Counterfactual, prevention and causal thinking about workplace slip and trip accidents : a study of safety professionals, managers and accident subjects
Published 2015“…Accidents at work are unwanted outcomes and are likely to generate counterfactual thoughts. As slips and trips continue to cause a significant number of injuries they are the focus of this research. …”
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Thesis -
How do gay men experience ruptures in the relationship with their therapist? An interpretative phenomenological study
Published 2020“…Gay men use therapy at higher rates than the general population, but are also more likely to report unsatisfactory experiences in therapy – otherwise known as ruptures. …”
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Thesis -
Understanding motivation to adhere to guidelines for alcohol intake, physical activity, and fruit and vegetable intake among U.K. university students
Published 2021“…University students are a group worth of attention because although they are less likely than older adults to exceed UK weekly alcohol intake guidelines or to be inactive, they are also less likely to meet FV consumption targets. …”
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Article -
Currency crises in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism
Published 1999“…It is showed analytically that the more likely it is that the party which is soft on unemployment will be elected, the more inevitable the crisis is. …”
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Thesis -
Stalking in universities: responding effectively as an institution while prioritising the safety of victims
Published 2023“…Young people make up the largest proportion of university students, and it is this group of people who are likely to be most at risk of sexual harassment and violent crime. …”
Book Section -
Return to learning course for Irish women
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Ephemera -
Three history lectures at the Camden Irish Centre
Published 1986“…Year (1987) added by hand but cannot be correct; 1986 most likely.…”
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Ephemera -
Stress management from Islamic and Western perspectives: a psycho-analytical approach
Published 2011“…Occupational stress is a pervasive phenomenon in the workplace. Its likely occurrence can be attributed to the discrepancies between occupational demands/responsibilities on the one hand, and worker's capabilities, needs or resources on the other. …”
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Book -
مظاههر الاتساق في النص القرآني : دراسة وصفية لغوية = Mazahir al-ittisaq fi al-nas al-Qur'ani : dirasah wasfiyah lughawiyah
Published 2011“…Cohesion is linguistic concept that has long been discussed by the traditionalscholars in their study of the Quranic text and its distinguished features. …”
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Article -
Controversy surrounding the grand qadi of the Sudan, 1899 - 1956: a historical analysis
Published 2006“…But the British drive to de-Egyptianise the Sudan administration, and the steady rise of Sudanese nationalism led the British government, after a long acrimonious debate, to appoint a Sudanese to be the Grand Qāḍī. …”
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Article -
A programmable dirham coin based Hajj saving electronic device
Published 2010“…Hajj, one of the five pillars of religion of Islam requires long-term saving. As most of the Muslim majority countries are developing countries and also facing financial instabilities, savings tend to loose value due to depreciation of the national currencies, political and economic conditions of the countries. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phonetic accompaniment and its semantic reflections on the Holy Qur’an: A computational phonological study
Published 2009“…The research also tries to highlight this relationship through a systematic analysis of the Arabic short-and long- movements, and how to determine the extent of time via computer, then monitoring the phonological effects that lead to an increase/decrease of this range, then devise dimensions results of these movements. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Stochastic models in theory of heredity
Published 2012“…We consider linear and nonlinear stochastic models for transmission of blood types and Rhesus factor from parents to their offspring and investigate long run behavior of these models. In this study we will consider an application of the theory of Markov chains and the theory of nonlinear transformations in medicine. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The dynamics of macroeconomics variables and the volatility of Indonesia stock markets: evidence from Islamic and conventional stock markets
Published 2013“…The result shows that in the long run, the performance of the stock markets is negatively influenced by exchange rate and positively influenced by industrial production index. …”
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Article -
Pretreatment of sludge palm oil by ultrasonic energy for biodiesel production
Published 2010“…It is reasonable to indicate that the pretreatment of SPO by applying ultrasonic energy is related to long sonication time. The results showed that the FFA content of SPO reduced from 24.5% to less than 3 % using molar ratio 10:1, reaction temperature 50o C and 2% wt /wt sulfuric acid to SPO in 300 minutes sonication time.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The vanishing veins: difficult venous access in a patient requiring translumbar, transhepatic, and transcollateral central catheter insertion
Published 2011“…Central venous catheter placement is indicated in patients requiring long-term therapy. With repeated venous catheterisations, conventional venous access sites can be exhausted. …”
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Article -
Persistence and cyclical dependence in the monthly Euribor rate
Published 2012“…Models based on fractional integration at the long run or zero frequency, although adequately describing the persistent behaviour of the series, do not take into account its cyclical structure. …”
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Article -
The efforts of town planning system in Wetland Management in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2007“…The legislation backup of the town planning system offers a strong support for development plan in ensuring the sustainability of wetland habitats are achievable in the long run. Policy and strategy stated in development plan are the mechanisms of town planning system in relation to contribute to wetland management in Peninsular Malaysia.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Membrane vesicles of clostridioides difficile and other clostridial species
Published 2024“…Membrane vesicles of Clostridioides difficile likely contribute to pathogenicity and is a new area of research on which there is currently very limited information. …”
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Book Section -
The establishment of the IIUM as explained by Mahathir Mohamad
Published 2009“…By the Grace and Mercy of Allah s.w.t, the long-held aspiration and hope of Muslims in Malaysia, and in particular, of the illustrious alumni of Kolej Islam Malaya of having an Islamic University in Malaysia became a reality when Dato' Dr. …”
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Book Chapter