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Structure and dynamics of magnetic domain walls in multi-sublattice magnetic oxides
Published 2024“…Spintronics is a study that lies at the intersection of magnetics and electronics, which makes use of the electron spin in solid-state devices for data storage and manipulation. …”
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Thesis -
That's Not How We Do It Here! : A Story About How Organizations Rise, Fall - and Can Rise Again /
Published 2016“…As things keep getting worse, the har­mony of the clan is shattered. The executive team quarrels about possible solutions, and sugges­tions from frontline workers face a soul-crushing response: "That's not how we do it here!" …”
Bilayer skyrmion dynamics on a magnetic anisotropy gradient
Published 2019“…Magnetic skyrmion transport has been primarily based on the use of spin torques which require high current densities and face performance deterioration associated with Joule heating. …”
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Spectroscopic study of emergent electronic phases in transition metal based compounds
Published 2024“…Antiferromagnets with non-relativistic spin splitting are outstanding candidates as the next generation of spintronic materials owing to their electron-volt (eV) scale spin splitting, ultrafast spin dynamics and nearly vanishing stray fields. …”
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Thesis -
Dynamics of a magnetic polaron in an antiferromagnet
Published 2024“…We uncover the nuanced dependence of hole and spin deviation dynamics on the spin-spin coupling parameter J, revealing a thermally-activated landscape where hole mobilities and spin deviations exhibit a distinct temperature-dependent relationship. …”
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Journal Article -
Exploring the stability and dynamics of nanobubbles
Published 2017“…These nanobubbles appear not to be stabilised by the line pinning or oversaturation that sustain surface nanobubbles. …”
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Thesis -
For you, I dance = 為你而舞.
Published 2013“…Miao Tai Tai notices his timid and shy disposition as well as his subtle inclination to dancing. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Influence of the exchange symmetry beyond the exclusion principle
Published 2016“…In particular, we <em>analytically</em> study the (quasi-)pinning effect which corresponds to a saturation of the GPCs and imposes structural simplifications on the <em>N</em>-fermion state. …”
Thesis -
Effect of dopant solubility and excess doping on the superconducting properties of doped Nb3Sn prepared by field assisted sintering technique
Published 2024“…The Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> particles was also considered as a possible cause of pinning down of grain boundaries in addition to NbO leading to grain refinement through Zener pinning. …”
Journal article -
Nonreciprocal phenomena in superconductivity
Published 2024“…Spin polarons have large effective mass and are spin 3/2 quasiparticles. …”
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Tailoring atomic chemistry to refine reaction pathway for the most enhancement by magnetization in water oxidation
Published 2024“…Water oxidation on magnetic catalysts has generated significant interest due to the spin-polarization effect. Recent studies have revealed that the disappearance of magnetic domain wall upon magnetization is responsible for the observed oxygen evolution reaction (OER) enhancement. …”
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Journal Article -
'A poem in leaden hexameters': on rehabilitating Dorotheus’ Carmen Astrologicum
Published 2024“…Dorotheus engineered his poem to convey technicalities in a minimally offputting and maximally engaging way. He does not fight shy of specialist terms and concepts, but makes them easy for the reader to process. …”
Conference item -
SU(3) topological insulators in the honeycomb lattice
Published 2019“…We investigate realizations of topological insulators with spin-1 bosons loaded in a honeycomb optical lattice and subjected to a SU ( 3 ) spin-orbit coupling—a situation which can be realized experimentally using cold atomic gases. …”
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Journal Article -
Optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses on the role of magnetic ions in colloidal nanocrystals
Published 2024“…Incorporating magnetic ions into semiconductor nanocrystals has emerged as a prominent research field for manipulating spin-related properties. The magnetic ions within the host semiconductor experience spin-exchange interactions with photogenerated carriers and are often involved in the recombination routes, stimulating special magneto-optical effects. …”
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Ferromagnetic interlayer coupling in FeSe1−xSx superconductors revealed by inelastic neutron scattering
Published 2024“…The weak interlayer coupling is estimated to be Jc∼ 0.2 meV, in agreement with the short spin-spin correlation length ζc∼0.2c along the c axis. …”
Journal article -
Semiconductor oxide for gas sensing applications
Published 2010“…Surface morphology of the spin-coated composite films was studied using SEM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Numerical study of trapped vortex combustors characteristics in small ramjets
Published 2016“…Under some circumstances, the TVC may operate in a high-spinning motion. For example when it is installed in a spin-stabilized ramjet projectile, in which the spinning rate can be as high as 30,000 rpm. …”
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Thesis -
Compositional dependence of spintronic properties in Pt/GdCo films
Published 2024“…We find a 5× increase in effective spin Hall angle with increasing Gd concentration, suggesting an improvement in spin transfer efficiency in rare earth materials. …”
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Article -
Controlling the magnetic properties of LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures by stoichiometry and electronic reconstruction : atomic-scale evidence
Published 2020“…Interface‐driven magnetic effects and phenomena associated with spin–orbit coupling and intrinsic symmetry breaking are of importance for fundamental physics and device applications. …”
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Journal Article -
Emergent geometric frustration of artificial magnetic skyrmion crystals
Published 2017“…The spin-torque reconfigurability of the artificial skyrmion ice states, difficult to achieve in other artificial spin ice systems, is compatible with standard spintronic device fabrication technology, which makes the semiconductor industrial integration straightforward.…”
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