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Exploring the B2C E-Commerce environment in Singapore.
Published 2008“…This research addresses: the profile of cyber-shoppers, the factors that encourage or discourage on-line shopping, the types of products and services that are popular on-line, the attitudes of consumers towards B2C E-Commerce and on-line shopping, and the current E-Commerce climate in Singapore.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Coherent Terahertz Control and Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Layered Antiferromagnets
Published 2024“…The 2D nonlinear spectroscopy utilized in this dissertation is gaining attention both theoretically and experimentally as a promising tool for detecting fractionalized spin excitations.…”
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Thesis -
The burden of consciousness : object animism in children's literature
Published 2009“…Animals, plants and objects are often anthropomorphized to delightful effect in children’s literature while adult depictions of the inanimate coming alive almost always occur in the genres of science fiction and horror and have had a much less positive spin. This essay argues that these negative evocations do indeed spill over into children’s texts, manifesting in the common motifs that appear in stories involving object animism, and that enlivened objects are furthermore, representations of Julia Kristeva’s concept of abjection.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Tourism marketspace on the Internet.
Published 2009“…In Singapore, its many economic spin-offs on related industries have probably made it the most important sector of Singapore's economy. …”
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Thesis -
Highly sensitive ferromagnetic resonance measurement systems for magnetic thin films
Published 2013“…We have designed and optimized a vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance measurement system that characterizes the spin dynamics and Gilbert damping parameters of thin ferromagnetic film sample. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Parametric study of gravure printing process for R2R printed electronics
Published 2017“…In this study, however, various printing parameters were investigated to establish their effects on printed line width and film thickness, in an attempt to achieve fine line printing resolution over a large printing area. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Relationship between synoptic scale meteorology, aircraft parameters, and observable contrails
Published 2024“…Long-lasting or "persistent" contrails are line-shaped clouds that form when airplanes fly through cold and humid parts of the atmosphere that are ice-supersaturated. …”
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Thesis -
Design of a >500MHz current starving VCO/DLL with low phase noise for digital PWM control
Published 2023“…It typically consist of a voltage controlled delay line, a phase detector. A delay line consists of a chain of delay cells that can be varied to adjust the amount of delay between the output and input signal through the delay line. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A Unified Approach to Learning Ising Models: Beyond Independence and Bounded Width
Published 2024Get full text
Article -
Small molecule motion within and through organic nanomaterials: an anthology
Published 2024“…These experiments were enabled by co-assembly of AAs with stable nitroxide radical spin labels into the nanoribbon ensemble. Distinct conformational behavior is resolved between domains, and variable temperature studies enable description of each spin label environment through phase transition characterization and activation energy analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Dynamic response of magnetic skyrmions in multilayer heterostructures
Published 2020“…Recently, magnetic skyrmions - circularly-shaped twisted spin textures - have aroused interest due to their enhanced stability and efficient coupling with electric currents. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Ferroelectricity and Rashba effect in a two-dimensional Dion-Jacobson hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite
Published 2020“…Beyond these applications, ferroelectricity and spin-related properties of HOIPs are increasingly attracting interests. …”
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Journal Article -
Investigating hybrid methods of fabricating formamidinium-based perovskite solar cells
Published 2024“…A double-step method was explored on a p-i-n structure, consisting of thermal evaporation of an inorganic layer (PbI2 or PbI2-Cs) followed by spin coating of an organic layer (CH(NH)2I/CH3NH3Br/CH3NH3Cl) to complete the perovskite. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Efficient generation of an array of single silicon-vacancy defects in silicon carbide
Published 2018“…Color centers in silicon carbide have increasingly attracted attention in recent years owing to their excellent properties such as single-photon emission, good photostability, and long spin-coherence time even at room temperature. As compared to diamond, which is widely used for hosting nitrogen-vacancy centers, silicon carbide has an advantage in terms of large-scale, high-quality, and low-cost growth, as well as an advanced fabrication technique in optoelectronics, leading to prospects for large-scale quantum engineering. …”
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Journal Article -
Growth of ZnO nanorods for solar cell applications
Published 2012“…In the hydrothermal approach, different seeding layer preparation techniques were employed including solution droplet coating, spin coating and sputtering deposition.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Unified quantum theory of electrochemical kinetics by coupled ion–electron transfer
Published 2024“…CIET theory thus provides a critical bridge between quantum electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering, which may find many other applications and extensions.…”
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Article -
Study on designer surface plasmon resonators
Published 2016“…Spectral minimums associated with asymmetrical line-shapes are observed in near-field transmission spectra. …”
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Thesis -
Coherently tunable triangular trefoil phaseonium metamaterial
Published 2018“…For specific values of the probing frequencies and control fields, the phaseonium can display either metallic or dielectric optical response. We find that, in the metallic regime, the phaseonium metamaterial structure supports extremely large transmission, with optical amplification at large enough intensity of the microwave thanks to strong surface plasmon coupling; while, in the dielectric regime without microwave excitation, the transmission bandwidth can be tuned by varying the control beam intensity. …”
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Journal Article -
Mitigation of lightning-induced transient effects on a hybrid photovoltaic–wind system based on lightning protection standards
Published 2023“…The analysis in this work is crucial for designing, operating, and maintaining a hybrid PV–wind system. It can help to find the potential vulnerability areas within such a system and implement appropriate protection measures since there is no available lightning standard for such systems. …”
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Article -
Rapid process modeling of the aerosol jet printing based on gaussian process regression with latin hypercube sampling
Published 2021“…Hence, it is necessary to develop a small data set based machine learning approach to model relationship between the process parameters and the line morphology. In this paper, we propose a rapid process modeling method for AJP process and consider sheath gas flow rate, carrier gas flow rate, stage speed as AJP process parameters, and line width and line roughness as the line morphology. …”
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Journal Article