Evaluation of bonding strength of some tropical wood species as a function of surface roughness
Published 2012“…Experiments were conducted for Kapur, Meranti and Pine wood to find out the adhesion bonding strength as a function of surface roughness. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sporopollenin-inspired design and synthesis of robust polymeric materials
Published 2024“…Recent investigation of the molecular structure of pine sporopollenin revealed unique monomeric units and inter-unit linkages distinct from other previously known biopolymers, which could be harnessed for new material design. …”
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Article -
Island area and remoteness shape plant and soil bacterial diversity through land use and biological invasion
Published 2023“…However, land use intensity increased with island area which also promoted plant diversity, and loss of pine forest by the pinewood nematode invasion increased with island remoteness which reduced plant diversity. …”
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Journal Article -
Spectroscopic study of emergent electronic phases in transition metal based compounds
Published 2024“…Antiferromagnets with non-relativistic spin splitting are outstanding candidates as the next generation of spintronic materials owing to their electron-volt (eV) scale spin splitting, ultrafast spin dynamics and nearly vanishing stray fields. …”
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Thesis -
Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Plasma Etch Optimization
Published 2024“…Future work includes utilizing the PINN model in a Bayesian framework to facilitate recipe optimization for the desired etch profile.…”
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Thesis -
Organic donor-acceptor cocrystals for multiferroic applications
Published 2021“…The cocrystallization strategy has provided an efficient route to fulfill room temperature magnetoelectricity in single phase owing to the long-range ordered π-π stacking (donor-acceptor assembled) network, long-lived excitons (with μs lifetime), spin orders (±1/2 s pin) and charge transfer (CT) dipoles in the assembled crystal lattice. …”
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Journal Article -
Challenges faced by women in the corporate world
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Perpustakaan UMPSA sebagai Rakan Kolaborasi dalam Pengurusan Penerbitan Ilmiah
Published 2024“…Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Diraja Dr. …”
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Newspaper -
Fabrication of heat sinks by Selective Laser Melting for convective heat transfer applications
Published 2021“…Three heat sinks comprising pin fins of circular, rectangular-rounded and aerofoil geometries were fabricated by SLM from aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg powder. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2016“…Masyarakat Melayu mempunyai persepsi yang tinggi terhadap dawlah Turki Uthmaniah. Persepsi dan kecenderungan ini banyak tercatat dan dikenal pasti dalam karya-karya sastera Melayu tradisional. …”
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Perbandingan pengekspresan antigen kluster pembezaan dalam subjenis tumor dan darah periferi pesakit kanser gaster
Published 2024“…CD29 dan CD73 diekspres dengan tinggi dalam sarkoma gastrointestinal. Perbandingan pengekspresan antigen CD menunjukkan CD11a dan CD49d diekspres sama tinggi dalam darah dan tumor. …”
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Article -
Comparative study of accounting standards between Singapore and the Peoples' Republic of China
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Engineered terahertz emission from spintronic heterostructures: amplitude, phase and chirality
Published 2023“…As such, the photoexcitation leads to ultrafast spin-scattering events in the FM, during which the spins transport from the FM into the adjacent heavy metal(HM) layer to experience an inverse spin Hall effect, producing a transverse charge current and terahertz radiation. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Convective boiling and condensation in enhanced tubes produced by selective laser melting
Published 2018“…The design of the four tubes are five long circumferential pin fins, eight short circumferential pin fins, twisted pin fins and a metallic foam structure. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Dynamics of a magnetic polaron in an antiferromagnet
Published 2024“…We uncover the nuanced dependence of hole and spin deviation dynamics on the spin-spin coupling parameter J, revealing a thermally-activated landscape where hole mobilities and spin deviations exhibit a distinct temperature-dependent relationship. …”
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Journal Article -
A two-dimensional co-rotational Timoshenko beam element with XFEM formulation
Published 2014“…Pin connections and plastic hinges produce non-smooth displacement fields in beam structures. …”
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Journal Article -
Tiga Catatan Perjalanan /
Published 2024“…Kumpulan puisi ini dijadikan teks Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) antara tahun 1992 hingga tahun 1997.…”
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Study of heat transfer through micro-structured surfaces
Published 2016“…Each chip has a different microstructure in the form of very small and elongated pin-fins, which will in turn affect the critical heat flux of each component. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)