An Islamic analysis on the justification to abortion for non consensual sexual violation
Published 2015“…It is used for both born and unborn child. The main reason for abortion is usually due to economic factors, illegitimacy, unprepared gender sex of the child and the result of being rape. …”
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A coherent framework for understanding the success of an information system project: a revised version
Published 2016“…Such points became the main contribution of this study to fill the gap in the literatures, particularly in the lack of comprehensive detail of a research model development.…”
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Fabrication of Adsorber Bed Apparatus for dehydration of ethanol on Zeolite based media
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Proceeding Paper -
A high radix hierarchical interconnection network for network-on-chip
Published 2016“…Architecture of the interconnection network has a great influence on the speed of the multi-core processor design. The main aims of any new architecture are to avoid the latency, and to decrease the cost. …”
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The standard of care in traditional medicine and modern medicine
Published 2016“…At the latest, it will mention the critical view of standard of care in both medicine. Overall, the main outcome of this study is that the given standard of care whether in the field of traditional or modern medicine is different in either field. …”
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The standard of care in traditional medicine and modern medicine
Published 2016“…At the latest, it will mention the critical view of standard of care in both medicine. Overall, the main outcome of this study is that the given standard of care whether in the field of traditional or modern medicine is different in either field. …”
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New technology for biochar production from oil palm empty fruit bunch
Published 2016“…In the general fast pyrolysis process of EFB, the main pyrolysis vapor product will undergo a secondary decomposition to produce secondary char and gases. …”
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Oil price and exchange rates: a wavelet analysis for organisation of oil exporting countries members
Published 2016“…The study found that the strength of the relationship between oil price and exchange rate divides into three main categories, namely oil price leads exchange rate, exchange rate leads oil prices, and the relationship keeps changing. …”
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Performance and cost analysis of diesel engine with different mixing ratio of raw vegetable oil and diesel fuel
Published 2016“…The main focus of this study is to performance test of a one cylinder four stroke ZS1115 diesel engine running by diesel fuel, raw preheated soybean oil fuel, mixture of 80% diesel fuel & 20% raw preheated soybean oil fuel, mixture of 50% diesel fuel & 50% raw preheated soybean oil fuel, mixture of 30% diesel fuel & 70% raw preheated soybean oil fuel and mixture of 20% diesel fuel & 80% raw preheated soybean oil fuel, and finally compare the performance among them. …”
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Investigation of quality of cost data input in Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis in Malaysia
Published 2016“…Commentators often pointed out the main focus of the local practitioners and scholars on LCC in the Malaysian construction industry is considerably on the LCC conversion which includes the methodology and models of computing LCC, but very little emphasis is given on the availability, accessibility, currency and reliability of the data as inputs into the process of generating reliable LCC analysis. …”
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Development of acid-base-enzyme pretreatment and hydrolysis of palm oil mill effluent for bioethanol production: a review
Published 2016“…Nowadays, palm oil mill effluent (POME) is the main water stream pollutant in Malaysia. This paper reviews to development in the methods of bioethanol production from POME by acid-base-enzyme pretreatment and hydrolysis processes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The employment of documentary film in enhancing Arabic writing skills among non-native speakers from the experts’ perspective
Published 2016“…Accordingly, the present study has two main objectives, firstly to highlight the importance of using documentary film in enhancing the learning of Arabic as a second language (ASL) writing skill. …”
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The influence of self-regard on response of belief in God and awareness of prophetic teaching
Published 2016“…Data were analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The main goal of this study was to investigate the statistical properties of this scale and examine if it could be applied across university students. …”
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Measurement of the information system project success of the higher education institutions in Indonesia: A pilot study
Published 2016“…Such findings had become the main contribution of this study, among others, that is to fill the gap in the literature of the lack of comprehensive detail of model validation through mixed-methods.…”
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Study of operating conditions for biodiesel production from sludge palm oil using chemical reactor
Published 2009“…The main challenges for biodiesel production are the cost of raw material (fats and oils) and the cost of processing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sewage sludge as an alternative resource: Optimization of media for citric acid production
Published 2009“…However, the safe and environmental-friendly disposal of this huge quantity of sludge is the main concern of IWK. Sludge can be a very good source of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients for many microbial processes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rainfall forecasting models using focused time-delay neural networks
Published 2010“…Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have recently become very popular and they are one of the most widely used forecasting models that have enjoyed fruitful applications for forecasting purposes in many domains of engineering and computer science. The main contribution of this research is in the design, implementation and comparison of rainfall forecasting models using Focused Time-Delay Neural Networks (FTDNN). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Improved watershed runoff estimation using radar-derived rainfall in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2009“…These characteristics make weather radar a useful system for rainfall estimation. The main objective of this study was to develop a technique to improve the performance of hydrological models to estimate runoff more accurately using radar-derived rainfall data incorporating GIS. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Review of erbium-doped fiber amplifier
Published 2011“…Low NF and high gain are the main features for optimum amplifier (Desurvire, 1987). …”
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An integrated scheme to improve performance of fast mobile IPv6 handover in IEEE 802.16e network
Published 2009“…To apply the layer 3 (L3) handover protocol over the existing IEEE 802.16e layer 2 (L2) handover scheme, the fast mobile IPv6 was used by many researches, but long latency is main challenge for real-time applications. In this paper, to solve latency problem, an integrated scheme is proposed that it combines cross layer design and cross function optimization. …”
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