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Closed-loop, variable-valve-timing control of a controlled-auto-ignition engine
Published 2006Get full text
Thesis -
Merge : the hybridization of architecture, infrastructure, and landscape
Published 2007Get full text
Thesis -
会话分析研究 :第三方在多方会话分歧中的角色 = Conversation analysis : third-party’s role during disagreement in a multi-party conversation
Published 2018Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cognitive dynamic airspace management
Published 2019“… • Static state: The formulation of finding sector shapes have been mostly proposed in a single objective optimisation framework. …”
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Thesis -
Bilayer skyrmion dynamics on a magnetic anisotropy gradient
Published 2019“…Furthermore, the analytical model also provides insights into the dynamics of skyrmion pinning and relaxation of asymmetric skyrmion pairs in bilayer-coupled skyrmion systems.…”
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Journal Article -
Ranging-based adaptive navigation for autonomous micro aerial vehicles
Published 2020“…Multiple numerical simulations and real-world experiments on quadcopter MAV in GPS-denied environments are carried out to validate theoretical findings and the efficacy of the proposed estimation-control scheme. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Properties and mechanism of strain and piezoelectricity of hybrid molecular ferroelectrics
Published 2020“…Through systematic characterization, we find Br substitution has obvious softening effect, which leads to faster switching speed, lower switchable temperature and lower coercivity (Ec). …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Synoptic analysis of a decade of daily measurements of SO2 emission in the troposphere from volcanoes of the global ground-based network for observation of volcanic and atmospheric...
Published 2021“…This inventory opens a window into the short-term emission patterns of a diverse set of volcanoes in terms of magma composition, geographical location, magnitude of emission, and style of eruptive activity. We find that passive volcanic degassing is by no means a stationary process in time and that large sub-daily variability is observed in the flux of volcanic gases, which has implications for emission budgets produced using short-term, sporadic observations. …”
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Journal Article -
Energy-efficient hardware accelerators based on bit-serial graph and memory-centric computing architectures
Published 2023“…Conventional von Neumann computers face the challenges of huge energy consumption and high computing power in solving non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness COPs since the time consumed to find solutions grows exponentially as the number of variables increases. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Study of planning and operational aspects of tidal in-stream power generation
Published 2013“…Although the research trend in this area has been gaining momentum in recent years, when searching for similar literature even on a very generic topic such as marine power systems, one still finds very few papers, and even less when the topic is narrowed down to tidal turbines or in-stream generation. …”
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Thesis -
Enhancing network access for highly mobile nodes
Published 2014“…This suggests mobility based clustering can be ineffective in these models. To find an alternative solution for scenarios in which significant group mobility is absent, the author continues to investigate the effectiveness of deploying mobile relays with stable uplinks. …”
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Thesis -
翻译与意识形态的操控 :以 Northanger Abbey 的两个中译本为例 = Ideological manipulation on translation : a study on two translated versions of Northanger Abbey
Published 2014“…The different strategies used by the two translators proved the manipulation of ideology and dominant poetics on translation at different historical times.This thesis will compare the two Chinese versions within the framework of manipulation factors, ideology, poetics and patronage and find out how the ideology and social culture influence the choosing, rewriting and publishing of the texts.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡华语电视剧华人形象研究 = A study of ethnic Chinese images in Singapore Chinese television drama
Published 2020“…Based on collecting, viewing and categorizing the representative TV series of MediaCorp Channel 8, this thesis analyzes the six dimensions in the construction of images of ethnic Chinese: Chinese nationals (Overseas Chinese), Singapore citizens, English education, language dialects, new immigrants from China, and other races in Singapore like Malays and Indian. In terms of the images of Overseas Chinese and Singapore citizens, Singapore Chinese TV dramas have demonstrated the transformation of the identities; before the Second World War, the emphasis was on the establishment of the Overseas Chinese identity; after the independence of Singapore, the attention was on promoting and instilling the identity of Singapore citizens. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
High-voltage IR-UWB pulse generator MMIC design and beamforming for indoor-ranging and radar applications
Published 2020“…In recent times, impulse-radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) systems have gained significant attention for indoor positioning and short-range radar applications due to many of their inherent properties like ultra-fine temporal resolution, non-line-of-sight detection, multipath immunity, low power consumption, low-cost, etc. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Solution-processed lead halide perovskite single crystal scintillators
Published 2021“…Heavy element Pb, low fabrication cost and relatively strong emission make some of perovskite scintillators (like (PEA)2PbBr4 and (BA)2PbBr4 in this thesis) potentially competitive in comparison to current commercial scintillators. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Multi-colony coral skeletal Ba/Ca from Singapore’s turbid urban reefs : relationship with contemporaneous in-situ seawater parameters
Published 2021“…This implies that (1) the incorporation of terrestrially derived humic-like substances into the coral is independent of Ba, and (2) it is likely factors other than freshwater discharge/flood events are driving the poor reproducibility of Ba/Cacoral and disconnect with BaSW at our study sites. …”
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Journal Article -
Atypical DNA methylation, sRNA-size distribution, and female gametogenesis in Utricularia gibba
Published 2021“…Moreover, some key genes involved in the RdDM pathway may not represented by compensatory paralogs or comprise truncated proteins, for example, U. gibba DICER-LIKE 3 (DCL3), encoding a DICER endonuclease that produces 24-nt small-interfering RNAs, has lost key domains required for complete function. …”
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Journal Article -
Coacervates derived from mussel foot proteins
Published 2022“…Pvfp-5-Dopa could form coacervate microdroplets under seawater conditions, while Pvfp-5-Tyr could only form gel-like precipitates. Further characterization results using periodate oxidation, NMR and QC calculation found that Dopa residues could form a transient triangular hydrogen bonding network which is specific for Pvfp-5-Dopa. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy