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15.975 Special Seminar in Management The Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans, January IAP 2005
Published 2005“…Because some of the speakers will be judges of the MIT $50K Entrepreneurship Competition, persons who are planning to enter the Competition should find the course particularly useful. Historically, the number of students taking the course is 250+, divided approximately 50/50 between Scientist/Engineers and Sloan students.…”
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Learning Object -
Modelling the impact of testing, contact tracing and household quarantine on second waves of COVID-19
Published 2021“…Here we integrate anonymized, geolocalized mobility data with census and demographic data to build a detailed agent-based model of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission in the Boston metropolitan area. We find that a period of strict social distancing followed by a robust level of testing, contact-tracing and household quarantine could keep the disease within the capacity of the healthcare system while enabling the reopening of economic activities. …”
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A partial knowledge of friends of friends speeds social search
Published 2022“…Later research showed that social network topology enables a node aware of its full routing to find an arbitrary target in even fewer steps. Yet, the success of people in forwarding efficiently knowing only personal connections is still not fully explained. …”
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Online Measurement for Parameter Discovery in Fused Filament Fabrication
Published 2024“…Our method allows us to successfully find process parameters, using one set of input parameters, across all of the machine and material configurations that we tested, even in materials that we had never printed before. …”
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All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds around spinning black holes in LIGO O3 data
Published 2024“…Outliers from this search are followed up using two different methods, one more suitable for nearly monochromatic signals, and the other more robust towards frequency fluctuations. We do not find any evidence for such signals and set upper limits on the signal strain amplitude, the most stringent being ≈ 10 − 25 at around 130 Hz. …”
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Self-ejection of salts and other foulants from superhydrophobic surfaces to enable sustainable anti-fouling
Published 2024“…Counterintuitively, we find that the addition of “contaminant” chemistries can enable ejection under conditions where ejection was not observed for waters containing only sodium chloride salt (e.g., from smooth hydrophobic surfaces), and that increased concentrations of both surfactants and colloids lead to longer ejection lengths. …”
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Electrostatic dust removal using adsorbed moisture–assisted charge induction for sustainable operation of solar panels
Published 2024“…Here, we present a waterless approach for dust removal from solar panels using electrostatic induction. We find that dust particles, despite primarily consisting of insulating silica, can be electrostatically repelled from electrodes due to charge induction assisted by adsorbed moisture. …”
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On the intermediate Jacobian of M5-branes
Published 2024“…We check our conjecture in a number of explicit examples and find perfect agreement with the results of direct computations.…”
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The new physics case for beam-dump experiments with accelerated muon beams
Published 2024“…We demonstrate the utility of muon beam-dump experiments for new physics searches at energies from 10 GeV to 5 TeV. We find that, even at low energies like those accessible at staging or demonstrator facilities, it is possible to probe new regions of parameter space for a variety of generic BSM models, including muonphilic, leptophilic, Lμ − Lτ, and dark photon scenarios. …”
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Constructing Convex Inner Approximations of Steady-State Security Regions
Published 2024“…The shape of the polytope is adapted to find the largest approximation of the steady-state security region. …”
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Spatial optimization of circular timber hubs
Published 2024“…In this paper, we use the supply and demand of timber construction materials in Amsterdam as a case study to find the optimal scale and location for construction hubs. …”
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Subregion independence in gravity
Published 2024“…In this paper, we give a natural definition of subsystem independence and gravitational dressing of perturbations in classical gravity. We find that extremal surfaces, non-perturbative lumps of matter, and generic trapped surfaces are structures that enable dressing and subregion independence. …”
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Efficient Segment Anything on the Edge
Published 2024“…GazeSAM uses face and gaze detection to determine the direction of a user's gaze, object detection to find candidate objects of interest, depth estimation to perform background detection, and image segmentation to generate masks. …”
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Thesis -
Moving Sculptures: Animating the Human Body in Stop-Motion WithPolymer Clay
Published 2024“…The motivation for this study is to find a way to bring sculptures to life in a way that does not sacrifice attention to detail. …”
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Thesis -
Dynamic event-triggered integrated task and motion planning for process-aware source seeking
Published 2024“…The process-aware source seeking (PASS) problem in flow fields aims to find an informative trajectory to reach an unknown source location while taking the energy consumption in the flow fields into consideration. …”
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Optimum Model-Based Design of Diagnostics Experiments (DOE) with Hybrid Pulse Power Characterization (HPPC) for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Published 2024“…Contrary to traditional HPPC diagnostics which use fixed pulse magnitudes at uniformly distributed state of charges (SOC), we find that well-designed HPPC protocols using our framework outperform traditional protocols in terms of minimizing both parametric uncertainties and diagnostic time. …”
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Sororin actively maintains sister chromatid cohesion
Published 2024“…We further show that the acetyltransferases ESCO1 and ESCO2 are essential for stabilizing cohesin on chromatin, that their only function in this process is to acetylate cohesin's SMC3 subunit, and that DNA replication is also required for stable cohesin–chromatin interactions. Unexpectedly, we find that sororin interacts dynamically with the cohesin complexes it stabilizes. …”
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