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Exploring green gentrification in 28 global North cities: the role of urban parks and other types of greenspaces
Published 2024“…Although cities globally are increasingly mobilizing re-naturing projects to address diverse urban socio-environmental and health challenges, there is mounting evidence that these interventions may also be linked to the phenomenon known as green gentrification. …”
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Striatal and Behavioral Responses to Reward Vary by Socioeconomic Status in Adolescents
Published 2024“…However, lower SES correlated with smaller reward-driven striatal responses, and reduced response slowing after rare rewards. These findings link lower SES to reduced reward responses, which could trigger a cycle of reduced reward pursuit, leading to fewer positive experiences, which could further diminish reward sensitivity.…”
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Interplanetary space weather effects on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter avalanche photodiode performance.
Published 2017“…We compare noise data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) SiAPDs with radiation measurements from the onboard Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) instrument. We did not find any evidence to support radiation as the cause of changes in detector threshold voltage during radiation storms, both for transient detector noise and long-term average detector noise, suggesting that the approximately 1.3 cm thick shielding (a combination of titanium and beryllium) of the LOLA detectors is sufficient for SiAPDs on interplanetary missions with radiation environments similar to what the LRO experienced (559 cGy of radiation over 4 years).…”
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Actionable Auditing: Investigating the Impact of Publicly Naming Biased Performance Results of Commercial AI Products
Published 2020“…Within 7 months of the original audit, we find that all three targets released new API versions. …”
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The International Affiliation Network of YouTube Trends
Published 2020“…Consistent with existing work on video popularity, we find that long trending times within one nation do not necessarily translate to reaching a wide global audience. …”
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Branch-and-bound performance estimation programming: a unified methodology for constructing optimal optimization methods
Published 2024“…Finally, we use the BnB-PEP methodology to find proofs with potential function structures, thereby systematically generating analytical convergence proofs.…”
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Probing axion-like particles at the Electron-Ion Collider
Published 2024“…In a prompt-decay search, we find that the EIC can set the most stringent bound for <jats:italic>m</jats:italic><jats:sub><jats:italic>a</jats:italic></jats:sub> ≲ 20 GeV and probe the effective scales Λ ≲ 10<jats:sup>5</jats:sup> GeV. …”
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Assessing compounding climate-related stresses and development pathways on the power sector in the central U.S.
Published 2024“…Potential supply gaps range from 5% in the North Central region under mild changes in climate to 21% in the Lakes-Mid Atlantic region under more severe climate change. We find increases in electricity demand to be more important in determining the size of the potential supply gap than stresses on power generation, while larger shares of renewables in the power system contribute to lower supply gaps. …”
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Anomalous crystalline ordering of particles in a viscoelastic fluid under high shear
Published 2024“…Here, we use a fully immersed parallel plate geometry to measure the high-shear-rate behavior of a suspension of particles in a viscoelastic fluid. We find an unexpected separation of the particles within the suspension resulting in the formation of a layer of particles in the center of the cell. …”
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Parallel Algorithms for Hierarchical Nucleus Decomposition
Published 2024“…Nucleus decompositions have been shown to be a useful tool for finding dense subgraphs. The coreness value of a clique represents its density based on the number of other cliques it is adjacent to. …”
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Crossover from viscous fingering to fracturing in cohesive wet granular media: a photoporomechanics study
Published 2024“…We inject water into the oil-filled photoelastic granular pack, varying the injection flow rate, defending-fluid viscosity, and intergranular cohesion. We find two different modes of fluid invasion: viscous fingering, and fracturing with leak-off of the injection fluid. …”
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Brief Report: Quantifying Speech Production Coordination from Non- and Minimally-Speaking Individuals
Published 2024“…Results We specifically find that frustrated and dysregulated utterances show similar correlation structure outputs, especially when compared to self-talk, request, and delighted utterances. …”
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Harnessing Instability Mechanisms in Airfoil Flow for Data-Driven Forecasting of Extreme Events
Published 2024“…Through a wavelet and spectral analysis of the pressure and vorticity, we find that the extreme events arise due to the instability of a specific frequency component distinct from the vortex shedding mode. …”
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Single-Shot Quantitative Polarization Imaging of Complex Birefringent Structure Dynamics
Published 2024“…We envision that PSIM will find a broad range of applications in quantitative material characterization under dynamical conditions.…”
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Microscale advection governs microbial growth and oxygen consumption in macroporous aggregates
Published 2024“…Here, we quantify how pores through microenvironments that permit flow can elevate nutrient supply to the resident bacterial community using a microfluidic experimental system and gain further insights from coupled population-based and computational fluid dynamics simulations. We find that the microscale structure determines the relative contribution of advection vs diffusion, and even a modest flow through a pore in the range of 10 µm s−1 can increase the carrying capacity of a microenvironment by 10%. …”
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Feasibility Analysis of On-Orbit Debris Detection Using Commercial Star Trackers
Published 2024Get full text
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Risk-Aware Framework Development for Disruption Prediction: Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D Survival Analysis
Published 2024“…While this study finds cases where disruptive conditions are not predicted, there are instances where the desired outcome is produced. …”
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Electrolyte Dependence of Li+ Transport Mechanisms in Small Molecule Solvents from Classical Molecular Dynamics
Published 2024“…Using classical molecular dynamics simulations, we find that a vehicular mechanism can be increasingly preferred with a decreasing solvent viscosity and increasing interaction energy between the solvent and Li+. …”
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The quality/cosmology tension for a post-inflation QCD axion
Published 2024“…We study several examples, finding that models that solve the quality problem face cosmological problems, and vice versa. …”
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Intraday adaptation to extreme temperatures in outdoor activity
Published 2024“…Here, we construct an hourly outdoor leisure activity database using billions of cell phone location requests in 10,499 parks in 2017 all over China to investigate the within-day outdoor activity rhythm. We find that hourly temperatures above 30 °C and 35 °C depress outdoor leisure activities by 5% (95% confidence interval, CI 3–7%) and by 13% (95% CI 10–16%) respectively. …”
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