Ownership V control: fault lines in directors shareholders relationship: a special reference to Malaysian family business
Published 2009“…These hidden problems could be regarded as fault lines in the relationship of these two parties. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cytotoxic study of Knema laurina and Antidesma orthogyne extracts on human breast cancer cell line MCF-7
Published 2016“…The MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line is one of the cell lines that has been widely utilized for anti-cancer drug development. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Estimation and measurement of effective line mobility on a non-deterministic thin plate excited by a piezoelectric patch
Published 2020“…This paper derived the expression to estimate the effective line moment mobility of a non-deterministic thin plate under moment excitation by a piezoelectric patch actuator. …”
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Sigma-1 receptors modulate neonatal Nav1.5 ion channels in breast cancer cell lines
Published 2016“…Blocking nNav1.5 activity with a polyclonal antibody (NESOpAb) targeting an extracellular region of nNav1.5 also reduced the adhesion in both cell lines. Importantly, the results of combined treatments with NESOpAb and a sigma-1 drug or sigma-1 siRNA suggested that both treatments targeted the same mechanism. …”
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Method of lines and pseudospectral solutions of the forced korteweg-de vries equation with variable coefficients arises in elastic tube
Published 2017“…In this paper, we solved the forced Korteweg-de vries (FKdV) with variable coef- ficient arises in nonlinear wave propagation in an elastic tube with a symmetrical stenosis filled with an inviscid fluid by two numerical methods, namely method of lines and pseudospectral method. We then compared both numerical solutions with its progressive wave solution. …”
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Anti-proliferative effect of methyl gallate isolated from mangifera pajang kosterman in selected cancer cell lines
Published 2019“…Based on the IC50 value of MTT assay, MCF-7 cell line was selected for further determination of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Single-switch bridgeless PFC sepic with proposed series-line-diodes-clamped configuration for data communication applications
Published 2019“…This research presents a Single-Switch Bridgeless PFC (SSBPFC) SEPIC which is passive PFC with proposed series-line-diodes-clamped (SLDC) configuration for circuit structure simplicity and power quality issues mitigation. …”
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Thesis -
A practice-led investigation into the role of play as a feedback mechanism between the human and technological systems - as revealed through art & technology projects
Published 2023“…These novel distributions of content and expression will lead to the conceptualisation of new notions of art, play and technology that emerge through these activities. …”
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Thesis -
Neurotisation In Extended Brachial Plexus Injury: Spinal Acessory Nerve (SAN) to Suprascapular Nerve (SSN) and Anterior Interosseous Nerve (AIN) branch to Pronator Quadratus (PQ) to Radial Branch Of Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) a case report
Published 2018“…The SAN to SSN transfers were performed where two branches of SAN to the upper trapezius were preserved and stimulated to confirm function. …”
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Article -
Developing a strategic sustainable facility plan for a hospital layout using ELECTRE and Apples procedure
Published 2020“…Today healthcare globally is growing at a rapid pace and despite the huge technological advancement, healthcare still faces primitive challenges and hence results in the poor service and facility to the needy. Layout planning acts as one major reason which requires improvements for the effective and efficient working of the healthcare facilities. …”
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Article -
Potential of kaolin-palm oil fuel ash mixture as sustainable landfill liner material
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Effect of Sigma-1 Receptors on Voltage-Gated Sodium Ion Channels in Colon Cancer Cell Line SW620
Published 2019“…Background: Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) play pivotal roles in the metastatic process in several cancers, including breast and colon cancers. …”
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Article -
Natural Resource Planning and Recreation Opportunity Model for Jeram Linang Forest Recreation Area.
Published 2009“…A study to address these issues was conducted by proposing a natural resource planning and recreation opportunity model. This model was proposed based on a survey and observation of the visitors’ activities and their impact on the area. …”
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Monograph -
The socio-technical factors in the use of GIS at the Planning Departments of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall
Published 2010“…The development of GIS has progressed dramatically in recent years and its use has proliferated in government planning departments in Malaysia. The majority of the information utilised for planning activities such as development control has a geographical component. …”
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Remote sensing in urban sprawl modeling: Challenges and way forward in urban planning in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The theory of mathematics and modeling has long been introduced in the field of urban planning. Specifically modeling which was earlier introduced has started to develop by late 1960s. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exploring factors influencing financial planning after retirement: structural equation modeling approach
Published 2013“…The study explores the critical factors that influence financial planning after retirement among Malaysians, an area which has somewhat been largely overlooked by the extant literature. …”
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Path planning for visually impaired people in an unfamiliar environment using particle swarm optimization
Published 2015“…Here, in this paper, we propose a path planning with predetermined waypoints method using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. …”
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