Genomic diversity and virulence genes characterization of Bacillus cereus sensu lato isolated from processing equipment of an Algerian dairy plant
Published 2023“…The identity of the isolated strains was confirmed as B. cereus sensu lato and the sequencing of the panC gene clustered 64.7% of them in phylogenetic group III and 35.3% in group IV. …”
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Choreographics of square [London]
Published 2023“…In the video series 'Choreographics of Square' (2023), static shots focus on the movement and behaviour of people across three metropolitan squares as chosen case studies: Trafalgar Square in London, Piazza San Marco in Venice and Federation Square in Melbourne. …”
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Video -
Buletin Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan Edisi 1/2021
Published 2021“…SarjanaSainsKejuruteraanTenagaLestari(MDL)merupakanprogrampascasiswazahterbaharuFakultiKejuruteraanMekanikaldanPembuatan(FKMP)dibangunkanuntukmemenuhikeperluantenagapakardalambidangtenaga,terutamanyaberkaitankecekapantenaga,tenagabolehdiperbaharuidanpengurusantenaga.PrograminitelahmendapatsokongandankerjasamadaripadapihakKementerianTenagadanSumberAsli(KeTSA)danSuruhanjayaTenaga(ST),dimanasebagainilaitambah,graduanbagiprogramyangmengikutipengkhususanPengurusandanKecekapanTenagalayakdiiktirafsebagaiPengurusTenagaElektrikBerdaftar(REEM).…”
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Bulletin -
Young Europeans: a new political generation?
Published 2018“…Human rights issues raised concerned their perception of contemporary injustices, which were constructed as European values and formed a significant element in their self-identification as Europeans, and a general unwillingness to be identified with ‘the nation’. This broad pan-European analysis suggests that young people see themselves in many ways as a politically distinct cohort, a generation with different political values than those of their parents and grandparents.…”
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Article -
Temporary architecture as a contemporary typology for place making
Published 2016Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Vibration behaviour of pre-stressed precast hollow core floor with concrete topping thickness and boundary condition
Published 2020“…In the current design, the usage of lightweight and long-span precast, which is renowned in construction, is prone to the floor serviceability issue, especially in floor vibration. …”
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Thesis -
Flora dan fauna dalam mitos Suku Kaum Jakun, Kampung Peta, Mersing, Johor
Published 2019“…Namun jika diteliti dan dikaitkan dengan sains tabii ternyata setiap mitos mempunyai maksudnya tersendiri. …”
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Thesis -
Data ingestion pipeline and data marts to empower UK researchers, academics, and business and economic decision makers
Published 2021Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Natural frequencies evaluation on existing reinforced concrete bridges using microtremor testing
Published 2019“…The bridge with longer span length had a lower frequency value compared to the one with shorter span. …”
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Thesis -
Mediation and empowering older people to resolve interpersonal conflicts leading to elder abuse and contribute to its prevention: an exploratory study
Published 2000“…The triangulated methodology includes participant observation of mediation with older people in Atlanta, Kansas and San Francisco in America, where it was first established, ethnographic studies of the work of the British Elder Mediation Project (EMP for Empowerment), and a video survey researching relevant British social attitudes to mediation. …”
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Thesis -
The role of PADs in the biogenesis of prostate cancer microvesicles which play a dysfunctional role on DC biology and the therapeutic potential of skeletal muscle microvesicles on...
Published 2014“…Inhibiting the enzyme with pan-PAD inhibitor chloramidine, abrogated the deimination of cytoskeletal actins as well as reduced the release of MVs. …”
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Thesis -
Potensi pelajar dalam kegiatan kokurikulum di Kolej Vokasional, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan dan Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Negeri Johor
Published 2019“…Seramai 189 guru dan 419 pelajar dari KV Kluang dan KV Batu Pahat, 280 guru dan 632 pelajar dari SMK Senggarang, SMK Dato’ Bentara Luar dan SMK Tun Ismail serta 95 guru dan 298 pelajar dari SM Sains Batu Pahat dan SM Sains Muar telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. …”
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Thesis -
Irrigation of acacia and eucalyptus species with waters of different salinities in a semi-arid environment in Formentera, Balearic Islands
Published 1997“…Irrigation volume and frequency were calculated by evaporation pan and tensiometer balance. No allowance other than winter rainfall (approximately 300mm) was made for leaching. …”
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Thesis -
A study on thermal conductivity of six unexplored Nigerian clays for possible refractory and insulating materials
Published 2017“…Six clay deposit locations in Nigeria were selected namely Kpata, Riyom, Gombe, Aloji, Barkin-lade and Quan’pan. The samples were obtained through a two meters depth excavation method. …”
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Thesis -
Pembelajaran teradun dalam kalangan pelajar UTHM
Published 2020“…Dasar e-Pembelajaran Negara (DePAN) adalah kesinambungan daripada kajian semula PSPTN pada tahun 2007-2020 serta penyelarasan PPPM (Prasekolah hingga Pendidikan Lepas Menengah) pada tahun 2013-2025, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan memartabatkan sistem pendidikan tinggi negara. …”
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Book Section -
Preliminary assessment of salvadora persica whitening effects on extracted stained teeth
Published 2017“…After brushing under standardized condition using a brushing simulator machine, it was found that the staining of teeth buccal surface was reduced at least one tone of shade according to the VitaPan® shade.…”
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