Meja kopi modular untuk rumah minimalis moden
Published 2020“…Menurut Harian Metro Online, tanah yang semakin berkurangan menyebabkan unit kediaman sekarang banyak dibina dengan keluasan yang terhad antara 650 hingga 800 kaki persegi (Satibi, 2018). Justeru, pemilihan perabot memainkan peranan penting dalam usaha untuk menampakkan kediaman lebih luas dan selesa (Ismail, 2020).…”
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Book Section -
A study on the benefits of practical training for undergraduate students
Published 2003“…The purpose ofthis study is to find out the students' opinion regarding the benefits ojpractical training If the students find that practical training is beneficial to them, the researchers would like to find Olit in what ways they are beneficial, and ifnot, what are the alternatives…”
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Monograph -
A rare case of monostotic spinal fibrous dysplasia mimicking solitary metastatic lesion of thyroid carcinoma
Published 2016“…A case of a 53-year-old lady who presented with an 8 months history of pain in the thoracic spine region with paraparesis is discussed. She had a history of papillary thyroid carcinoma and had undergone total thyroidectomy one year prior to her current problem. …”
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'Alah' sekolah
Published 2012“…Mulanya kami berpendapat dia berkelakuan demikian disebabkan tidur lewat iaitu antara jam 10 hingga 11 malam. Jika tidur awal pun, dia tetap menangis dan mengamuk untuk tidak ke sekolah. …”
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Religious motives for using facebook among university muslim students
Published 2011“…The specific objectives of this study are: (1) to find out the characteristics of Facebook users among IIUM undergraduate students; (2) to find out the patterns of usage among Facebook users; (3) to find out the religious motive for using Facebook among IIUM undergraduate students; and (4) to find out the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook use among IIUM undergraduate students. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and Implementation of Active Antennas for IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System
Published 2024“…Two dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) microstrip patch antennas, one with a PIN diode and one without, are fabricated using Rogers Duroid RO3003™ substrate. …”
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Article -
Design and Implementation of Active Antennas for IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System
Published 2024“…Two dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) microstrip patch antennas, one with a PIN diode and one without, are fabricated using Rogers Duroid RO3003™ substrate. …”
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Article -
Design and Implementation of Active Antennas for IoT-Based Healthcare Monitoring System
Published 2024“…Two dual-band (2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz) microstrip patch antennas, one with a PIN diode and one without, are fabricated using Rogers Duroid RO3003™ substrate. …”
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Article -
Ajaran sesat, edisi kedua
Published 2009“…Bab pertama membincangkan isu-isu ajaran sesat secara umum di Malaysia dengan memberi keutamaan kepada kes the Unification Church di Korea Selatan dan persamaan isu tersebut dengan kes Ayah Pin di Terengganu. Dalam bab kedua, isu hubungan antara muzik dan dadah dengan ajaran sesat telah dibincangkan dengan menggunakan kes Black Metal dan gejala murtad sebagai kajian kes. …”
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Book -
Sensory-based colour sorting automated robotic cell
Published 2005“…The aim of this research work is to recognize colour by pin point detection and sorting of object specimens with respect to their colour attributes, which includes hue, saturation and luminance level. …”
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Article -
First record of the South American sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus in Bangladesh
Published 2008“…They are characterized by bony plates covering the body, a pair of subterminal barbels, sucking lips, usually a spine in front of the adipose fin, and a flat-bottom body shape (Page and Burr, 1991), and are naturally occurring in a variety of freshwater habitats from sea level to 3000 m, often surviving in conditions that exclude other fishes. …”
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Article -
Bio-inspired snake robot locomotion: a CPG-based control approach
Published 2015“…In line with this concept, an artificial control system is known as Central Pattern Generator (GPG) is an online motion generation system that can be generated instantly like spine based control system. CPG also generates online motion instantly. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kronologi sistem perubatan Islam
Published 2011“…Diantara abad ke 6 hingga abad ke 13, ilmu sains termasuk ilmu perubatan telah berkembang dengan pesat di tanah Arab sejajar dengan perkembangan ugama Islam itu sendiri. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Transformasi perumahan negara
Published 2012“…Dengan pendapatan awal sekitar RM2,500 sebulan, adalah satu keputusan kewangan yang besar untuk memperunukkan antara RM1,000 hingga RM1,500 untuk bayaran pinjaman perumahan saban bulan. …”
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Article -
Kurikulum permata negara: asuhan dan didikan awal kanak-kanak 0-4 tahun, cetakan ketiga
Published 2013“…Pada 24 Oktober 2008, Jemaah Menteri telah meluluskan Dasar Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan yang member penekanan kepada menyediakan pendidikan dan asuhan berkualiti kepada kanak-kanak dari umur lahir hingga 4 tahun. Pernyataan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Dasar Asuhan dan Didikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan 2008 adalah seperti berikut: “Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah suatu usaha yang berterusan ke arah memperkembangkan potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi, dan jasmani berdasarkan kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. …”
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Book -
Pengaruh kompetensi doktor pelatih terhadap pembelajaran perubatan
Published 2019“…Majoriti responden adalah berumur antara 21 hingga 25 tahun dan telah berkahwin. Kajian juga mendapati kesemua kompetensi dan penguasaan pembelajaran perubatan dapat dicapai dengan baik dan tinggi. …”
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Microelectrical mechanical systems switch for designing multi-band antenna
Published 2009“…Parametric done for Alumina, SiN, GaAs and Teflon as MEMS bridge materials for finding better results in terms of return loss and number of bands. …”
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Article -
Signature recognition using artificial neural network
Published 2011“…It might be done by asking a secret question that the user will answer to get into that application, and it might be a password or a pin code, face, eye, fingerprint or signature. Automatic signature verification is an active field of research with many practical applications. …”
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Book Chapter -
Tribological (wear) properties of aluminum–silicon eutectic base alloy under dry sliding condition
Published 2004“…Wear experiments on both samples were conducted with a pin-on-disk type wear testing apparatus. The test variables were the rotational speed, input weight, and time/sliding distance. …”
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