Extending adjuvant endocrine therapy for 10 years: a mixed-methods analysis of women’s decision making in an online breast cancer forum
Published 2021“…A mixed-methods exploratory sequential design was used, with a qualitative analysis of text (n = 61 individuals) informing the development of a quantitative instrument to statistically analyse the prevalence of the findings (n = 130). Our findings identified three different groups of women who had to make decisions regarding persistence with treatment: those about to complete 5 years of therapy, those who decided to extend treatment, and those who were initially prescribed 10 years. …”
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New fuzzy preference relations and its application in group decision making
Published 2009“…Decision making preferences to certain criteriabusually focus on positive degrees without considering the negative degrees. However, in real life situation, evaluation becomes morebcomprehensive if negative degrees are considered concurrently. …”
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Intellectual cultivation: Quranic perspective in light of Surat Al-Kahf
Published 2019“…The study shows that the believer is distinguished with a clear awareness, thought, and vision of the reality of life and its occurrences. The research will also discuss the role of reflection and other spiritual practices such as Dhikr (remembering Allah), khalwa (meditating in solitude), shukr (gratitude) in the enhancement of our intellectuality and spiritual awareness.…”
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Chemoreception and vertical movement in planktonic yolk-sac larvae of red sea bream Pagrus major
Published 1991“…The capability of planktonic yolk-sac larvae of red sea bream Pagrus major in detecting food was examined in the laboratory to ascertain basic knowledge on the early life history of this marine fish. After infrequent vertical burst swimming followed by slight rising or sinking, the larvae remained motionless within thin layers of concentrated food extract (rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis). …”
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An order to transfer the matrimonial home absolutely to one party after a divorce under the Malaysian law: is it just and equitable?
Published 2007“…A matrimonial home occupies a very important place in one married life. Not only it becoming more common for the family to buy their own house, but in many cases the matrimonial home is the most substantial assets of the spouse. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Surface temperature distribution in a composite brake rotor
Published 2011“…It is believed from the study that composite brake rotor influences the temperature distribution and heat dissipation rate which could prevent excessive temperature rise and subsequently prolong the service life of the rotor. The finite element method is cost effective and also assists the automotive industry in producing optimised an…”
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Non-muslims, Islam and muslims in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The Malaysian political system is based upon a 'power sharing' formula whereby the ethnic communities form a grand coalition to rule and respect each other's way of life. Theories of interethnic relations usually focus on how state authority enables credible commitments to interethnic political bargains ensuring interethnic cooperation. …”
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The cultural and legal perspectives on wife battering in Malaysia
Published 2009“…It is also deeply embedded in all cultures, so much so that millions of women consider it as a way of life. This article seeks to examine the cultural and legal perspectives on wife battering in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Rise of the Seljuqs and their State in Central Asia
Published 2012“…It traces the rise of the Seljuqs from a minor branch of a Turkic tribe through their incorporation into the fabric of the dwindling Samanid province, then the various manoeuvresand struggles that took place between them and rival Turkic peoples – the Ghaznavids and the Qarakhanids and the various wars for supremacy in Khurasan. It then charts the life and campaigns of Sultan Jalaluddin Malikshah, Sultan Rukn Al-Dunya Tughril Beg, relations with the Abbasid Caliphs (including marriage), the accession of Sultan Alp Arslan, campaigns against the Byzantnies, along with numerous intra-Seljuq wars of succession and rebellions, and the important role of the vizier Nizamul Mulk. …”
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Urban forest protection from the perspective of environmental law in Malaysia: issues and challenges
Published 2009“…Within a society, ongoing urbanisation can lead to the increasing importance of urban green spaces as contributors to the quality of the urban environment and urban life globally. Forest and tree resources are known to have a wide range of socio-cultural, economic and environmental values. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preheating in end milling of AISI D2 hardened steel with coated carbide inserts
Published 2010“…Preheating of the work material to a higher temperature range resulted in a noticeable reduction in tool wear rate leading to a longer tool life. In addition, improved surface finish was obtained with surface roughness values lower than 0.4 um, leaving a possibility of skipping the grinding and polishing operations for certain applications. …”
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Design and development of a hand-glove controlled wheel chair
Published 2011“…Wheelchairs are a way of reincarnating the purpose of life in the lives of disabled people. Effective and efficient ways of delivering a cost-effective and affordable wheelchair to the common masses, which is not only at par with the present day technology, but is much easier to use are presented herewith. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Surface temperature distribution in a composite brake rotor
Published 2011“…It is believed from the study that composite brake rotor influences the temperature distribution and heat dissipation rate which could prevent excessive temperature rise and subsequently prolong the service life of the rotor. The finite element method is cost effective and also assists the automotive industry in producing optimised and effective brake rotor for thermal distribution analysis.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
CSR and marketing : two sides of the same coin
Published 2010“…The World Business Council for Sustainable Development elucidate CSR as the continuing devoir by business to demean oneself ethically and confer to economic progression while meliorate the preeminence of life of the workforce and their lineage as well as insular community and society at large. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Weighing human dignity and cloning from ethical and Islamic perspectives
Published 2006“…As a result of the expansion of scientific andtechnological innovations, bioethics as a field of study in the hierarchy of disciplines has emerged; it raises questions on human life, death, dignity, creativity, role of God in human innovation and moral values. …”
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Facilitating student engagement with academic writing : review of an online resource in a widening participation context
Published 2009“…This paper reviews the ‘Write to Learn’ (W2L) resource that was produced by collaboration between academic, learning development and learning technology staff to support students in their real-life situations - with their actual academic writing tasks.…”
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An Ontological Approach to Model Software Quality Assurance Knowledge Domain
Published 2016“…The ultimate goal was to develop an ontology that faithfully models the SQA discipline as practiced in the software development life cycle.…”
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The Calcio Storico in Florence: agonistic ritual and the space of civic order - Italy
Published 2018“…Although this particular competition emerged alongside the retreat of feudal and communal power in the thirteenth century, it continues to be fought between the historic districts of the city and because it continues reveal the conflict, violence, and disorder that often exists at the heart of democratic, agonistic institutions, and it retains some relevance to contemporary Florentine civic life. Over time the game has often been adapted and co-opted to reflect the representational requirements necessary for the ruling order but in this process of change many aspects of the game have remained resistant to political manipulation. …”
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Book Section -
Towards understanding and improving the process of small group collaborative learning in software engineering education
Published 2006“…The research portfolio supporting the submission specifically deals with a number of background studies (the establishment of an optimal software life cycle process model for teaching software engineering in the small group collaborative setting) leading to the development of an appropriate pedagogical approach for underpinning small group learning, understanding the type of learning interaction that was taking place within such small group learning, and finally, the development of appropriate methods for analysing collaborative small group learning in software engineering education. …”
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