Prevalence of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) and risk factors in Malay, Chinese and Indian school children in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Increased neck and abdominal circumference, increased skin fold measurements and enlarged tonsils are significant risk factors only in SRJK school children. …”
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Emotion detection from thermal facial imprint based on GLCM features
Published 2016“…By analysing the heat pattern on the facial skin, this work attempts to investigate the suitability of the thermal imaging technique for affect detection. …”
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Gastrocnemius myocutaneous flap for prevention and treatment of osteomyelitis
Published 2016“…Fifteen donor site were skin frafted while 4 were able to close primarily. …”
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Wound healing properties of acid condensate from oil palm kernel shell
Published 2023Get full text
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Model konsep kemahiran hijau Politeknik Malaysia
Published 2018“…Pensyarah politeknik juga menunjukkan persetujuan pada tahap yang tinggi terhadap kepentingan elemen kemahiran hijau (min konstruk tempat kerja = 4.46, min konstruk akademik = 4.31, min konstruk keberkesana personel = 4.43). …”
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Model kelestarian program TVET berasaskan kompetensi pensyarah dan amalan lestari Kolej Vokasional
Published 2016“…Bagi amalan lestari, tahap sedia ada (min=3.41) juga sederhana dan tahap yang diperlukan (min=4.41) adalah tinggi. …”
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Effect of biodegradation on the physical properties of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using mixed culture of fungi
Published 2013“…The kinetic studies, based on the degradation of the biosolids, shows that the rate constants (K0= 0.7mgl-1min-1 and K1= 0.4 min-1) of the zero and first order models, respectively, of the autoclaved POME sample were higher than the rate constant (K0= 0.03 mgl-1min-1 and K1= 0.02 min-1) obtained for raw POME sample. …”
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Electrode Wear Rate of RBD Palm Oil as Dielectric Fluids on Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) at Different Peak Current and Pulse Duration of Titanium Alloys
Published 2024“…The lowest EWR for kerosene and RBD palm oil is 0.0416mm3/min and 0.0480mm3/min, respectively, at the same IP=6A and ton=150µs. …”
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Penghasilan dan penilaian modul pengujian ke atas konkrit basah bagi pelajar kursus kejuruteraan awam
Published 2003“…Basil daripada analisis data menunjukkan nilai skor min bagi bahagian isi kandungan ialah 4.13. Manakala dari aspek pengunaan gambar dan jadual pula, nilai skor min ialah 4.10. …”
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Treatment of clinical solid waste using steam autoclave as a possible alternative technology of incineration
Published 2012“…The optimum experimental conditions as measured by degree of inactivation of bacteria were 121 °C for 15 minutes (min) for Gram negative bacteria, 121 °C and 131 °C for 60 and 30 min for Gram positive bacteria, respectively. …”
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Hemodynamic effects of the aqueous extracts of syzygium polyanthum Wight. Walp. Var. Polyanthum leaves on normotensive and hypertensive rats: comparisons of dose response curves an...
Published 2012“…Hypotensive effects by 20, 40, 70 and 100 mg/kg AESP were fully recovered within 2, 3, 4 and 6 min, respectively in WKY and within 1, 1, 2 and 3 min, respectively in SHR. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Role of free neuromasts in larval feeding of willow shiner Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens Teleostei, Cyprinidae
Published 2006“…The average number of Artemia eaten by the larvae was expressed as the average ingestion rate of Artemia/10 min. The ingestion rate of Artemia for untreated larvae was 12.3 under light conditions and 10.6 Artemia/10 min. even in complete darkness. …”
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A comparison between ice and salt storages on bacteriological quality of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer)
Published 2012“…In case of quantity of bacteria on the skin, salt-preserved fish had higher quantity of bacteria than ice-preserved fish. …”
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Acute vascular complications (flap necrosis and congestion) with one stage and two stage distally based sural flap for wound coverage around the ankle
Published 2016“…Complications were treated by dressing or skin grafting and only one required a repeat flap surgery. …”
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Impact of midwives practices initiation on postpartum haemorrhage reduction in public hospitals in Gaza strip, Palestine
Published 2018“…Consequently, the objectives of this study are to examine the relationship between Breast Feeding (BF), Skin to Skin Contact (SSC) and Active Management of the Third Stage of Labour (AMTSL) on PPH reduction at Gaza strip, Palestine and to examine the impact of these practices (BF, SSC and AMTSL) on the PPH reduction at Gaza strip, Palestine. …”
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