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Magnetism of two-dimensional chromium tellurides
Published 2023“…2D ferromagnets have garnered considerable attention for their potential applications in spintronics, magnonics, and spin-orbitronics. Chromium tellurides (CrxTey), in particular, have drawn interest due to their exceptional magnetic properties and diverse range of chemical stoichiometries, attributed to the phenomenon of chromium self-intercalation. …”
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Journal Article -
Electric field modulation of the tetragonal domain orientation revealed in the magnetic ground state of quantum paraelectric EuTiO3
Published 2013“…Our experimentally determined magnetic phase diagram is accurately reproduced by a three-dimensional (3D) anisotropic Heisenberg spin model. Furthermore, we demonstrate that electric field cooling acts to suppress this orientational disorder by realigning the domains due to the strong coupling between electric fields and lattice dipoles characteristic of paraelectric materials.…”
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Journal Article -
The artifice that endures the burden of the past : analysing memory in Angela Carter's fictional works.
Published 2013“…Carter, too, employs memory as text, using history and the past “as no more than debris to be picked over and eclectically assembled according to the whim of the individual” and an analysis of memory in her texts provides an introduction to the larger issues of fiction, reality, identity and notion of self which always remain central to Carter’s concerns (Gamble 8).…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Perovskite light emitting transistors
Published 2022“…In this work, we realized spin coated and thermally evaporated methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) perovskite light-emitting transistors operated by a pulsed gate bias voltage. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fabrication and characterisation of NiFe nanoparticles and nanowires.
Published 2012“…On the other hand, out-of-plane magnetic field on 100nm thick nanodisks was found to have vortex chirality, meaning that the spin direction changes from top to bottom of the disk. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Synthetic shuttlecock dynamics
Published 2015“…Using the data from the experiment, the flight trajectory was plotted, and velocities as well as spin rates were recorded. This data was then compared to that of feather and synthetic shuttlecocks. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Control and integration of energy storage systems for electric and hybrid ships – part 1
Published 2017“…Solutions such as using a portable load, making use of spinning reserve and peak shaving are suggested. In conclusion the reports presents the sizing of the ESS based on the load profile of the ships and the four kinds of batteries. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Detection of Magnetic Field Effects by Confocal Microscopy
Published 2020“…Pairs of paramagnetic species generated under conservation of total spin angular momentum can undergo magnetosensitive processes. …”
Dataset -
Strain‐modulated ferromagnetism at an intrinsic van der Waals heterojunction
Published 2024“…Density functional theory calculations and atomistic spin dynamic simulations show that the Fe3GeTe2 layer is compressively strained by 0.4%, reducing the exchange stiffness and magnetic anisotropy. …”
Journal article -
Magnetohydrodynamics CU˗TiO2 hybrid nanofluid with viscous dissipation
Published 2024“…The manufacturing of glass fibre, aerodynamic plastic sheet extrusion, metal spinning, condensation of metallic plates, wire drawing, and hot rolling are a few examples of these uses. …”
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Book Chapter -
Pressure-Dependent Polymorphism and Band-Gap Tuning of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite
Published 2017“…We report the pressure-induced crystallographic transitions and optical behavior of MAPbI3 (MA=methylammonium) using in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and laser-excited photoluminescence spectroscopy, supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations using the hybrid functional B3PW91 with spin-orbit coupling. The tetragonal polymorph determined at ambient pressure transforms to a ReO3-type cubic phase at 0.3 GPa. …”
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Journal Article -
Particle self-assembly in sessile droplet on patterned substrate
Published 2021“…This indicates that the particle is the pinning force that prevents contact line withdrawal. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An exploratory study for a new method to search for heavy neutrinos with data at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Published 2020“…Till this date, all neutrinos observed are left-handed, rotating clockwise with respect to the direction of motion while the corresponding antineutrinos are right-handed, spinning counterclockwise. However, the fact that neutrinos have mass and spin implies that right handed neutrinos and their corresponding left-handed antineutrinos may exist and have differing properties from their chiral counterparts. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data
Published 2024“…Results are presented for a semicoherent search for continuous gravitational waves from the low-mass x-ray binary Scorpius X-1, using a hidden Markov model (HMM) to allow for spin wandering. This search improves on previous HMM-based searches of Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory data by including the orbital period in the search template grid, and by analyzing data from the latest (third) observing run. …”
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Article -
Preparation of Nd-Fe-B/α-Fe nanocomposite by chemical reduction method
Published 2009“…The magnetic properties of the powders are found to be poorer as compared to the samples obtained by traditional ball milling or melt spinning methods.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Digital based qubit controller system for quantum computing
Published 2022“…The dissertation presents several DDS architectures along with synthesis results that can help the designer choose a particular DDS depending on the application. A single spin qubit can be controlled by a digital-to-analog converter utilizing the output of a DDS module, which is a digitally coded analog signal. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Fluorescent and magnetic nanoparticles for bacteria detection and separation
Published 2018“…In this experiment, the result also exhibited that self-mixing nanocatalysts placed in a spinning magnetic field resulted 60% increase in reaction kinetics than that of unstirred reaction. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Hydrophobic bio-epoxy coatings for easy cleaning applications
Published 2018“…This report evaluates the technique of synthesizing hydrophobic coatings from the spin coating method. Additionally, the prepared formulations of hydrophobic coatings were characterized with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and contact angle goniometer to determine its wettability, thermal and mechanical properties. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Response to clozapine in treatment resistant schizophrenia is related to alterations in regional cerebral blood flow
Published 2024“…Here, we used the more recent MRI approach of arterial spin labelling (ASL) to evaluate regional CBF in participants with TRS (N = 36) before starting treatment with clozapine compared to in healthy volunteers (N = 16). …”
Journal article