Is the right to life adequately protected in Georgia?
Published 2008“…This article considers whether Georgian domestic legislation complies with the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights as to the right to life.…”
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Article -
Financial literacy education and Skills for Life
Published 2005“…This report presents a review of the provision and accreditation of financial literacy education in England at the levels covered by Skills for Life (i.e. up to and including Level 2), not including financial advice and information. …”
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Monograph -
The possible in the life and work of Henri Bergson
Published 2022“…In its place, Bersgson offers an account of life as dynamic, autopoietic emergence. In the final part of the entry we describe how an engagement with Bergson can afford social science approaches to memory, imagination, and lived experience as emergent patternings of life responding to life.…”
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Enhancing the governance of dual-use life science research through effective implementation of codes of conduct for life scientists
Published 2021“…This presentation focuses on the role that life science stakeholders can play in addressing the dual-use potential of modern biotechnology, in order to ensure that the life sciences are used only for peaceful, prophylactic, and protective purposes. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Quality assurance plan for China collection 2.0 aerosol datasets
Published 2014“…The pixel-based QA plan is to give a QA flag to every step of the process in the AOD retrieval. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Group of men, including Senator Edward Kennedy, looking at plans
Published 1964“…Black and white photograph of a group of seven men looking at plans on a table. A handwritten note on the back identifies some of them (left to right): '1. …”
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Photograph -
The Irish community: the missing component in the planning and provision of multicultural education
Published 1986“…Background paper on the need for inclusion in the formulation, planning and practice of multicultural education.…”
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Ephemera -
Sustainable tourism planning by local authorities : an investigation of the London Boroughs
Published 2013“…Sustainable development has become the main objective of the policy agenda for many governments and a key principle that underpins the planning process in the UK. Likewise, the concept of sustainable tourism has been widely embraced by managers and planners of tourist destinations, as it provides a platform for different stakeholders in the tourism industry to interact and discuss the impacts of their activities. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of attribute perception factors on mode choice preferences among public transport users
Published 2023Subjects: “…Transport planning…”
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Dataset -
Ageing and personal retirement savings plan participation with heterogeneity in preferences : the Portuguese case
Published 2007“…This paper analyses the relationship between ageing and personal retirement savings plan participation in the Portuguese population, taking into account heterogeneity in preferences. …”
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