Group of five people holding a picture
Published 1984“…Presented to the Irish Centre, London, by B+I Line, 3 February 1984'. Photographer unknown.…”
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Photograph -
A study of microwave induced plasmas
Published 1987“…Two 'analytical' MIP's incorporating sample aerosol introduction have been used with the slab-line cavity. One being supported on an argon flowrate of 0.1 1 min-1 using a Babing!…”
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Thesis -
The carrier's liability under international maritime conventions (The Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg rules)
Published 1999“…They with different texts and legislative styles have become the main reason for lack of uniformity in the field of the carriage of goods by sea today. …”
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Thesis -
Molecular responses of iron regulatory proteins to iron overload in human liver
Published 2006“…Hepcidin has recently been dubbed as the main regulator of dietary iron absorption and levels of the transcript in the liver of HH patients failed to respond to the extent of the iron burden, pointing to a central role of this molecule in the aetiology of this disorder.…”
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Thesis -
High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with a wide notched-band
Published 2015“…The proposed filter structure is composed of a U-shaped open-circuited line that is interdigitally coupled to the input/output feed-lines using high impedance lines. …”
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Article -
A pilot study on peptidylarginine deiminases and protein deimination in animal cancers across vertebrate species
Published 2022“…Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that CitH3 was strongly detected in all of the cancers assessed, while pan-deimination detection was overall low. Both PAD2 and PAD3 were the most predominantly expressed PADs across all of the cancers assessed, while PAD1, PAD4, and PAD6 were overall expressed at lower, albeit varying, levels. …”
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Article -
Poverty, growth, inequality and pro-poor factors: new evidence from macro data
Published 2016“…In particular, the System Generalised Method of Moments estimator is employed to estimate the intertwined relation between poverty, growth, inequality and pro-poor policies on an original unbalanced panel dataset, built from World Bank – PovcalNet data, which comprises 109 developing countries, observed between 1981 and 2008. Our main results are in line with the existing literature. …”
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Article -
O flower of earth and heaven
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Ephemera -
My youth and love...
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Ephemera -
Cancer control and prevention in Argentina
Published 2019“…From the 1920s to the early 1980s, three distinct periods can be identified: first, an institutional approach, where the first cancer institute attempted to concentrate all the activities related to the control of cancer, that is, lay education, scientific research, diagnosis and treatment, patients’ support, and cancer statistics; second, a state approach, inaugurated by the arrival of Juan Domingo Perón to government, where the centralization of cancer initiatives became a state affair; and third, a long period characterized by the retirement of the state—marked by political unrest and a succession of military governments until the return of democracy in 1983—informed by decentralizing policies, the prominent role of civil society actors, such as voluntary organizations and medical societies, and the relative sway of the Pan American Health Organization. Throughout these three periods, all these actors played a role, and their ambivalent relationship and, often poor, interaction shaped the country’s efforts to control and prevent a disease that, since the 1940s, has steadily occupied the second cause of death. …”
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Book Section -
I woke and said in my joy...
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Ephemera -
Multiband planar antennas for broadband wireless systems
Published 2017“…Pure LH transmission lines cannot be implemented due to the existence of RH parasitic effects that occur naturally in practical LH transmission lines. …”
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Book Section -
Wideband sub-6 GHz self-grounded bow-tie antenna with new feeding mechanism for 5G communication systems
Published 2019“…The antenna consists of two petal shaped metal structures that are interconnected to each other with a microstrip line. The petals are anchored on a common ground-plane. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Synergistic effect of 5-fluorouracil and the small molecule Wnt/β-catenin inhibitor iCRT3 on Caco-2 colorectal cancer cells in vitro
Published 2025“…In this study, the cytotoxic effects of 5-FU and iCRT3 were investigated using the Caco-2 colon adenocarcinoma cell line, marking the first investigation of their combined effects. …”
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