Antecedents of Total Factor Productivity Change: empirical evidence from the Chinese banking sector
Published 2009“…The empirical findings suggest that the SOCBs and the JSCBs have exhibited productivity progress of 0.2 and 1.3%, respectively.…”
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An exploratory study on the usefulness of intellectual capital information: academic' perception
Published 2011“…In addition, the findings of the t-test reveals that the perceptions of IC information (i.e., overall), INC information, EXC information and HUC information are statistically significant. …”
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Academic excellence as selection criteria among Malaysian employers
Published 2012“…In total, 340 respondents from 87 companies participated in this study. Findings – The findings revealed that there is a weak relationship between employees’ performance with CGPA. …”
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Best practice of framing and communicating school goals by principals of cluster secondary schools Malaysia: perceptions of principals, teacher-administrators and teachers
Published 2012“…The findings also show that the highest score on communicating schools goals was item ‘discuss the school's academic goals with teachers at faculty meetings’ with mean 4.21 and standard deviation 0.839. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Communicating and sharing working relationships with older employees
Published 2013“…Practical implications – The findings can help both the older and the young employees have a better understanding of communication at workplace. …”
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Capital structure inconclusiveness: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2013“…Comparisons are also made between the Malaysia and the developed market to see whether the findings are consistent with both market landscapes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mental health and recovery : experiences of peer support workers employed in mental health services
Published 2019“…If the role of the PSW is to change the culture of services and demonstrate recovery, it is important that the role itself is beneficial to recovery. Finding out from the workers themselves how their own recovery is influenced is necessary. …”
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Thesis -
Green Technology: a must or a need in TVET Education in Malaysia?
Published 2021“…Hence, we report the findings conducted through semi-structured interview by interviewing 7 industrial players in TVET, associated with Vocational Colleges in Malaysia. …”
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Viewing mathematics teachers’ professional identity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Lens of Social Theory of Learning and Gender Schema Theory
Published 2021“…The findings also informed that male and female Mathematics teachers did not perceive their professional identity differently, which suggest that Saudi Arabia culture permit equal participation in building their professional identity.…”
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Pictorial essay: Neuroimaging of stroke
Published 2012“…It will expose the clinician through the spectrum of imaging findings of ischemic stroke. Integration of MRI, vascular and perfusion imaging is given in different clinical scenarios…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Current state and future prospects of Islamic banking in Morocco: An empirical investigation
Published 2015“…Furthermore, the findings revealed that the progress of Islamic banking in Morocco is faced by multiple legal and regulatory challenges.…”
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Developments in the performance of the Malaysian banking sector: opportunity cost of regulatory compliance
Published 2010“…By using bank-level data, this paper examines how regulation and supervision affects the profitability of the Malaysian banking sector over the period 1992–2003. The empirical findings suggest that Malaysian banks with higher liquidity levels, credit risk and overhead expenses exhibit lower profitability level. …”
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Student Engagement in Online Learning
Published 2011“…Preliminary findings of the survey indicate that Weblearn is viewed positively by students, with both beginners and post-beginners welcoming this provision and in particular the integration between taught contents and learning materials available on Weblearn. …”
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A case of focal eventration of left hemidiaphragm with transthoracic left kidney confused with a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
Published 2011“…Diagnostic laparoscopy confirmed the findings in this case and the patient was managed conservatively.…”
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Effects of rain on scintillation measured on Ku-Band Satellite Signals in tropical region
Published 2012“…The findings also demonstrate that as the elevation angle is higher, the path length will be smaller. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knowledge management for talent development & retention: an empirical study of professionals in financial sector of Asia
Published 2010“…HRD researchers may use the empirical findings to develop future research agenda in this area.…”
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Maintenance management of kariah masjid: A preliminary study on the technical background of masjid’s maintenance staff in Federal Territory Kuala Lumpur
Published 2009“…The finding may be used in drafting a suitable training module for them.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Qualitative examination into the management accounting tools in use in petronas: evolutionary or traditionally steered?
Published 2012“…Firms may emulate the contemporary practices adopted by the investigated company. The findings also enlighten for future researchers new tools that need to be further explored in a large sample size. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prediction of functional outcome in patients with primary intracerebral hemorrhage by clinical-computed tomographic correlations
Published 2012“…The clinical and CT scan findings were correlated with the functional outcome using modified Rankin scores (mRS) of 0-5 at discharge and during six months follow-up. …”
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Does capital adequacy ratio influence risk-taking behaviour of conventional and Islamic banks differently? Empirical evidence from dual banking system of Malaysia
Published 2020“…Both dynamic ordinary least squares and generalised method of moments techniques are used to estimate a panel data of 43 commercial banks, namely, 17 IBs and 26 CBs. Findings – The findings of this study lend support to the favourable influence of CAR set in Basel III accord on risk-taking behaviour of both types of banks. …”
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