Transformational texts: genre, discourse and subjectivity in the self-help book
Published 2011“…It argues that these texts have links with classical and modern ethics of optimum living and are predicated on an ontology of transformative possibility which is expressed through typical rhetorical strategies. …”
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Thesis -
The geopolitical context of NATO's role in the Middle East
Published 2009“…Questions remain unanswered concerning the limits of NATO's role in the region and whether or not NATO is able to help in improving regional security through cooperative links with select Middle Eastern partners. This dissertation seeks to ascertain whether or not NATO has indeed expanded its role in the region; whether this enhanced role is adequate to post-9/11 challenges; and whether this role - specifically or in general - has been used as a tool of US foreign policy in the region. …”
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Determinants of online brand communities’ and millennials’ characteristics: a social influence perspective
Published 2021“…Unlike other competing epistemologies, the authors developed a conceptual framework that links a holistic set of OBCs’ characteristics (brand sentiment, identification with source, affirmative experience, conspicuous effect) to consumers’ perceptions in the fashion sector. …”
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Voice and visibility: tackling the ‘invisibility’ of the sexual orientation strand in UK organisation equality and diversity research
Published 2015“…The covering document provides details of the research projects and the interpretivist case study methodology on which the published outputs draw. It summarises and links the aims and principal findings of each output demonstrating that they form a coherent body of work. …”
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Artificial Intelligence as an enabler of quick and effective production repurposing manufacturing: an exploratory review and future research propositions
Published 2024“…For this purpose, recent advancements in technology and artificial intelligence (AI) could act as response solutions to conquer the threats linked with repurposing manufacturing (RM). The study’s purpose is to investigate the significance of AI in RM through a systematic literature review (SLR). …”
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Holistic Course Design: proposals for a short course on biosafety
Published 2006“…Furthermore, several countries have embarked on international initiatives to strengthen emergency preparedness in response to terrorist activities (‘bio-terrorism’) by linking academic expertise to state and local health agency needs. …”
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Participation in vocational further education : a study of factors influencing entry into commercial, construction and engineering training in Inner London
Published 1985“…Attention has been paid to vocational preferences and job ambitions, due to their close links with training choices. The study adopted an inter-disciplinary approach. …”
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Posthumanist panic cinema? The films of Andrew Niccol
Published 2015“…Niccol wrote The Truman Show (1998) and was writer and director of Gattaca (1997), S1m0ne (2002), In Time (2011), and Good Kill (2014). A consideration that links these films is a reflection upon posthuman cinema itself. …”
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Engagement through partnership: students as partners in learning and teaching in Higher Education
Published 2014“…Students as partners is a concept which interweaves through many other debates, including assessment and feedback, employability, flexible pedagogies, internationalisation, linking teaching and research, and retention and success. …”
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Monograph -
How do gay men experience ruptures in the relationship with their therapist? An interpretative phenomenological study
Published 2020“…The study also found that rupture overlaps with the difficulties commonly experienced as part of the therapeutic process, making it difficult to define rupture. The researcher links the findings to minority stress theory, and suggests that an over-emphasis on the transferential relationship in therapy, and rigidity in therapeutic approach, can impede the collaborative process that is more likely to lead to reparation with this client group, especially when they are at an early stage in their gay identity development. …”
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Black Workers and BME networks organising against racism in the NHS workplace
Published 2018“…The concept ‘racial capitalism’ is also linked to race and class theories of Black self-organised resistance to racism in the UK context. …”
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Algerian immigrants in London (United Kingdom) and Valencia (Spain): towards a new migration and labour model?
Published 2013“…During the last two decades, one of the most important changes in the geography of Algerian migration has been its gradual spread to some "new" contexts, that can be located differently in a spectrum of various characteristics, such as geographical location, historical-cultural links, existence of networks, and profiles of Algerian migrants, among others. …”
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The publishing industry, the ideological framework and foreign aid in Tanzania
Published 1995“…The study argues that Tanzania's post-colonial development attempts and those after SAP have been linked with initiatives and active participation of institutions in foreign aid allocation as well as the development of policy formulation, despite the policy of socialism and self-reliance. …”
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Pauper education in Victorian England: organisation and administration within the new poor law 1834-1880
Published 1993“…Pauper schooling involved central supervision, inspection and local management and was inextricably linked with Poor Law strategies to depauperise and to administer strict relief policies. …”
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Assessing the challenge of policing animal rights extremism in the UK and the changing impact on community safety and human rights in the period 2004-2010
Published 2012“…The results show that animal rights activism and linked extremism has been effectively brought under control but collectively 'protest law' has been altered. …”
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The importance of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids for fetal immune system maturation and function
Published 2007“…Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) are important structural components in the cell membrane and a deficiency in these fatty acids have been linked to clinical complications. In addition, omega 3 and omega 6 LCPUFAs are biologically active substrates for the synthesis of regulators of inflammatory processes. …”
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Mutuality vs freedom: competing moral panics in the UK debate over the wearing of masks during the pandemic
Published 2024“…Throughout these changes of policy, a debate developed in which mask-wearing became, in part at least, linked to issues of moral and social responsibility. …”
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Book Section -
An exploration of adult third culture kids’ experience of transitioning to the UK between the ages of 10 and 17: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2023“…Research on TCK’s suggests that their migratory experience(s) can be linked to challenges with identity development, a lack of belonging and others. …”
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Ex vivo analysis of the association of GFP-expressing L. aethiopica and L. mexicana with human peripheral blood-derived (PBD) leukocytes over 24 hours
Published 2024“…In mice models, the disease development or resolution is linked to T cell responses involving inflammatory cytokines and the activation of macrophages with the M1/M2 phenotype. …”
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