Evolution of humanoid robot and contribution of various countries in advancing the research and development of the platform
Published 2010“…A human like autonomous robot which is capable to adapt itself with the changing of its environment and continue to reach its goal is considered as Humanoid Robot. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Risk management policies of telecommunication and engineering laboratories
Published 2016“…The Telecommunication laboratories plays an important role in carrying out research in the different fields like Telecommunication, Information Technology, Wireless Sensor Networks, Mobile Networks and many others fields. …”
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Article -
Investigation of the pH effect in hydrothermal growth of zinc oxide nanostructures
Published 2020“…Various ZnO structures of neuron-like, flowerlike, and urchin-like morphologies were obtained at alkaline pH (~8.00 to ~9.00) while for pH solution lower than ~8.00, rod-like nanostructures were obtained. …”
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Article -
Sustainable concrete partially comprised of supplementary cementitious material and alternative fine aggregate- a review
Published 2021“…Furthermore, the high consumption of raw materials like sand in the construction sector led to a massive depletion in natural sources to meet the pressure demand in the future. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Emerging East Asia sukuk market: human development and growth indicators
Published 2019“…Using Japan and Singapore as the benchmark country, the analysis suggest that most countries are most likely to converge to Japan. Therefore, Japanese economic policies could be the barometer for Emerging East Asia sukuk market.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Estimating the bias in meta analysis estimates for continuous data with non-random missing study variance
Published 2010“…In meta analysis, this is more likely to occur in studies which carry larger variances. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Foreword Chairman 1 ICUDBE 2015
Published 2015“…I would like to express my appreciation to all of our guests, presenter and participants for sparing some time despite of the busy schedule to be part of this meaningful event. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
University of the future: a conceptual model of university of the future
Published 2016“…The finding of the study shows that student would like to have quality knowledge with they apply it into real life.…”
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Article -
تطبيق الأنالاتيكس لإدارة الدراسات الإسلامية الجامعية وتقييمها وتطويرها: دراسة تأصيلية تحليلية = Applying analytics in the management, assessment, and development of tertiary Islami...
Published 2015“…The paper presents models for the application of analytics and explains the Qur’anic view on its positive application in the context of Islamic studies. Analitik adalah sains yang mengizinkan komputer untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang diambil dari analisis sistematik data. …”
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Article -
Begum Hasina: Joy Bangla
Published 2010“…SHEIKH Hasina perdana menteri Bangladesh dan anak Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,pembentuk Bangladesh.Hasina mengerti bahawa sebagai ahli politik Bangladesh,bukanlah hal mudah seperti dia menjadi isteri ahli sains.Memang banyak lelaki yang jengkel terhadapnya termasuk lelaki yang lupa akan sejarah kehebatan wanita Bangladesh.Sejak lama,kehebatan Behula dan Lalmon sebagai pahlawan menjadi sebutan rakyat.Pada tahun 1905,Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain memerikan impiannya untuk mewujudkan Ladyland,"negara perempuan" di Bangladesh.Dalam satira itu,wanita menjadi penguasa negara.Bagi Hasina,dia bukannya mahu menjadi ahli politik.Sepatutnya Sheikh Kamal,saudara lelakinya,memikul tugas meneruskan kerja politik Sheikh Mujibur Rahman melalui Parti Liga Awami yang sejak mula didukung oleh rakyat…”
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Article -
Muslihat haramkan Ikhwanul Muslimim
Published 2013“…Kebanyakan ahlinya adalah graduan dalam bidang sains dan jurutera. Apabila Mohamed Mursi dilantik menjadi Presiden Mesir, beliau bukan sahaja berhadapan dengan penentangan daripada pihak Mubarak malah menghadapi permasalahan dengan pergerakan radikal Islam Mesir dalam menentukan dasar dan polisi negara.…”
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Article -
العربية لأعراض أكادمية: دراسة تحليلية لاحتياجات الدارسين
Published 2018Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Preservation and the restoration of mental health from the Qur'anic perspective
Published 2015Get full text
Book Chapter -
Cystic meningioma masquerading as a metastatic tumor: A case report
Published 2016Get full text
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Article -
االأسئلة الموجهة للنبي(ص) والإجابة عنها بوصفها نماذج لفتواه
Published 2016Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
A study on burden among caregivers of stroke patients
Published 2016“…This study was carried out to determine the level of burden among caregivers of Stroke patients attending Hospital University Sains Malaysia in Kelantan and to evaluate the possible risk factors associated with those with a burden.…”
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