High performance metasurface-based on-chip antenna for terahertz integrated circuits
Published 2020“…To reduce the surface-waves and substrate-losses a meander-line slits has realized inside the ground-plane. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Equilateral triangular slot-based planar rectangular antenna for millimeter-wave applications
Published 2022“…The front-side of the proposed antenna is composed of a rectangular patch radiator with an equilateral triangular slot fed using a 50Ω microstrip feeding line, while the bottom side of the antenna consists of a partial ground plane. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The Poisson Regression and Quasi-Poisson Regression Analysis on FIFA World Cup Games
Published 2023“…Utilizing a dataset from Kaggle, originally sourced from the official FIFA website, the findings consistently associate variables such as goal inside the penalty area, goal outside the penalty area, left inside channel, right channel, attempted defensive line breaks, completed defensive line breaks, yellow cards, passes, and own goals with a raised probability of number of goals. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Blackpool Tower's Irish fun weekend
Published 1998“…Notice advertising a weekend including an Irish party night, a line dancing afternoon and a concert by Daniel O'Donnell to be held in Blackpool on 27-28 February. …”
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Ephemera -
Wideband and multiband antennas for multi-configuration mode applications
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Attenuation of hedgehog acyltransferase-catalyzed sonic Hedgehog palmitoylation causes reduced signaling, proliferation and invasiveness of human carcinoma cells
Published 2014“…In addition, Hhat knockdown in a HEK293a cell line constitutively expressing Shh and A549 human non-small cell lung cancer cells inhibited their ability to signal in a juxtacrine/paracrine fashion to the reporter cell lines C3H10T1/2 and Shh-Light2. …”
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Article -
Non-invasive early diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis
Published 2015“…Distance between two nearest pixels with value 1 and reference line is proposed to be the method to track vein valve movement. …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan kerangka pengurusan risiko pendidikan luar di Institut Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia
Published 2018“…Kesemua konstruk dan item pengurusan risiko pendidikan luar mempunyai indeks kebolehpercayaan Fleiss Kappa antara 0.73 hingga 0.93, nilai kebolehpercayaan individu ialah 0.94 dan nilai kebolehpercayaan item ialah 0.80. …”
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Thesis -
Dasar kerajaan dan isu sekuriti makanan di Malaysia: Kajian analisis dokumen dan temubual
Published 2016“…Reka bentuk kajian ini menggabungkan kaedah analisis dokumen dan temubual elit di mana 20 dokumen bajet tahunan daripada tahun 1994 hingga 2013 dianalisis selain menemubual tujuh orang informan. …”
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Thesis -
Development of niosome-loaded bromelain as anti-inflammatory agent
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Wideband Planar Array Antenna Based on SCRLH-TL for Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Application
Published 2018“…This paper presents empirical results of a novel planar microstrip array antenna based on a simplified composite right/left-handed transmission-line (SCRLH-TL) for application in circularly polarized synthetic aperture radar (CP-SAR) systems operated in UHF, L, S and C-Bands. …”
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Article -
Improved aerosol optical depth and Ångstrom exponent retrieval over land from MODIS based on the non-Lambertian forward model
Published 2014“…The regression plots tended to concentrate around the 1 : 1 line, and many more fell within the EE = ±0.4 from 53.6% with L_FM to 80.9% with NL_FM. …”
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Article -
Metamaterial inspired electromagnetic bandgap filter for ultra-wide stopband screening devices of electromagnetic interference
Published 2023“…Presented here is a reactively loaded microstrip transmission line that exhibit an ultra-wide bandgap. The reactive loading is periodically distributed along the transmission line, which is electromagnetically coupled. …”
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Article -
Decentralized Virtual Impedance Control for Power Sharing and Voltage Regulation in Islanded Mode with Minimized Circulating Current
Published 2024“…In islanded operation, precise power sharing is an immensely critical challenge when there are different line impedance values among the different-rated inverters connected to the same electrical network. …”
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Article -
Assessment on the average participation versus bialek’s methods for transmission pricing methodologies
Published 2019“…Meanwhile, by using Bialek’s method the power contribution of each user to each line is not uniform since there are transmission lines that indicate no power injection from generators and loads. …”
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Thesis -
Novel opto-electronic and plastic fibre sensors
Published 1998“…The middle POF is coupled to a red LED and emits light onto a flat target with the two outer fibres receiving the reflected light from the target and guiding it to two silicon PIN photodiodes. Theoretical investigations on the behaviour of the sensor are presented for ranges between 0 mm and 100 mm, and for targets with different reflectivities. …”
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Thesis -
Model konsep integriti ke arah peningkatan kualiti penilaian rakan (peer assessment)
Published 2019“…Pada fasa I (Analisis dokumen dan temu bual), dokumen daripada tahun 2010 hingga 2018 telah digunakan dan temu bual daripada enam (6) pakar dalam bidang Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (PTV) telah memperoleh tiga (3) elemen integriti iaitu, Integriti Diri (Motivasi diri, keberanian, disiplin diri, dan ketelusan), Interaksi Sosial (Kejujuran, keadilan, konsisten, amanah, dan perpaduan), dan Komitmen Kerja (Usaha, tanggungjawab, dan etika). …”
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Thesis -
Determination of soil moisture content and density using electrical resistivity values
Published 2018“…Ujikaji makmal mendapati bahawa perkaitan antara nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah dengan kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan adalah pada korelasi sederhana hingga sangat kuat (r = -0.405 – 0.949). Satu siri nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah telah dihasilkan, justeru membolehkan penentuan cirri asas geoteknik tanah menggunakan persamaan statistik yang dihasilkan. …”
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