Staff Support Worker perceptions of adolescent patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Published 2019“…It is suggested that support workers, who require little to no formal training and are considered front line staff, provide a significant portion of care to this patient group (Kenward et al., 2001). …”
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Thesis -
An antenna array utilizing slotted conductive slab: inspired by metasurface and defected ground plane techniques for flexible electronics and sensors operating in the millimeter‑wa...
Published 2023“…The antenna array is excited through a single microstrip line. The radiating elements in the array are interconnected to each other with a microstrip line. …”
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Power sharing and voltage compensation modeling using adaptive virtual impedance-based predictive control in islanded microgrid
Published 2023“…In microgrid’s islanded mode of operation, the precise power sharing is an immensely critical challenge when there is a difference in line impedance of the DG inverters connected in parallel. …”
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Thesis -
Utilizing rapid prototyping 3D printer for fabricating flexographic PDMS printing plate
Published 2016“…However, the micro-scale multiple solid line array of 100micron and 25micron successfully made by nikel platting and glass etching master mould respectively. …”
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Study and application for rotational speed estimation method of a sensorless DC motor using adaptive filter
Published 2010“…Therefore, using the adptive line enhancer (ALE: Adaptive Line Enhancer), estimation of the rotational speed of a motor was examined. …”
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The effect of milling parameters on laminated carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)
Published 2012“…Suatu pepejal tidak bersalut karbida akhir kilang memotong alat dan panel CFRP dengan orientasi gentian 0/450 telah digunakan untuk menyiasat di mesin CFRP komposit semasa pengilangan; kelajuan pemotongan 16 m / min hingga 240 m / min dengan kadar suapan 0,0125 mm / gigi 0,0125 mm / gigi telah ditetapkan. …”
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Model konsep integriti ke arah peningkatan kualiti penilaian rakan (peer assessment)
Published 2019“…Pada fasa I (Analisis dokumen dan temu bual), dokumen daripada tahun 2010 hingga 2018 telah digunakan dan temu bual daripada enam (6) pakar dalam bidang Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (PTV) telah memperoleh tiga (3) elemen integriti iaitu, Integriti Diri (Motivasi diri, keberanian, disiplin diri, dan ketelusan), Interaksi Sosial (Kejujuran, keadilan, konsisten, amanah, dan perpaduan), dan Komitmen Kerja (Usaha, tanggungjawab, dan etika). …”
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Determination of soil moisture content and density using electrical resistivity values
Published 2018“…Ujikaji makmal mendapati bahawa perkaitan antara nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah dengan kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan adalah pada korelasi sederhana hingga sangat kuat (r = -0.405 – 0.949). Satu siri nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah telah dihasilkan, justeru membolehkan penentuan cirri asas geoteknik tanah menggunakan persamaan statistik yang dihasilkan. …”
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ARCASIA architectural timeline chart : Malaysia
Published 2006“…Each institute of the country contribute 2 pages of pictorial time line of the country's architecture with write up of the its history in summary.…”
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Book -
Mediation as a nothing to lose mode for alternative mode of dispute resolution in construction works
Published 2012“…It is a nothing to lose alternative dispute resolution, and why disputing parties should resort to it as their first option, and for them to determine for themselves how their disputes should be resolved particularly so for disputes in construction projects where disagreements must be resolved as quickly as possible to meet the project time line.…”
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Customers' perception towards cellular mobile telephone operators
Published 2013“…This research was designed to address the research problems regarding the significant factors that affect perception of customer s in the choice of an operator line, and also those factors significantly affecting the consumers’perceptions…”
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Multipart items: proposal for standard and practice
Published 2006“…It is also meant to be a guide in an attempt to bring encountered older records in line with current and acceptable practice. Multipart items are a type of series publication -- a monograph that is complete, or intended to be complete in a definite number of finite separate parts. …”
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Monograph -
Wideband and multiband antennas for multi-configuration mode applications
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Lecture assessment system(report module)
Published 2003“…Mostly, the existing system provided for test evaluation for a programming language or on-line assessment. But, to find a web-based system that fulfill the requirements such as able to assist the lecturers input assessment mark, to manipulate calculation automatically, to provide a list of attendance student, to produce a warning letter for an absence student and to monitor the teaching and learning progress in a university is difficult. …”
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Thesis -
Investigation and development of a novel metrology standard for the measurement of relative intensity noise and frequency chirp of DFB lasers in optical networks
Published 2007“…This has been modelled via classic FM theory, knowing the line width, and modulation index to obtain a best fit. …”
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Thesis -
The phytochemical content and antimicrobial activities of Malaysian Calophyllum canum (stem bark)
Published 2012“…The n-hexane and DCM fractions have shown cytotoxicity against lung cancer cell line; the 50 % inhibition concentration (IC50) was 22 ± 2.64 and 32 ± 3.78 μg. mL-1 respectively. …”
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An analysis of maṣlaḥah based resolutions issued by Bank Negara Malaysia
Published 2019“…Findings: The study found that SAC-BNM’s resolutions are in line with some of the major maṣlaḥah parameters mentioned in the uṣūl al-fiqh sources i.e. must not contradict with the Qurʾān and the Sunnah. …”
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Socio-economic and travel characteristics of transit users at Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) stations
Published 2020“…A survey was conducted in 3 stations in Kelana Jaya line and three stations in Ampang Line. Questionnaires were distributed to passengers accessing or departing from the selected TOD stations. …”
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