Black Workers and BME networks organising against racism in the NHS workplace
Published 2018“…The concept ‘racial capitalism’ is also linked to race and class theories of Black self-organised resistance to racism in the UK context. …”
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Expression of soluble active fluorescently tagged hephaestin in COS and CHO cell lines
Published 2020“…Hp was originally identified as the gene responsible for the phenotype of sex-linked anaemia in the sla mouse. The mutation in the sla protein causes accumulation of dietary iron in duodenal cells, causing severe microcytic hypochromic anaemia. …”
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Effects of parenting experiences and early maladaptive schemas on adjustment to atopic dermatitis
Published 2014“…Results suggest that: a) people with an early and a late onset of atopic dermatitis were presented with a certain schematic profile that differentiated them from participants in the control groups; b) a certain pattern of early parenting experiences was linked to the development of this schematic profile and c) this schematic profile predicted high levels of dysfunctional coping and difficulties in adjustment. …”
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The crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Alkylhydroperoxidase AhpD, a potential target for antitubercular drug design
Published 2002“…The resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to isoniazid is commonly linked to inactivation of a catalase-peroxidase, KatG, that converts isoniazid to its biologically active form. …”
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Algerian immigrants in London (United Kingdom) and Valencia (Spain): towards a new migration and labour model?
Published 2013“…During the last two decades, one of the most important changes in the geography of Algerian migration has been its gradual spread to some "new" contexts, that can be located differently in a spectrum of various characteristics, such as geographical location, historical-cultural links, existence of networks, and profiles of Algerian migrants, among others. …”
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The publishing industry, the ideological framework and foreign aid in Tanzania
Published 1995“…The study argues that Tanzania's post-colonial development attempts and those after SAP have been linked with initiatives and active participation of institutions in foreign aid allocation as well as the development of policy formulation, despite the policy of socialism and self-reliance. …”
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Pauper education in Victorian England: organisation and administration within the new poor law 1834-1880
Published 1993“…Pauper schooling involved central supervision, inspection and local management and was inextricably linked with Poor Law strategies to depauperise and to administer strict relief policies. …”
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Assessing the challenge of policing animal rights extremism in the UK and the changing impact on community safety and human rights in the period 2004-2010
Published 2012“…The results show that animal rights activism and linked extremism has been effectively brought under control but collectively 'protest law' has been altered. …”
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C2 by-pass: cross-talk between the complement classical and alternative pathways
Published 2022“…Deficiencies of classical pathway (CP) components are generally linked to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or SLE-like syndromes. …”
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The importance of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for fetal immune system maturation and function
Published 2007“…Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) are important structural components in the cell membrane and a deficiency in these fatty acids have been linked to clinical complications. In addition, omega 3 and omega 6 LCPUFAs are biologically active substrates for the synthesis of regulators of inflammatory processes. …”
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The role of prostate cancer microvesicles in epithelial mesenchymal transition
Published 2019“…Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) has been linked to malignancy in many carcinomas of epithelial origin. …”
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An exploration of adult third culture kids’ experience of transitioning to the UK between the ages of 10 and 17: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2023“…Research on TCK’s suggests that their migratory experience(s) can be linked to challenges with identity development, a lack of belonging and others. …”
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Ex vivo analysis of the association of GFP-expressing L. aethiopica and L. mexicana with human peripheral blood-derived (PBD) leukocytes over 24 hours
Published 2024“…In mice models, the disease development or resolution is linked to T cell responses involving inflammatory cytokines and the activation of macrophages with the M1/M2 phenotype. …”
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A multi-targeted approach of garcinol for obesity intervention: Mechanistic insights and possible clinical applications
Published 2024“…While hydroxycitric acid (HCA) has been linked to the anti-obesity effects of certain Garcinia fruits, recent research emphasizes the role of garcinol, either alone or in combination, in mediating these effects. …”
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Effects of titanate coupling agent on engineering properties of asphalt binders and mixtures incorporating LLDPE-CaCO3 Pellet
Published 2018“…The coupling agent was used to enhance the cross-linking between materials by means of winding up covalent bonds or molecule chains, thus improving the performance of composites. …”
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Analysing method for acoustic emission clustering system on reinforced concrete beam
Published 2018“…The need for effective data analysis in the clustering system can be linked to three main objectives in this research; (1) to determine the type of failure on reinforced concrete beams through the AE system; (2) to identify and discriminate the AE data parameters via crack classification (tensile and shear movement); (3) to verify the crack classification of Rise Amplitude (RA) clustering by using the NI LabVIEW clustering algorithm. …”
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Blue ocean strategy on service quality in Islamic Banking Sector in Johor
Published 2019“…With more studies conducted on the quality of service related to customer satisfaction, little or no research exists in linking the values of Islamic services to competitive advantage. …”
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Antibacterial properties of selected mangrove plants against vibrio species and its cytotoxicity against artemia salina
Published 2013“…Minimum inhibitory concentration test (MIC) and cytotoxicity (LC50) test using Artemia salina as a test animal in sterile ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) microplates showed the significant antimicrobial properties of methanolic extract of S. caesolaris. …”
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Ant 4,4, a polyamine-anthracene conjugate, induces cell death and recovery in human promyelogenous leukemia cells (HL-60)
Published 2013“…Thus, the PTS can be used to transport compounds linked to polyamines selectively to cancer cells. …”
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War crimes and the downing of Malaysian airliner MH-17
Published 2015“…It examines whether the conflict in Ukraine amounts to an international armed conflict under international humanitarian law (IHL) which can be linked with the downing of MH 17. The article further examines the probable responsibility and jurisdictional problems to be faced in prosecuting the crime of shooting down MH 17 and the possible claims for compensation to the victims’ family. …”
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