Bosan atau nakal? ibu buntu gelagat si kecil di sekolah, rumah
Published 2012“…Anak saya nakal, sensitif, memberontak, mengeluarkan perkataan yang tidak sedap didengar, tidak mendengar kata. …”
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Susu badan berdarah: adakah ia selamat?
Published 2016“…Sudah menjadi lumrah, hasil perahan susu ibu ada pasang surutnya dan juga masalahnya yang tersendiri. Antara masalah yang dihadapi oleh para ibu adalah susu bertukar warna kepada merah jambu seolah-olah darah.…”
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Adakah penyusuan ketika hamil selamat?
Published 2015“…Ini kerana terdapat beberapa faktor yang diambil kira seperti pertumbuhan bayi yang dikandung, cetusan kontraksi pra matang dan juga risiko keguguran.…”
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Penggunaan Bahasa Arab dalam komunikasi pemandu pelancong ke arah memperkenalkan Malaysia
Published 2009“…Bahasa adalah alat untuk menyampaikan maklumat. Kaedah komunikasi yang baik amat penting dalam mempertingkatkan identiti seseorang pemandu pelancong. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Persepsi pelajar bidang mekanikal terhadap Penguasaan 4c dalam pembelajaran teori dan amali
Published 2020“…Ini merupakan pendidikan yang telah digariskan oleh kerajaan dalam memastikan pelajar yang dihasilkan mempunyai kualiti yang baik dari setiap aspek bukan sahaja dari segi pembelajaran. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Tangani masalah buli melalui program abang, kakak angkat
Published 2009“…Masalah buli di kalangan pelajar sekolah merupakan satu perkara yang serius dalam proses pendidikan remaja. Tindakan mahkamah mungkin dapat memberi pengajaran kepada remaja yang bersikap ganas tetapi ia bukan penyelesaian yang menyeluruh.…”
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Hidup sederhana tapi kaya ilmu
Published 2009“…Budaya mengagungkan konsumerisme yang dipengaruhi neo-liberal kapitalisme Barat dengan memilih kehidupan mewah menjadi gaya hidup masa kini, sedangkan budaya ilmu yang serius ditolak ke tepi. …”
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Baik buruk nikah di Thailand
Published 2007“…Perkahwinan merupakan satu cara yang baik untuk menyatukan pasangan lelaki dan wanita yang sedang dilamun cinta. …”
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The effect of palm oil diesel fuel contaminated lubricant on sliding wear of cast irons against mild steel
Published 1996“…This was done on three types of cast iron, namely spheroidal graphite, flake graphite and chilled cast iron against a mild steel disc configuration using a pin-on-disc type of friction and wear apparatus. …”
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Substrate integrated waveguide cavity backed frequency reconfigurable antenna for cognitive radio applies to internet of things applications
Published 2019“…Reconfiguration of frequency bands is achieved using PIN diodes. The antenna resonated at 2.624, 2.664, 2.720, 2.752, 4.304, 4.532, 4.556, 5.236, 5.304, 5.368, 5.332, and 5.392 GHz. …”
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Predicting safe tonsillectomy for ambulatory surgery
Published 2010“…Significant increase in risk was observed for both primary haemorrhage (OR: 1.05, 95% CI 1.01–1.09 min, P = 0.020) and respiratory complications (OR: 1.08, 95% CI 1.01– 1.16 min, P = 0.024) by 4.5% and 8.3%, respectively, with every 1-min increase in length of surgery. …”
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Production of carrageenan from Malaysian seaweed
Published 2011“…In this stage the highest gel strength \\'as 659.13 g/cm2 at condition of 6% \viv KOH concentration, 80LlC temperature and 65 min extraction time. …”
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Book Chapter -
Supercritical carbon dioxide fractionation of pithecellobium jiringan jack seed compositions using fast gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry
Published 2011“…The extract was collected every 20 min and the yield was successively extracted into five fractions; thus, the total extraction time was 100 min. …”
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Supercritical enhancement for separation of lauric acid and oleic acid in palm kernel oil (PKO)
Published 2004“…The extraction of dehulled ground palm kernel using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) as a solvent at a temperature of 80 ◦C and pressures ranging from 27.6 to 48.3 MPa was studied for 30–60 min. At 27.6, 34.5, 41.4 and 48.3 MPa the sample was extracted for 60, 40, 30 and 30 min, respectively, and the total oil achieved 37.5, 38.35, 41.0 and 44.75%, respectively. …”
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Kinetics of cadmium adsorption by CNTs grown on PACs
Published 2012“…Based on the kinetics study, the pseudo second order was the best fit with R2 of 0.996 and model constants were qe = 34.29 (mg/g) and K2 = 0.0013 (g/mg.min). Coefficients for the pseudo first order were qe= 21.145 (mg/g) and K1= 0.09 (min-1) with R2 of 0.936. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production
Published 2011“…An acid catalyzed esterification process was carried out to evaluate the low content of FFA in the treated SPO with the effects of other parameters such as molar ratio of methanol to SPO (6:1–14:1), temperature (40–80 °C), reaction time (30–120 min) and stirrer speed (200–800 rpm). The results showed that the FFA of SPO was reduced from 23.2% to less than 2% FFA using 0.75% wt/wt of sulphuric acid with the molar ratio of methanol to oil of 8:1 for 60 min reaction time at 60 °C. …”
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An evaluation of the association between anthropometric measurements and cardiorespiratory fitness using the forest service step and the Ruffier-Dickson Test
Published 2022“…Results: The VO2max values for these participants ranged between 35.15 and 67.32 mL∙min-1∙kg-1. Linear regression analysis showed a correlation (P<0.01) between measured VO2max (L∙min-1) and height (m), weight (kg), waist (cm) and BMI (kg/m²). …”
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The study on the influence of the Master Chin Kung Model towards the spread and the growth of the Amitabha Buddhist Society Malaysia = Kajian pengaruh model Master Chin Kung terhad...
Published 2015“…Tesis ini menggunakan Teori Fungsionalisme Struktural baru, iaitu Model AGIL yang telah diasaskan oleh ahli sosiologi Talcott Parsons untuk menganalisa data-data kajian yang terkumpul. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Hukum sebat dan perlembagaan
Published 2009“…Hukuman sebat yang dikenakan ke atas model sambilan Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno beberapa minggu begitu hangat diperkatakan di seluruh negara. …”
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Dekati remaja secara mesra
Published 2010“…Suasana begini bukan sahaja boleh melemahkan umat Islam, malah ia juga boleh menggugat struktur sosial masyarakat Islam yang amat prihatin terhadap konsep kasih sayang dan tali persaudaraan yang berteraskan kepercayaan kepada Allah yang Maha Esa.…”
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