Assessing the efficacy of the trim and fill method in adjusting for publication bias in meta analysis
Published 2012“…The bias occur when unpublished studies are associated with their outcomes, namely, studies which produced small effects or negative results are more likely not to get published. The most common method used to adjust for publication bias is the Duvall and Tweedie’s Trim and Fill method. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Association Between Sleep Apnea and Young Adults With Hypertension
Published 2012“…Although adjustments for the compounding factors, particularly BMI, decreased the OR to a large degree, subjects with severe sleep apnea were still 72% more likely to have hypertension than subjects without sleep apnea. …”
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Salivary and serum antioxidant activity in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Published 2012“…The present study was, therefore, designed to evaluate the redox status of patients with ACS prior to and following therapy as compared to age-matched healthy individuals by monitoring the antioxidant potential of serum and saliva as biomarkers of oxidative stress and evaluating their likely correlation with the clinical status of the patients. …”
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The impact of liberalization on higher education and domestic regulation
Published 2011“…Bilateral FTAs comprise 74% of the concluded FTAs while the remainder agreements are plurilateral in nature. Hence it is likely that FTAs in Asia will continue to proliferate and dominate the governance of international trade. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Do patients’ understanding of diabetes and perception of control predict higher Hba1c and complications?
Published 2006“…Overweight patients are more likely to perceive glycemic control wrongly.…”
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Participation of annexin 1 in the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to lead exposure: potential for phytoremediation
Published 2009“…It has been shown that expression of annexin genes from Arabidopsis thaliana are differentially regulated in response to a variety of abiotic stresses. Thus annexins are likely be involved in the response of plants to heavy metal stress. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A literature review on developing reading kiosk concept for nurturing reading habit among youth
Published 2013“…This paper however, discusses the literature review on the reading habit, the approaches and the concept of the library being applied to promote reading activity among the citizens and also outline the research methodology that likely to partake. This study and review might be helpful in formulating the recommendations on the concept of reading kiosk as a final output of this research.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Serum cancer antigen 125 in patients with pleural effusions
Published 2006“…Higher serum CA125 levels were more likely to be found in patients with moderate to large effusions (p = 0.015), malignant effusions (p = 0.001) and in female patients (0.016). …”
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Pilot study on depression among secondary school students in Selangor
Published 2007“…Suicidal tendencies were more likely among the depressed students. It is imperative that not only caregivers but also teachers have to be equipped with the knowledge. attitude and skills to assist secondary school children cope with their emotions. handle conflicts and manage stress early so that a more productive society will develop in the future.…”
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Translation and validation of the Malay version of the Stroke Knowledge Test
Published 2016“…Overall, the average rating of perceived usefulness and perceived utility of the instruments were both 72.7%, suggesting that reviewers were likely to use the instruments in their facilities. …”
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Prevalence, distribution, and associated risk factors of molar incisor hypomineralisation among children in Kuantan Malaysia
Published 2014“…Conclusion: MIH was not related to any particular arches and gender. It was also less likely to occur at the tip of canine. MIH was associated with CI but not with PC and PAC. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knowledge, perception and attitude among pregnant mothers towards ibadah
Published 2013“…Only 13% gave the correct duration of nifas while 52% did not answer (most likely they did not know). The majority of the pregnant mothers have minimal knowledge regarding the need of solat during their hospital stay. …”
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NNT is a key regulator of adrenal redox homeostasis and steroidogenesis in male mice
Published 2018“…Further, we demonstrated that both under expression or overexpression of NNT reduced corticosterone output implying a central role for it in the control of steroidogenesis. This is likely due to a reduction in the expression of a key steroidogenic enzyme, Cyp11a1, which mirrored the reduction in corticosterone output.…”
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How do 16-18-year-old adolescents experience and respond to parental terminal illness and death? : an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2018“…Adolescents are considered to be particularly susceptible to negative psychosocial outcomes when a parent is unwell (Grabiak, Bender & Puskar, 2007), yet adolescents as a group are less likely to access mental-health services (Reardon, Harvey, Baranowska, O’Brien, Smith & Creswell, 2017). …”
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Thesis -
The Internationalisation of the Renminbi (Rmb)
Published 2014“…This paper reviews the motives, advantages and constraints that China faces, the internationalising strategy that has been adopted, its success to date, and the likely outcome.…”
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Artificial intelligence and professional roles
Published 2016“…Writing in the Guardian in December 2016 theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking warned that “the rise of artificial intelligence is likely to extend this job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most caring, creative or supervisory roles remaining” (Hawking, 2016). …”
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"A gentle balance of pushing, pulling and sitting with": an interpretative phenomenological analysis of psychological therapists’ experiences of working with goals in adult plurali...
Published 2021“…We argue that approaches to GBP that attempt to determine helpful or unhelpful aspects of GBP in isolation are likely to overlook therapeutic processes which are vital to ensuring that GBP is collaborative and meaningful for the client. …”
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From fear to fraternity: a socio-legal analysis of doctors' responses to being called to account by patients
Published 2000“…It is concluded that complaints have a significant impact on the emotional well-being of consultants and are likely to lead to changes in the way in which they provide medical care in the future. …”
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Thesis -
Reporting corporate social responsibility in corporate Africa: an exploratory study
Published 2019“…The study focused its attention on African countries where English is a de jure (official) language simply because of the likely problems of accurately translating into English the information disclosed in other languages by corporate entities in non-English speaking African countries. …”
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