Unusual association of diseases/symptoms: Sweet's syndrome in Crohn's colitis
Published 2009“…We would like to report a case involving a 38-year-old woman who presented with knee and ankle swellings 2 weeks prior to admission. …”
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Article -
Changing paradigms of development: an assessment
Published 2009“…Thus, the most suitable term to highlight the sense and traits of development is ‘social transformation’ or ‘social development’. Sociologists like Comte, Spencer, Tonnies and Durkheim explained changes in the broad sense covering the whole of society. …”
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Article -
Sustainable tourism development in Muar.
Published 2020“…It helps to preserve and conserve the well being of the place which could contribute to the numbers of tourists that went there. Like any other tourism destinations, the participation of tourism stakeholders is the key to ensure its sustainability. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Educational Experience of ‘African’ Students at London Metropolitan University – a Case Study
Published 2007“…This case study examines what studying at LondonMet was like for a small number of students coming from different ‘African’ backgrounds, i.e. from African countries and ethnic communities. …”
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Parallel querying of distributed ontologies with shared vocabulary / Index-based concurrent SPARQL query processing
Published 2019“…However, although SPARQL is well-established standard for querying semantic repositories in RDF and OWL format and there are commonly used APIs which supports it, like Jena for Java, its parallel option is not incorporated in them. …”
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Article -
Design of a high gain & ultra wideband microstrip array antenna for avalanche radar
Published 2011“…This paper presents the design and construction of a microstrip array antenna operating at 5.3 GHz, to be used as an avalanche sensor in avalanche measurement. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mechanical and physical properties of fly ash foamed concrete
Published 2011“…Therefore, this research investigates physical and mechanical properties of fly ash foamed concrete. Fly ash was used as fine aggregate. Six series of fly ash foamed concrete for target densities (1000, 1100,1200,1300,1400 and 1500 kg/m ) with constant cement to fly ash ratio (1:1.5) and cement to water ratio (1:0.65) by weight were prepared and tested. …”
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Thesis -
Economic Cooperation among the OIC countries: a case of Turk-Malay Economic Cooperation
Published 2013“…It’s hoped that bilateral trade is expected to rise to $2.5 billion, with Malaysian exports making up a large portion in 2012. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Miniaturized planar ultra-wideband slot antenna with an interference suppressing capability
Published 2016“…In this article analysis of antenna parameters like radiation characteristics, survey of surface currents and antenna gain will be presented.…”
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Article -
Indium tin oxide thin films: an ideal transparent and conductive oxides contact for solar cells application
Published 2020“…Furthermore, the integration of different materials like metals, semiconductors, ceramics, plastics molecular and polymer organics into these devices have called for the provision of an improve TCO materials with required functional morphology, high performance and new processibility [5].…”
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Book Section -
The concept of 'actor' in the study of professions: identifying a Western bias
Published 2010“…Our point of departure is that such a narrow map and to some extent loose conceptualization about the issue make the concept problematic especially when use in the developing societies like Asia or Africa context. The paper, therefore, draws the conclusion that the understanding and the interpretation of the concept ‘actors’ need to be explained in relation to the wider international socio-economic and political context of a particular society. …”
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Article -
War on terror : fantasy and fiction behind the mythology of terrorist financing
Published 2009“…The collateral damage inflicted on organisations like Al-Barakaat, the Somali remittance network, wrongly accused of channeling money to the terrorists, and others are counter-productive as they dent the image of the US in the Muslim world.…”
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Article -
Trans-cultural nature of Islamic art
Published 2009“…Studying, in depth, of the arts of a certain civilization is like reliving history: the realm of art is a multi-dimensional source of knowledge that not only involves our intellectual faculty, but touch our souls, engage our emotions and eventually provide a unique timeless experience that transcends the physical boundaries and unites us with the peoples that created them.…”
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Book Chapter -
Religious and spiritual beliefs and practices of patients and physicians from a tertiary care hopital in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Concomitantly, we aim to assess the belief so four patients and whether they like to address such issues.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Is being muslim fact or a challenge? : a perspective on muslim identity, citizenship and Islamic education
Published 2010“…Like most religious communities Muslinls do not constitute a monolithic, undiftl'rcntiatcd community but display a rich variety of differences. …”
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Book Chapter -
Iqbal: an analysis on his life, works and mission
Published 2011“…Within the confines of this paper, the researcher would like to explore and analyze the life, works and mission of Iqbal. …”
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Article -
Ibn al-Nafis contribution in urology progress practices
Published 2011“…The methods of findings were based on a collection of literature such as writing like journals, list or report and books as well…”
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Book Chapter -
Mobility management in multicast environment
Published 2011“…The communication in traditional network is unicast enabled by IP unicast protocol, on the contrary, group communication is the norm in human setting [1] and numerous applications abound like Mobile TV, Multimedia and General Content Distribution and other collaborative applications [2]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Linearizing techniques for sensor output
Published 2011“…Most of the signal processing nowadays is in digital domain due to advantages like noise-insensitivity, more robustness, better production yield, reliability and testability. …”
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Book Chapter -
English digits speech recognition system based on hidden Markov Models
Published 2011“…Researchers' contribution were to make use of ASR technology to what can be seen nowadays of various advancements in fields like multi-modal, multi-linguaVcross-lingual ASR using statistical techniques such as HMM, SVM, neural network, etc [1].…”
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Book Chapter