Lightpath routing for disaster survivability in optical networks
Published 2023Get full text
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Compact circular polarization filtenna for wireless power transfer applications
Published 2023Get full text
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New Compact Antenna Based on Simplified CRLH-TL for UWB Wireless Communication Systems
Published 2016“…This letter presents the experimental results of a novel planar antenna design which is synthesized using simplified composite left/right-handed transmission-line (SCRLH-TL), which is a version of a conventional composite left/right handed-transmission-lines (CRLH-TL), however, with the omission of shunt-inductance in the unit-cell. …”
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Design and fabrication of a novel wideband tem – cell for dielectric measurements
Published 2011“…The scattering parameters (S-parameters) of the two port line are measured using vector network analyzer. …”
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Comparison of parametric models using right censored data for breast cancer patients
Published 2018“…When analyzing the breast cancer data, all three distributions were shown the consistency of data with the line graph of cumulative hazard function resembles a straight line going through the origin. …”
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Sustainable firm performance of green supply chain management practice at petrochemical industry
Published 2020“…One of the main problem in this industrial development is the green industry standard in line with the energy scarcity due to high demand on the energy within the industrial sector as well as availability of naphtha raw material. …”
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Pembangunan sensor asid borik menggunakan sifat resonans plasmon permukaan setempat nanoplat emas
Published 2014“…Kepekaan penderiaan juga adalah linear dengan kepekatan asid borik dalam julat 0.01 mM sehingga 100 mM.…”
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Analisis keselesaan termal di bangunan fakulti Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Johor
Published 2014“…Di akhir kajian ini menyimpulkan bahawa, kualiti hidup bagi penghuni di bangunan fakulti UTHM berada pada tahap kurang memuaskan dengan julat keselesaan penghuni ialah di antara 21.5°C sehingga 30.2°C. Cadangan penambaikan yang boleh dilaksanakan oleh pihak PPH UTHM ialah mereka bentuk bangunan yang bercirikan kelestarian (bangunan hijau) dan mengaplikasikan teknologi pengudaraan bangunan yang tidak bergantung pada tenaga elektrik semata-mata.…”
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Pembangunan kerangka model metodologi pendakwah dalam proses pengajaran agama kepada orang kelainan upaya (OKU) penglihatan di PERTIS
Published 2021“…Oleh sebab itu, berlaku pengabaian dalam kalangan OKU penglihatan terhadap tanggungjawab agama kerana kurang pengetahuan dan penghayatan agama sehingga mempengaruhi kualiti kehidupan. Kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis proses pelaksanaan dakwah, mengkaji metodologi pendakwah terhadap OKU penglihatan dalam proses pengajaran agama dan meneroka kesan dakwah yang terbentuk dalam kalangan OKU penglihatan di PERTIS. …”
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Penghantaran imej mampat dan selamat secara tanpa wayar untuk sistem pengawasan hidupan liar
Published 2018“…Akhirnya, prototaip pantas penghantaran imej mampat dan selamat secara tanpa wayar untuk sistem pengawasan hidupan liar merangkumi penderia gerakan dan kamera dibangunkan dengan keupayaan mengesan gerakan, menangkap imej dan menghantar tiga (3) resolusi imej berbeza dengan jarak sehingga 60m.…”
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Kualiti persekitaran dalaman dalam mereka bentuk studio lukisan kejuruteraan di sekolah menengah teknik
Published 2019“…Pengkaji mencadangkan beberapa elemen kualiti persekitaran dalaman dalam mereka bentuk studio lukisan kejuruteraan berdasarkan dapatan kajian menggunakan elemen-elemen yang telah dikenalpasti menerusi objektif pertama sehingga ke empat. Dalam konteks kajian ini, cadangan elemen kualiti persekitaran dalaman yang dibangunkan oleh pengkaji diharap dapat membantu pihak berkepentingan dalam meningkatkan kualiti persekitaran dalaman studio lukisan kejuruteraan ke arah yang lebih baik.…”
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Penilaian tahap kualiti perkhidmatan talian jalur lebar di sekolah berasrama penuh oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Published 2019“…Kerajaan telah membekalkan talian jalur lebar kepada semua sekolah di Malaysia untuk memastikan matlamat penggunaan teknologi maklumat dapat digunakan secara meluas. Bagaimana pun sehingga kini kajian yang dilaksanakan untuk menilai tahap prestasi perkhidmatan jalur lebar yang melibatkan pengguna akhir atau guru-guru kurang dilaksanakan. …”
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Penggunaan teknik bio maklumbalas bagi mengukur ciri-ciri disiplin dan tanggungjawab dalam kalangan mahasiswa
Published 2016“…Penyelidikan tentang integriti kebanyakannya menjurus kepada ujian psikometrik dan impak sosial namun begitu permasalahan integriti ini masih berlarutan sehingga kini (Mikulay dan Goffin, 1998). Kajian ini menggunakan teknik bio maklumbalas bagi mengukur elemen integriti dalam diri individu. …”
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Excitation processes in the positive column of electrical discharges in inert gases
Published 1987“…The results indicate that two-step excitation is important for many neon lines. Measurements of emission line profiles have been made using a pressure scanned Fabry-Perot interfermometer. …”
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Holocene environmental change in the Scottish Highlands: multi-proxy evidence from blanket peats
Published 1997“…This thesis seeks to investigate the Holocene environmental history of two areas of Northern Scotland with specific reference to the evidence for pine woodland density variations and tree-line dynamics. The evidence is derived from the biostratigraphy of of peat profiles sampled along altitudinal transects in the two upland areas of Gleann Einich in the Cairngorms (between c.500m OD and 930m OD) and Beinn Dearg in the Northwest Highlands (between c.270m OD and c.600m).…”
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Wideband and multiband antennas for multi-configuration mode applications
Published 2023Get full text
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The relationship between the length of the cupulae of free neuromasts and feeding ability in larvae of the willow shiner Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens (Teleostei, Cyprinidae
Published 1994“…Furthermore, vibrations produced by swimming crustaceans are known to be a potent natural stimulus for the lateral line system in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki (Montgomery and Macdonald, 1987; Montgomery, 1989). …”
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Advanced wideband antenna arrays for 5G millimeter-wave spectrum at K- and Ka-bands
Published 2025“…The first method utilizes a 50 Ω open-ended microstrip-line balun to slot-line transition for effective energy coupling and excitation. …”
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Staff Support Worker perceptions of adolescent patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Published 2019“…It is suggested that support workers, who require little to no formal training and are considered front line staff, provide a significant portion of care to this patient group (Kenward et al., 2001). …”
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An antenna array utilizing slotted conductive slab: inspired by metasurface and defected ground plane techniques for flexible electronics and sensors operating in the millimeter‑wa...
Published 2023“…The antenna array is excited through a single microstrip line. The radiating elements in the array are interconnected to each other with a microstrip line. …”
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