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The efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy in treating selective mutism in young children aged 4 to 10 years old: a qualitative systematic review
Published 2023“…From our qualitative analysis, we found that (a) diverse implementations of CBT were effective in treating selective mutism, (b) combination therapy is limited to fluoxetine and CBT, and (c) there are insufficient randomised controlled trials (five of fifteen studies) to firmly conclude that CBT and combination therapy are effective interventions for selective mutism. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of a graphical user interface for 2D shape morphing
Published 2009“…In this project, 2D shape blending techniques which had been developed in Java were used as references to get a better understanding on how the morphing techniques perform. 2D shape morphing methods typically perform transformation in five stages from the source to destination shape. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Applications of deep learning to neurodevelopment in pediatric imaging: achievements and challenges
Published 2023“…A non-exhaustive list of commonly used publicly available pediatric neuroimaging datasets and repositories are included, followed by a categorical review of recent works in pediatric MRI-based deep learning studies in the past five years. These works are categorized into recognizing neurodevelopmental disorders, identifying brain and tissue structures, estimating brain age/maturity, predicting neurodevelopment outcomes, and optimizing MRI brain imaging and analysis. …”
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Journal Article -
An investigation on consumers' preferences for parcel deliveries: applying consumer logistics in omni-channel shopping
Published 2023“…Furthermore, a multinomial logistic regression is performed to assess consumers' choice mode of delivery among five alternatives, that is attended home delivery, unattended home delivery, automated self-collection locker, attended pickup point and click-and-collect. …”
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Journal Article -
Seafarers' mental health and wellbeing - pose covid and beyond
Published 2023“…Utilising an exploratory factor analysis, the following five factors were identified: job security threat, technical developments, IT assistance, technological implementation, and technological onboarding. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
SEM model: cognitive function predicting activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living performance in older adults
Published 2024“…Through incorporating evidence from other studies, a confirmatory factor analysis was done to create a latent variable for cognitive functioning and five cognitive domains: (1) Orientation, (2) Memory, (3) Visuospatial, (4) Executive Function and (5) Language and Fluency. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of the intra-variability of a person’s face from infrared images
Published 2010“…These IR images are taken with five people for ten times at different time and day throughout the project. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Studies of degradable ureteric stents
Published 2013“…The study investigates five types of bioresorbable polymeric stents, prepared by dip-coating, in a 16-week in vitro degradation study. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Lexical stress perception : a case study on Tamil-English bilinguals
Published 2014“…Random aural sequences containing contrastive phonemes, five bisyllabic nonword tokens per sequence, were presented aurally in a baseline task where participants were to replicate sequences. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Investigation of electrical and colorimetric sensing properties of polymer-nanomaterial composites
Published 2017“…The second half of this thesis is to develop multi-parametric sensing platform. PTs with five different combinations/compositions of pendant groups are incorporated with CNT and evaluated as chemiresistors for analysis of VOCs. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Fusion of cultures plays a part in writing styles & translation
Published 2017“…Besides, I also took reference of theories / approaches of a few other translation theorists such as Eugene Nida’s Culture and its five key areas, Nida’s Functional and Dynamic Equivalence theories, and Professor Ding Heng Qi’s ABC (Adapt, Borrow, Create) Approach in translation. …”
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Thesis -
A numerical study on bio-inspired aerofoils oscillating in tandem
Published 2018“…Two-dimensional flow simulation at Re=14,000 was carried out on five different cases of motion, by first varying the oscillation frequency, then the oscillation amplitude. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Local scour beneath a forced-vibrating circular cylinder in unidirectional current
Published 2018“…Geometry data for the scour profile of these two tests were collected and analysed. Tests 3 to 5 were replications of test conducted based on Guan et. al’s and Hsieh et. al’s study to support the reasonings for Tests 1 and 2. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A vision based system for modern transportation system
Published 2019“…That is equivalent to approximately of 3,700 people dying on the roads every day. 123 countries had come together, representing 6 billion people and implemented laws that meet the best practice for at least one of the five key behavioural risk factors contributing to the road accident. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fast depth-sensitive fluorescence measurements in turbid media using cone shell configuration
Published 2014“…Depth-sensitive fluorescence spectroscopy in a two-layered epithelial tissue phantom was demonstrated using a cone shell configuration implemented by an axicon lens and a fiber assembly including five rings of collection fibers. Each collection fiber ring was located at a different radial distance away from the center, for which fluorescence measurements from all rings showed a larger range of sensitivities to the top and bottom layers compared to the previously reported cone shell configuration. …”
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Journal Article -
The communication of intellectual capital: the “whys” and “whats”
Published 2017“…Content analysis of banks’ AR found structural capital information most prevalent, followed by human capital and relational capital. Five types of formats were analyzed to show the different presentation used in the CIC. …”
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Journal Article -
Digital education for health professions in the field of dermatology : a systematic review by digital health education collaboration
Published 2019“…Of the 5 studies measuring learners’ satisfaction, 3 studies claimed high satisfaction scores. …”
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Journal Article -
Strategies of colour and lighting design in the cinematography of Christopher Doyle
Published 2019“…The main findings will show the relationships between colour and space, colour and character motion, colour and mood throughout Christopher Doyle’s consistent visual style and his wide variety of works over the past twenty-five years. The study of these 5 feature films by renowned Directors Wong Kar Wai, Zhang Yi Mou, Tan Bee Thiam and Phillip Noyce will also showcase a detailed visual analysis of various narrative styles. …”
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Thesis -
Systematic bias in trait attributions for deceased friends and relatives
Published 2017“…One-hundred ten undergraduate students in Manila were asked to rate the Big Five traits of two older adult individuals known to them personally, one of whom must be alive, and the other deceased. …”
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Journal Article -
Analysis of tourism demand serial dependence structure for forecasting
Published 2017“…The copula method is flexible as it provides various functions to specify different serial dependence structures and allows arbitrary distributions of tourism demand. We used five types of copulas to analyse two-dimensional serial dependence structure for 10 arrivals series to Singapore. …”
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Journal Article