temperature under dry sliding wear condition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
3rd order coupled-resonator bandpass filter assisted by Groove Gap-Waveguide technology for 26-GHz radio link diplexer
Published 2025“…Its unit-cells consist of a rectangular metal-pin which is connected to a bottom metal plate and its other side is electromagnetically coupled to a top plate with an air-gap of approximately λ/4 that creates a bandgap, preventing unwanted electromagnetic-wave propagation. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Frequency reconfigurable substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity F-shaped slot antenna
Published 2019“…Configurability is accomplished by embeddings PIN diode switches in the 'F' slot. The proposed antenna is equipped for exchanging between working band of 3.172 GHz to 3.606 GHz in four different narrow bands and it underpins the cognitive system for LTE2300, WiMAX and WLAN. …”
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Prevalence of snoring and craniofacial features in Malaysian children from hospital-based medical clinic population
Published 2008“…The cephalometric X-ray showed that the snoring children manifested a significant different craniofacial features, such as narrow airway at the level of the soft palate and oropharynx (p<0.05), more inferiorly positioned hyoid bone (p<0.05), longer vertical airway length from posterior nasal spine to the base of epiglottis (p<0.05), more protruding maxilla, and anterior–posterior discrepancy of maxilla and mandible (p<0.05). …”
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Sayyidah Nafisah binti al-Hasan
Published 2020“…Tulisan kali ini akan mengangkat sosok Muslimah yang menonjol dalam hal ilmu dan kesolehan, yang pengaruhnya membekas hingga jauh selepas wafatnya. Muslimah ini adalah Sayyidah Nafisah binti alHasan al-Alawiyah al-Hasaniyah, seorang perempuan alim ahli ibadah keturunan Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam yang wafat di Mesir. …”
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Pendekatan permainan mudah alih dalam pembelajaran congak
Published 2020“…Aplikasi ini telah diuji oleh kanak-kanak berusia 4 hingga 6 tahun. Secara keseluruhan, hasil pengujian menunjukkan aplikasi ini telah mencapai objektif-objektif yang telah ditentukan. …”
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Book Section -
Aplikasi buku cerita interaktif “Kisah Nabi Sulaiman A.S.”
Published 2020“…Pengguna sasaran aplikasi adalah peringkat usia empat hingga enam tahun khususnya yang beragama Islam. Model MMCD dipilih sebagai metodologi untuk membangunkan sistem ini. …”
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Book Section -
Kajian meta-analisis inovasi pengajaran usul fiqh di Indonesia
Published 2021“…Metode Kualitatif digunakan dalam kajian ini dengan menganalisis artikel-artikel kajian lepas secara sistematik berkaitan inovasi pengajaran usul fiqh di Indonesia tahun 2009 hingga 2018. Kajian ini mendapati sebahagian besar daripada kajian-kajian yang telah dijalankan memberi fokus kepada keperluan pembaharuan ilmu usul fiqh di Indonesia. …”
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Article -
Secondary students’ attitude towards mathematics in a selected school of Maldives
Published 2011“…The purpose of this study is to find out the students attitude towards mathematics and find out gender difference in attitude towards mathematics in a selected school of Maldives. …”
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Article -
An exploration into the home field, global advantage and liability of unfamiliarness hypotheses in multinational banking
Published 2011“…On the other hand, we do not find evidence on both the liability of unfamiliarness and home field advantage hypotheses.…”
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Article -
The Impact of Asian Financial Crisis on Bank: Empirical Evidence from Thailand and Malaysia
Published 2009“…As for the impact of macroeconomic indicators, we find that economic growth is positively related to Thailand banks’ profitability only during the pre-crisis period. …”
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Article -
Analysis re-entrant honeycomb auxetic structure for Lumbar vertebrae using finite element analysis
Published 2024“…In this study, FEA was applied using Mechanical Finder software (MF) to develop a 3D spine model lumbar vertebrae of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4 - L5) with the interbody cage design. …”
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Remote operation of CNC milling through virtual simulation and remote dekstop interface
Published 2009“…Capability of remote operation is supported by an auto setup attachment with a reconfigurable pin type setup free technology installed on the table of CNC milling machine to perform unattended machining process. …”
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Aluminium metal matrix composite: improving wear performance through treatment
Published 2011“…The wear test was carried out using a pin-on- disc type tribo-test machine under dry sliding condition. …”
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