Measurement of body temperature and heart rate for the development of healthcare system using IOT platform
Published 2019“…Having a healthy body is the greatest blessing of life, hence healthcare is required to maintain or improve the health since the healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health through the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of injury, disease, illness, and other mental and physical impairments in human beings. …”
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Book Section -
The development of a portable optical system for telemonitoring of skin blood oxygen level
Published 2019“…Oxygen is one of the keys parameters required for tissues metabolism to ensure life sustainability. Without it, human’s health would suffer and eventually result in fatal. …”
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Book Section -
Women and flexitime
Published 2019“…At present also, it can be seen that the individual requires more balance between work and life at the same time they have more time to take care of their families. …”
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Book Section -
Statistics of retirement age around the world
Published 2019“…Retirement can possibly be a distressing life progress in late adulthood, frequently setting off a wide scope of huge changes, for example, lost stable salary, detachment from partners at work and an expansion in unstructured time. …”
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Book Section -
زينة المرأة وتَطَيُّبها في معجم (أساس البلاغة) للزمخشري: دراسة دلالية = The ornament of woman and perfumes in the dictionary of ‘Asas al-Balaghah’ by Al-Zamakhshari: a semantic stu...
Published 2015“…The words and phrases also revealed some of the characteristics of social life from that period of time. …”
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Article -
Smoking: ban all forms of tobacco
Published 2011“…Let's not wait till another life is taken or another child is hooked on tobacco before we decide that enough is enough. …”
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Article -
Tool wear and surface roughness aspects in heat assisted end milling of AISI D2 hardened steel
Published 2011“…In addition preheating is expected to improve the tool life and improve surface finish of the machined components. …”
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Book Chapter -
Characterization of probiotic Lactobacillus spp. isolates from commercial fermented milks
Published 2015“…The results of enumeration of lactobacilli showed that 22 out of a total 36 tested products contained more than 106 colony forming units/g at the end of their shelf-life, which comply with the recommended minimum therapeutic level for probiotics. …”
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Thesis -
Transitory microbial habitat in the hyperarid Atacama Desert
Published 2018“…Traces of life are nearly ubiquitous on Earth. However, a central unresolved question is whether these traces always indicate an active microbial community or whether, in extreme environments, such as hyperarid deserts, they instead reflect just dormant or dead cells. …”
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Article -
Becoming 'NEET': an exploration of marginalised young people’s trajectories and experiences
Published 2019“…Therefore, social class is a major determinant in young people’s trajectories and explains why some of the young people are positioned unfavourably with regard to their life chances. Significantly, all of the participants had been continuously NEET since the age of 18, with 12 of them NEET since the age of 16, and with none of them having been in employment since the age of 16. …”
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Thesis -
The Mathnawi of Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Published 2007“…Rúmí has combined the lore of religion, Ṣúfísm and poetry before him with rare perspicacity and eloquence. His life and the Mawlawí tradition which he established are a living testimony to the vibrancy of the spiritual message of Islam. …”
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Book -
Microencapsulation of gentamicin into biodegradable polymer as a novel drug delivery system
Published 2011“…Current global treatment for acute and chronic orthopaedic infection using non-biodegradable, antibiotic implant are costly and frequently disabling problem that severely affects the patient’s functional outcome and quality of life. Once infection is established, it requires multiple surgeries, prolonged antibiotic treatment, and long-term complications. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cooperative robot and user-friendly robot - new challenge in robotics
Published 2011“…In the near future many aspect of our life will be encompassed by tasks performing in cooperation with robot. …”
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Book Chapter -
Tourism, built environment and inclusive landscape
Published 2011“…Tourism may be just a leisurely activity of being away from the mundane of everyday life: to take in fresh air and to enjoy the view of nature. …”
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Book Chapter -
Diaphragmatic flap reinforcement in delayed repair of iatrogenic oesophageal perforation
Published 2010“…Iatrogenic oesophageal perforation is a life-threatening condition with a high mortality rate especially if diagnosis is delayed. …”
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Al-Kashi and access to the arithmetic & astronomy
Published 2011“…It is worthy to mention that engineering has an impact to develop human life especially when we know that this includes verious fields such as mathematic, physics, astronomic, architecture, optic and other types which have relation with this word. …”
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Fundamentalism and fanaticism: a comparative analysis
Published 2011“…If all the world’s great religions preach peace and the preservation of life, why do fanatics kill and maim in the name of their religion? …”
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Creation of an Islamic state between ambition and ignorance
Published 2010“…In addition, it also discusses the creation of educational and training center of al-zaytun which they regard it as the home of believers which is equal with the Madinan state established during the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Another important aspect, it also highlights on the obligatory infaq taken from its members to be collected from any source regardless of lawfulness and unlawfulness simply for the sake of establishing an ideal Islamic government.…”
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Proceeding Paper