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What Do We Mean When We Write About Ethics, Equity, and Justice in Engineering Design?
Published 2024“…We find that the prevalence of these terms has increased over time and that the terms come up throughout various stages of the design process. …”
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Article -
The Influence of Digital Sketching Tools on Concept Novelty and Evolution
Published 2024“…Additionally, we find no strong differences in overall concept evolution quantities between the two tools, though we see that iPad sketches exhibited more cases of consecutive concept evolution than nonconsecutive whereas paper and pen sketches showed an equal amount of both consecutive and nonconsecutive concept evolution. …”
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Cryptography in the Wild: An Empirical Analysis of Vulnerabilities in Cryptographic Libraries
Published 2024“…In our investigation of the causes of these vulnerabilities, we find evidence of a correlation between the complexity of these libraries and their (in)security, empirically demonstrating the potential risks of bloated cryptographic codebases. …”
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Exploring how socioeconomic status affects neighbourhood environments’ effects on obesity risks: A longitudinal study in Singapore
Published 2024“…We also find that increased access to bus stops was associated with an increase in BMIz of children with lower socioeconomic status, but with a decrease in BMIz of children with higher socioeconomic status, while increased access to rail stations was associated with a decrease in BMIz of children with lower socioeconomic status only. …”
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In Harm's Way? The Effect of Disasters on the Magnitude and Location of Low‐Income Housing Tax Credit Allocations
Published 2024“…These findings suggest that states and housing developers are using the LIHTC program to support disaster recovery by expanding subsidized rental options in disaster‐struck counties and ameliorating risk to low‐income renters by locating those units outside of floodplains.…”
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Looking at the Map, Together: Modeling Treatment Center Location Selection and its Effects on Access to Gene Therapy in Brazil
Published 2024“…Regarding facilitation, we find that quick, low-stakes modeling and joint discussion could allow stakeholders to consider approaches they might not otherwise consider.…”
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Thesis -
Protein spatiotemporal dynamics in gene regulation and disease pathology
Published 2024“…In addition to transcriptional proteins, we find insulin receptors (IRs) are incorporated in dynamic condensates in normal cells to perform metabolic signaling transduction. …”
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Thesis -
An Integrated Vehicle, Payload, and Trajectory Optimization Framework for Highly-Coupled Aircraft Systems
Published 2024“…These design points are then evaluated within the objective space, a hyperspace where each axis corresponds to a different objective, to understand the performance capabilities with respect to each objective and evaluate trade-offs between objectives. Findings from this objective space exploration can then be communicated to the science stakeholder to find the design that is best capable of meeting the identified science mission needs. …”
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Thesis -
Cooperative field localization and excitation eigenmodes in disordered metamaterials
Published 2019“…The methods allow us to calculate local field and Purcell factor enhancement arising from the collective electric and magnetic excitations. We find substantially increased standard deviation of the Purcell enhancement with disorder, making it increasingly likely to find collective excitation eigenmodes with very high Purcell factors that are also stronger for magnetic than electric excitations. …”
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Journal Article -
The effects of online social interactions on life satisfaction of older Chinese adults: new insights based on a longitudinal approach
Published 2023“…Based on a nationally representative sample of around 5200 older adults in China over the period of 2014-2018, we explore the effects of online social interactions (OSIs) on the life satisfaction of older adults. We find that OSIs can improve the levels of life satisfaction of older Chinese adults. …”
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Journal Article -
Do auditors change their individual style? Examining the effects of client importance and competition on auditors' influence on earnings comparability in China
Published 2023“…Using a propensity score match approach, we find evidence of higher earnings comparability between a pair of client firms audited by the same individual auditors. …”
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Journal Article -
Cruise ship industry in Singapore – after COVID and beyond impulsive buying behaviour and influential factors in the cruise package industry
Published 2023“…There is a difference between cruising before and after covid pandemic as people are finding ways to have holidays in a more safe and enjoyable way. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design and development for a mobile-based Co-housing application for MSc students transition
Published 2024“…With the proposed application, it allows foreign students find both apartments and potential roommates simultaneously. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Simulation tests on dehumidifiers for optimal energy usage
Published 2013“…With the development of EnergyPlus program, it has become possible for design engineers to analyse the energy usage of dehumidifiers and find a room size that best fits the dehumidifier with respect to cost savings and water removal. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of a repair service locator Android application
Published 2015“…Users can enter their search using the product brand name or service outlet name, to find the repair service centers and also their locations in Singapore. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sparse machine learning methods for financial signal processing
Published 2017“…Current active research in portfolio optimization is for finding efficient mathematical techniques that solve mean – variance optimization problem efficiently and accurately with less computation burden. …”
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Thesis -
Video surveillance for intelligent transportation system
Published 2019“…Our major contribution is to find a way that is not consuming too many computational powers as machine learning to detect and classify the vehicle. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Petri net-based efficient determination of optimal schedules for transport-dominant single-arm multi-cluster tools
Published 2018“…It is a great challenge to find an optimal one-wafer cyclic schedule for a single-arm multicluster tool that is widely adopted in semiconductor fabrication. …”
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Journal Article -
Feeling disconnected from others : The effects of ambient darkness on hedonic choice
Published 2018“…This research documents a novel effect of ambient lighting on consumer choice. We propose and find that ambient darkness (vs. brightness) can result in consumers feeling disconnected from others. …”
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Journal Article -
Leveling the playing field: the selection and motivation effects of tournament prize spread information
Published 2019“…Thus, the availability of prize spread information produces a separation of employees based on ability. We also find that employees exert more effort when they can select into a tournament than when they are randomly assigned to one (which proxies for an environment where prize spread information is absent). …”
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