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Recovery of three-dimensional objects from single two-dimensional sketches using cubic corners
Published 2011“…This report describes the work done to recover 3D objects from a single 2D line drawing using theconcept of cubic corner. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Executive's Cybersecurity Program Handbook : A comprehensive guide to building and operationalizing a complete cybersecurity program /
Published 2023“…You'll explore the different types of cybersecurity frameworks, how they differ from one another, and how to pick the right framework to minimize cyber risk. …”
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software, multimedia -
Explicit Two-Sided Unique-Neighbor Expanders
Published 2024“…Our constructions are obtained from instantiations of the tripartite line product of a large tripartite spectral expander and a sufficiently good constant-sized unique-neighbor expander, a new graph product we defined that generalizes the line product and the routed product of previous well-known works. …”
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Article -
The inference-boundary model reinterpreting theme and rheme
Published 2013“…The Hallidayan notions of theme and rheme pose an interesting challenge to linguists in their attempts to pin them down more specifically. This paper argues that since the thematic structure of the clause organises it as a message, a useful starting point in theme–rheme research is an understanding of how clausal messages are typically processed by language users. …”
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Journal Article -
The effects of processing conditions on the morphology of single conjugated polymers.
Published 2010“…Drop-cast single chains were proposed to either retain its extended conformation in CHCl3 solution, or adopt an ordered structure with hair-pin loops, giving rise to two corresponding distinct types of intensity traces. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental and numerical study of self-locking adaptable inter connection for modular steel structures
Published 2023“…The findings indicated that the gap produced between connection and column under higher displacement was sensitive to the outer bolt and spring pin. This gap could be further reduced by increasing the number of outer bolts and by reducing tolerance between adapter and column walls.…”
Article -
Smart home control system design using internet of things based energy harvesting technology
Published 2024“…The objective of this research is to provide security for homeowners by facilitating fingerprints and PIN (Personal Identification Numbers) in entering the house, then in the event of a power outage, it activates the function of energy harvesting technology. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Train following model for urban rail transit performance analysis
Published 2024“…Based on the model developed, the impacts of factors such as service frequency, headway variations, passenger demand, and initial train delays on line performance (i.e. line throughput and train knock-on delays) are explored. …”
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Article -
Ultra wideBand indoor position localizaiton
Published 2014“…It is specifically the case when line-of-sight (LOS) is absent due to severe blockage. …”
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Thesis -
FIeld self-delivery system using quadruple legged robot and robot manipulator
Published 2023“…This project explores the use of a legged robot dog, the design and fabrication of an accompanying payload, as well as implementation of perception and behaviour algorithms used to pick up and drop off objects in the context of an urban workplace environment, specifically in an urban farm.However, the solutions proposed can also be extended to other workplace environments. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ultrasound application and its effect on quality attributes of marinated goat meat
Published 2024“…Ultrasound-assisted marination had no significant effect on the pH of both raw and cooked meat. Marinade pick up (%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in T1, T2, T3 and T4 (2.42±0.04, 3.01±0.02, 5.24±0.05 and 5.60±0.023) compared to control (1.96±0.02).Cooking yield (%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in T1 (64.80±0.20) compared to T2 (63.02±0.18), T3 (62.95±0.21) and T4 (62.96±0.17). …”
Article -
GWTC-2.1: Deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run
Published 2024“…We also expand the population of binaries with significantly asymmetric mass ratios reported in GWTC-2 by an additional two events (the mass ratio is less than 0.65 and 0.44 at 90% probability for GW190403_051519 and GW190917_114630 respectively), and find that two of the eight new events have effective inspiral spins χ eff > 0 (at 90% credibility), while no binary is consistent with χ eff < 0 at the same significance. …”
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Article -
CLT for linear spectral statistics of normalized sample covariance matrices with the dimension much larger than the sample size
Published 2015“…Let A = 1/√np(XT X−pIn) where X is a p×n matrix, consisting of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) real random variables Xij with mean zero and variance one. …”
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Journal Article -
Flexural buckling behaviour and residual strengths of S700 high strength steel circular hollow section columns after exposure to fire
Published 2021“…The experimental study which includes the furnace tests, material tests, initial global imperfection measurements, and pin-ended column tests was conducted and reported. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
3D modelling using digital camera
Published 2010“…Some other trial targets that we have done includes fire station, NTU N2 building and a three pin plug. More details will be covered in chapter 2 of this report.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
NTU e-bike
Published 2011“…To support the touchscreen, the expansion board pin configurations are modified according to the schematic connections, also the kernel changed to detect the GPS device, the Éclair system can‟t get GPS information directly since a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is needed for interacting between the Android framework and the kernel. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
CRISPR-DBA: a deep learning framework for uncertainty quantification of CRISPR off-target activities
Published 2024Conference item -
Organic donor-acceptor cocrystals for multiferroic applications
Published 2021“…The cocrystallization strategy has provided an efficient route to fulfill room temperature magnetoelectricity in single phase owing to the long-range ordered π-π stacking (donor-acceptor assembled) network, long-lived excitons (with μs lifetime), spin orders (±1/2 s pin) and charge transfer (CT) dipoles in the assembled crystal lattice. …”
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Journal Article -
High speed imaging of micro-sized droplet jetted on surface with wettability pattern
Published 2014“…Experimental results based on high speed imaging of micro-sized droplet jetted on a hydrophobic surface with hydrophilic lines are presented. The effects of the hydrophilic line and the initial impact offset distance from the line on the droplet spreading behaviour are studied. …”
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Conference Paper -
Population Balance Model-based Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization of Yeast Cell Manufacturing
Published 2024“…Numerical optimal control design for oscillatory distributed parameter systems is discussed within the context of both dynamic optimization and on-line nonlinear model predictive control strategies.…”
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