Social media and customer retention: implications for the luxury beauty industry
Published 2018“…Social media has become an integrated part of everyday life, but its entry into the luxury goods industry has been far from easy. …”
Book Section -
'I get up in the night to cry’: the impact of homelessness on higher education students in London, UK
Published 2018“…The impact of homelessness was far-reaching in terms of their emotional wellbeing and ability to fully participate in university life, including pressure on time and financial resources, inability to fully focus on studies, and limited engagement with fellow students and the wider university experience.…”
Article -
English diaspora in North America: migration, ethnicity and association, 1730s–1950s
Published 2016“…Celebrating saints days, expressing pride in the monarch and national heroes, providing charity to the national poor, and forging mutual aid societies mutual, were all features of English life overseas. In fact, the English simply resembled other immigrant groups too much to be dismissed as the unproblematic, invisible immigrants.…”
Monograph -
Immigration, politics and violence in urban France: between fiction and facts
Published 2008“…Semi-fictional accounts of immigrants’ life in the banlieues are a privileged source of information about the social distress that nurtured the explosion of urban violence. …”
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Article -
Schopenhauer and the Diamond-Sutra
Published 2020“…This chapter contends that Schopenhauer’s works contain two conceptions of soteriological nothing: an early conception that is ontological and contrasted with the vanity of phenomenal life, and a later conception in which nothing is employed as an apophatic denial of our epistemological categories. …”
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Book Section -
An ontological approach to model software quality assurance knowledge domain
Published 2013“…The ultimate goal was to develop an ontology that faithfully models the SQA discipline as practiced in the software development life cycle.…”
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Thesis -
The working class in Schrader’s Blue Collar (1978)
Published 2025“…(Schrader and Schrader 1978) Due to the fictional American Union of Autoworkers’ (AAW) (representing the real life Union of Autoworkers (UAW)) indifference to their poor working conditions, the trio break into their local branches’ safe.…”
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Book Section -
After progress
Published 2022“…By exploring the complex connections between progress and knowledge, ecology, politics, science, culture, and justice, this original book offers critical and speculative perspectives on the making of social life after progress.…”
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Effect of Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): A Review
Published 2020“…Effects of indoor air pollution can be life threatening. Kids and old age people are more prone to the after effects of indoor air pollution.…”
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Book Section -
Cell phone at your workplaces
Published 2020“…Digital technology has become an integral part of people life because of it always ask the people to gain a new information search and learn the new things such as they can communicate very well with another people at organization. …”
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Book Section -
Study on the ability of black soldier fly larvae for reducing the house fly eggs in poultry manure
Published 2020“…In addition, the larvae benefit from the use of natural resources to overcome the problem of life cycle of widespread flies in the poultry farm openly. …”
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Book Section -
Removal of heavy metals in textile wastewater by Ca-Alginate beads immobilized activated carbon
Published 2020Get full text
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Development of solar powered food truck with security monitoring system
Published 2020“…No release the pollutant, low maintenance and high reliability with life span expectation of 20 – 30 years made solar power a favourable source energy to be used in the future ..…”
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Book Section -
Cairo and the printing press as the modes in the dissemination of Muhammad ‘Abduh’s reformism to colonial Malaya
Published 2011“…These reformists urged the umma to revitalize their conditions –eliminate intellectual stagnation; to reform their morality, social life, economy and politics; and to reinterpret relevant aspects of the Islamic tradition to make it compatible with modern living. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Technology transfer in developing countries
Published 2011“…Technology has a great effect on productivity, wealth, health and life style of individuals and countries. Due to the rapid growth of technologies and poor infrastructure in developing countries they feel that they are far behind developed countries and Technology transfer has become a great issue of concern for researchers, companies and policy makers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A discourse of education as a prime factor for the development of a nation: contributions of Islamic scholars in Nigeria
Published 2009“…As human advances from old sociological history to new, the dimensions of life, culture, perspectives of society and nation undergo radical changes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The significant of history curriculum in the development of active citizen: a critical analysis of the ICSS History, Malaysia
Published 2011“…Consequently, the pupils are expected to appreciate and practise in daily life Malaysian multi-culture, appreciate the efforts and contributions of the national figures who had liberated and developed the nation, and, have historical and consciousness with regard to the existing community in the country. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Therapeutic interventions: an Islamic perspective
Published 2008“…A successful activation of the Islamic therapeutic model and its furtherance apart from the use of limited therapeutic strategies on the individual level can take place only within a reactivation of an authentic Islamic way of life.…”
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Article -
Euthanasia: Islamic perspective
Published 2011“…Regarding the second type of euthanasia called as passive euthanasia, the issues which could be grouped under it are withholding, withdrawing, and refusing medical treatment; Do Not Resuscitate (DNR); discontinuing life support system; starvation and dehydration; and pain medication that may hasten death as a side effect. …”
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Book Chapter -
Continuous quality improvement strategies in engineering curriculum
Published 2011“…The strategies of continuous quality improvement are normally described in terms of ability to satisfy the current and future needs of industry, mobility, and life-long commitment to learning. In this paper, the need for continuous quality improvement in higher education; the role of academic in higher education; some of the strategies and techniques universities are employing for continuous quality improvement are discussed. …”
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Proceeding Paper