"Darling look! It's a Banksy!" Viewers’ material engagement with street art and graffiti
Published 2016“…Our examination of the visual dialogue on just one city wall highlights the temporal, site-specific and participatory elements of graffiti and street art as a form of communication, or visual dialogue. …”
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Book Section -
Characterization of dehalogenase for the degradation of 3-chloropropionic acid
Published 2023Get full text
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Conceptualizing Made in China for a museum exhibition
Published 2022“…While the negative connotations of Made in China in the exhibition title might have an impact on the perception of the exhibition, two interlocking components - transcultural dynamics and a site of friction - arising from the labeling system constitute a curatorial concept within which Chineseness embedded in the museum fashion and design artifacts are the offspring of the typified multifaceted “China” exchange, connection, and transformation.…”
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Longevity and reinvention: Venetianization and the Biennale
Published 2022Get full text
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Conflicts, contradictions and commitments : men speak about sexualisation of culture
Published 2016“…As the study advanced the gendered dynamics of the research context emerged as a salient site for exploring forms and flows of (some) men’s oppressive practices, and how men articulate privilege and sustain relations of inequality.…”
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Thesis -
Time is on our side: operationalising ‘phase zero’ in coproduction of mental health services for marginalised and underserved populations in London
Published 2021“…Our research aims to identify the psychosocial factors and resources that enable successful coproduction between Black, Asian and other Minority communities and statutory agencies within a coproduction network for mental health services in London. Within our multi-site ethnography, 53 individuals completed: participatory learning appraisal (PLA) workshops, focus groups, and semi-structured interviews. …”
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Crystal structure of the DNA decamer d(CGCAATTGCG) complexed with the minor groove binding drug netropsin
Published 1997“…The netropsin molecule fits within a five base pair long minor groove site by bending of the flexible amidinium group at one end of the drug.…”
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The construction of a Civic Neighbourhood as/through cultural production: a discourse analytical approach to participatory art and temporary architecture
Published 2018“…The analysis focuses on civic neighbourhood project in East London called InterAct while the pivotal point of the project was the building of a piece of temporary architecture, the planning and ongoing construction of a civic neighbourhood involved a much more far-reaching production of material and symbolic artifacts which jointly represent a form of position taking within a site of social, cultural and symbolic struggle (Bourdieu 1993, 30). …”
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Live projects: innovating in the present
Published 2016“…Whilst it is an accepted condition of mainstream practice that timescale, budget and brief are matched with intention and design before works starts on site, it is not at all clear that such a definitive bounding of the project is in the students’ best interest in a learning environment. …”
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Transitional civic placemaking: dispersed initiatives in changing urban landscapes
Published 2019“…Out of this investigation emerged speculations which included arcades, a re-purposed canal and high-ceilinged ground floor workshops under multi-storey apartments. Having practiced on-site research methods and following on from the previous summer scoping study, Civic Edgelands, students undertook field trips to Athens, Freetown, and Calabria in November 2018. …”
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Using qualitative process evaluation in the development of a complex intervention to advance person-centred practice by pharmacists: the Medicines and Alcohol Consultation (MAC)
Published 2021“…This article provides a grounded example through the presentation of findings from an embedded qualitative process evaluation of a multi-site, pilot cluster RCT of a new intervention: the Medicines and Alcohol Consultation (MAC). …”
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Change and innovation in food aid provision in Sussex and Southwest London during the Covid-19 pandemic
Published 2022“…A qualitative description research approach based on naturalistic inquiry, was used, supplemented by site visits and personal observations. Findings The pandemic catalysed dramatic, often positive, changes to the provision of food aid, with a move away from the traditional food bank model. …”
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The role of excipients in promoting topical and transdermal delivery: current limitations and future perspectives
Published 2022“…The majority of dermatological drug products have been reported to only deliver a portion of the total dose applied, often resulting in low drug bio-availability at the site of action inside the skin. This insufficient formulation performance, coupled with the fact that percutaneous delivery is heavily influenced by the innate physicochemical properties of the active, pose limitations on effective treatment and prevention of diseases by using solely topical formulations. …”
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Constant domain-regulated antibody catalysis
Published 2012“…Some antibodies contain variable (V) domain catalytic sites. We report the superior amide and peptide bond-hydrolyzing activity of the same heavy and light chain V domains expressed in the IgM constant domain scaffold compared with the IgG scaffold. …”
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Appropriation and resistance in Philippine Marian devotion
Published 2001“…As a specific example of this kind of religiosity, Marian devotion may also therefore be seen as a site of appropriation and resistance. Although the methods of appropriation, resistance and subversion are quite subtle, they may in fact be seen in the ambivalent attitudes to Mary that can be found among Filipinos in general: while people seemingly subscribe to the Marian stereotypes perpetuated by the Philippine Catholic Church and the dominant social classes, there is nevertheless a subversion of these stereotypes through an active re-situating or re-contextualizing of Marian symbolism. …”
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