The mechanisms of neuropathic pain: an overview for psychiatrists
Published 2002“…Results: Neuroplastic changes are described under the headings of: ectopic discharge, sensitizationof sensory terminals, cross-excitation, neurotransmitter change, coupling between the sympathetic and sensory nervous systems, spinal cord reorganization, spinal cord increased excitability, spinal cord decreased inhibition,supraspinal influences. …”
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A case of an SMA child with a unique clinical and radiological manifestation
Published 2013“…Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder with variable clinical severity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Martabatkan Bahasa Melayu jadi bahasa ilmu
Published 2009“…Ia terbukti mampu menjadi bahasa lingua-franca pada masa silam dan berkeupayaan menjadi bahasa ilmu, sains dan teknologi pada masa kini.…”
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Syringomyelia in pregnancy - is caesarean section the best option for delivery - a case report
Published 2009“…Syringomyelia is a rare neurological disease, which is characterized by the formation of a cyst in the spinal cord. The aetiology of the disease still remains controversial. …”
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Thresholds for vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) produced by impulsive transmastoid acceleration.
Published 2013“…Design: VEMPs and OVEMPs were obtained simultaneously from subjects in supine posture with both head and eyes elevated. Thresholds to ITA were measured using four different response identification methods. …”
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Effect of adding global postural re-education to Kendall exercises for treating asymptomatic forward head posture: a single-blinded randomized controlled trial
Published 2025“…Conclusions: The added effect GPR technique to Kendall exercises significantly improved CVA, CROM, NDI, chest expansion, and spinal mobility in subjects with FHP.…”
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“British English is much more prestigious, everybody knows that!”: reproducing and resisting hegemonic language ideologies in Chilean English teacher education
Published 2024“…(eds) (2018). English as a Lingua Franca in Teacher Education, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. …”
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Book Section -
English digits speech recognition system based on hidden Markov Models
Published 2011“…Researchers' contribution were to make use of ASR technology to what can be seen nowadays of various advancements in fields like multi-modal, multi-linguaVcross-lingual ASR using statistical techniques such as HMM, SVM, neural network, etc [1].…”
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Book Chapter -
Biomedical Analysis of Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) Cage for Lumbar Vertebrae
Published 2023“…Objective: To develop the interbody cages implanted between the lumbar vertebrae by evaluating the strength of the bone model and the spinal cage. Materials and methods: In this study, finite element analysis (FEA) was applied using Mechanical Finder software (MF) to develop a 3D spine model lumbar vertebrae of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4 - L5) with various interbody cage designs, including honeycomb and rectilinear patterns with 50%, 70%, and 100% infill densities. …”
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Analysis re-entrant honeycomb auxetic structure for Lumbar vertebrae using finite element analysis
Published 2024“…Lumbar spinal fusion is a frequent surgical solution among people who are experiencing severe persistent lower back pain. …”
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The contribution of languages of Muslim-majority speakers to English vocabulary
Published 2012“…This study is an attempt to discover the various vocabulary items from languages of Muslim-majority speakers that have found their way into the international lingua franca and thus used internationally and regionally. …”
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Storage stability of fish oil from Langkawi Island, Malaysia
Published 2009“…The five fish species were “kerisi” (threadfin breams, Scomberomorus commersoni), “kerapu” (groupers, Cynoglossus lingua), “kembong” (Indian mackerel, Psettodes crumei), “gelama kling” (drum-croaker-jewfish, Pristipomodes typus), and “tinggiri batang” (Spanish mackerels, Scolidon sorrakowah). …”
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Case report of huge cervical dumbbell tumor in neurofibromatosis. Give up surgery?
Published 2011“…Neurofibromas that arise from the spinal canal may be intradural or extradural and most commonly in the cervical spine (44%), followed by the thoracic spine (27%) and the lumbar spine (21%). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spores that crush the spine in infancy: a diagnostic dilemma for an infant with special tuberculosis
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Examining the temporal evolution of hypervelocity impact phenomena via high-speed imaging and ultraviolet-visible emission spectroscopy
Published 2014“…Complementary laser-side-lighting [Mihaly et al., Int. J. Impact Eng. 62, 13 (2013); Proc. Eng. 58, 363 (2013)] and front-of-target (without laser illumination) images were also captured using a Cordin ultra-high-speed camera. …”
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The genesis of Persian and Urdu languages and literatures in India
Published 2015“…While classical Indian civilisation was based on Sanskrit, the sacerdotal language of the Brahmins, this sacred language did not affect the general mass of people, nor literature beyond a privileged elite. The first true lingua franca that transcended caste barriers to a certain extent was Persian, which was adopted by the ruling dynasties of Muslim India (who themselves were generally Turks or indigenous Indians rather than Persians), their Hindu peers, as well as the civil servants. …”
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Functional electrical stimulation system and profile for walking
Published 2011“…Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) helps to restore muscle function for dropped foot correction in patients having neurological disorders such as cerebro-vascular accident or stroke, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury by stimulating the tibialis anterior muscle or common peroneal nerve. …”
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Book Chapter -
Fatty acid, mineral and heavy metal contents of different Malaysia fish species
Published 2010“…The fish species were “jenahak” (Lutjanus agentimaculatus), “kebasi” (Anadontostoma chacunda), “duri” (Arius umatranus), “tenggiri batang” (Scomberomorus commersonii), “kembong” (Rastrelliger kanagurta), “kintan” (Psettodes crumei), “kerisi” (Pristipomoides typus), “kerapu” (Epinephelus sexfasciatus), “gelama keling” (Sciaena dussumieri),“malong” (Congresax talabon), “laban” (Cynoglossus lingua), “yu 9” (Scolidon sorrakowah) and “bagi” (Aacnthurs nigrosis). …”
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Proceeding Paper