Interest rate dynamics in Kenya : commercial banks' rates and the 91 day treasury bill rate
Published 2011“…For this purpose we use data on four commercial banks’ interest rates (Deposits, Savings, Lending and Overdraft) together with the 91-Day Treasury Bill rate, for the time period July 1991 – August 2010, and apply various techniques based on long-range dependence and, in particular, on fractional integration. …”
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Banking efficiency and Economic growth in the MENA region
Published 2011“…We introduce a set of control variables associated with the long run growth and find an interesting interaction with banking productivity and financial deepening suggesting that efforts should be focusing on the investments’ efficiency and the increase of regulation to spur a more stable financial system and foster financial deepening in the future.…”
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Employment Growth, Inflation and Output Growth: Was Phillips Right? Evidence from a Dynamic Panel
Published 2011“…In this paper we analyse the short- and long-run relationship between employment growth, inflation and output growth in Phillips’ tradition. …”
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Book review : Human development and capabilities: re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century
Published 2014“…The book was a criticism of the over focus on economic rational without considering long term effect on the human condition. The review was overall positive but argued that the book did not go far enough, and in the case of some authors such as Nussbaum, there was a contrast between the argument on what constitutes 'justice' and her actual actions as in the case of supporting a brutal regime.…”
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The material requirements planning system for vacuum manufacturer
Published 2020“…PPC is a technique to plan each individual operation in long-term series. It helps to make the most correct decisions at the right time and position to achieve maximum efficiency. …”
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Book Section -
Disaster management: a study on knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency nurse and community health nurse
Published 2012“…Emergency nurses who are involved in disaster response more likely to have an adequate practice (p<0.01, AOR=4.008, 95% CI=1.691 – 9.504) and those who are attended disasterrelated education/training more likely to have adequate knowledge (p<0.05, AOR=3.807, 95% CI=1.584 – 9.153) and practice (p=0.001, AOR=4.145, 95% CI=1.804 – 9.525). …”
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CHP within “New Turkey”: the formation of a government party?
Published 2022“…The transformation of the CHP, its popularity rates and limitations will also tell us to what extent political parties are likely to change under authoritarian regimes. We can examine this change by focusing on three issues: a) How and in what direction the party has changed from top to bottom in terms of cadres; b) What the change in its cadres tell us about the main problems facing Turkey’s domestic politics, especially in the economic sphere; c) What these changes tell us about Turkey’s foreign policy and its position in the world.…”
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Performance of cermet tools : applying negative rake angles high speed machining
Published 2010“…Cermet tools have been employed for high speed machining for a long time due to their high wear resistance and high hot hardness. …”
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Book -
Cointegration and causality between non-bank financial intermediaries and economic growth in Malaysia: an ARDL bounds testing approach
Published 2009“…The result shows evidence of a long-run causality running from nonbank financial intermediaries to per capita economic growth, but not vice versa.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Herbs as antimicrobial remedies and the scientific evidences.
Published 2011“…Herbs has long been traditionally proved as effective remedies in preventing and treating various microbial infectious diseases, such as ringworm, Athlete's foot, nail infections, scalp infections, vaginal and oral infections. …”
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Book Chapter -
Exports, education, and growth in Malaysia
Published 2008“…The results suggest that the variables: GDP, exports, and education expenditure are cointegrated. The estimated long-run relationship shows that both exports and education expenditure could explain the variation in real GDP where both are significant at one percent level. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Co-movement of output and price in Malaysia: Empirical evidence and macroeconomic policy implications
Published 2012“…We analyze the short- and long-run co-movements between real activity and prices using several tests in efforts to arrive at conclusive findings. …”
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Route optimization scenario of a new scheme based on nested mobile network
Published 2012“…NEMO Basic Support, designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to provide network mobility, is not efficient to offer low latency handoff in the case of nested mobile networks because it produces a long transfer delay and excessively large packet sizes due to non-optimal routes and multiple encapsulations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Decisive insight on communal and moral assessment of Islamic banking: is it identical to social and ethical banking?
Published 2010“…The emergence of Islamic banks is to introduce the ethical aspects that seem to be long forgotten into the current global financial system. …”
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Enhancing the reliability of spectral correlation function with distributed computing
Published 2013“…However, it is considered high complex due to the 2-D functionality and the required long observation time. The SCF could be computed in various methods however, there are two methods used in practice such as FFT accumulation method (FAM) and strip spectral correlation algorithm (SSCA). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ethical issues when using statistical analysis in research
Published 2013“…Should we consider any result obtained or any analysis tool which used not ethically ethical as long as no body except the researcher knows about it. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Radio propagation modelling in the downlink LTE
Published 2010“…In order to support development of third generation partnership project long term evolution (3GPP LTE) packet scheduling algorithms, research has been conducted into several radio propagation effects. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Alcohol complicates multimorbidity in older adults
Published 2019“…Lower birth rates and higher life expectancy are transforming global population age profiles, such that the prevalence of long term health conditions in the general population is rising steeply, with more people living with multimorbidity as they age. …”
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Towards the development of a model of user engagement with packaged software
Published 2001“…If an individual is happy with a piece of software, he is more likely to use it productively. If an organisation can assess the level of engagement with software prior to its introduction, it may take corrective action to ensure that its introduction is successful. …”
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Thesis -
Smoker desaturation during general anaesthesia: a case report
Published 2009“…The cause of his desaturation was not related to bronchial secretions, bronchospasm or obstruction of the upper airways but most likely due to reduced oxygen saturation in the body prior to surgery. …”
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