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Analog smart I/O pads
Published 2009“…ESD is an increasingly significant problem in integrated circuit design as increasing pin counts and faster circuit speeds compound the need for more and better reliable ESD protection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Antibacterial potential of fungal endophytes from selected seaweeds from Johor Coast
Published 2024“…As a conclusion, five endophytic fungal species were successfully determined from the brown and green seaweeds. …”
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Article -
The Malay Standard Framework (KSBM) as a measure of Malay writing mastery in third form activity books
Published 2023“…The findings of the study showed that five respondents tend to answer review questions that have visuals and text as their writing ideas. …”
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Article -
Exploring the formation of behavioral intention toward rural tourism via sensory experience and memorable tourism experiences, a case study in Henan, China
Published 2024“…On the other hand, sight, sound, taste, and smell do not have a meaningful influence. In contrast, all five senses exhibited substantial beneficial effects on memorable tourism experiences. …”
Article -
FIeld self-delivery system using quadruple legged robot and robot manipulator
Published 2023“…This project explores the use of a legged robot dog, the design and fabrication of an accompanying payload, as well as implementation of perception and behaviour algorithms used to pick up and drop off objects in the context of an urban workplace environment, specifically in an urban farm.However, the solutions proposed can also be extended to other workplace environments. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Multi-flow coordination in supply networks
Published 2008“…Based on the experiment on a typical supply chain model, coordination dynamics is identified as a critical contributing factor to the supply chain dynamics. Five interdependencies between the activities in supply networks are identified. …”
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Thesis -
Septic patients with cancer : do prehospital antibiotics improve survival? A sub-analysis of the PHANTASi trial
Published 2021“…Results: 357(13.4%) of the 2658 included patients had cancer in the past five years, of which, 209 (58.5%) were included in the intervention and 148 (41.5%) usual care groups; 28-day mortality was significantly higher in patients who were diagnosed with cancer in the past five years than those without cancer in the past five years: 15.2% vs. 7.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). …”
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Journal Article -
Comprehensive analysis of feature extraction methods for emotion recognition from multichannel EEG recordings
Published 2023“…The FD-CART feature-classification method attained the best mean classification accuracy for valence (85.06%) and arousal (84.55%) across the five datasets. The stability of these findings across the five different datasets also indicate that FD features derived from EEG data are reliable for emotion recognition. …”
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Journal Article -
Neotropical understory birds and mammals show divergent behaviour responses to human pressure
Published 2024“…We found that diel activity significantly changed with higher human pressure for 45% of the birds (five species) and 36% of the mammals (five species) assessed, with four of five birds becoming more diurnal and all five mammals becoming more nocturnal. …”
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Journal Article -
Co-designing the implementation of a rural health systems-strengthening rheumatic heart disease program with remote First Nations Australian communities using Theory of Change
Published 2025“…Methods: A qualitative study using a Theory of Change approach and ‘yarning’ methods, was conducted with five remote First Nations Australian communities. …”
Journal article -
CLT for linear spectral statistics of normalized sample covariance matrices with the dimension much larger than the sample size
Published 2015“…Let A = 1/√np(XT X−pIn) where X is a p×n matrix, consisting of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) real random variables Xij with mean zero and variance one. …”
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Journal Article -
3D modelling using digital camera
Published 2010“…Some other trial targets that we have done includes fire station, NTU N2 building and a three pin plug. More details will be covered in chapter 2 of this report.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
NTU e-bike
Published 2011“…To support the touchscreen, the expansion board pin configurations are modified according to the schematic connections, also the kernel changed to detect the GPS device, the Éclair system can‟t get GPS information directly since a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is needed for interacting between the Android framework and the kernel. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Inclusions in calcite phantom crystals suggest role of clay minerals in dolomite formation
Published 2022“…This enhancement may result in the formation of large-scale clay-carbonate successions in aqueous settings, including the enigmatic, pink-colored cap dolostones succeeding late Neoproterozoic "Snowball Earth"deposits. …”
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Journal Article -
Understanding Environmental Knowledge Sharing Behaviour Using a Modified Theory of Planned Behaviour (S/O 13603)
Published 2019“…The objective of the study is to identify factors that influence the intention to share environmental knowledge among accounting educators and students at the universities level in Malaysia in order to improve their involvement on sustainable development process, thus, can lead to knowledge and responsibility sharing. Five (5) universities were chosen as sample, representing the five (5) regions; UUM, UITM, UTM, UMT and UMS. …”
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Monograph -
A study on the correlation between financial ratios and earnings per share in South Korean banking
Published 2009“…Analysis is performed based on sample database comprising nine banks from South Korea over 1992-1995. The multiple regression method is used to determine bank performance by statistical relationship between the key determinants and EPS and EPSG.…”
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Thesis -
Eye tracking system
Published 2011“…The eye tracking system developed in this project is to track the eye ball movement and choose one of the nine target buttons displayed on a computer LCD screen. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
State anger changes upon cathartic status updating on Facebook : moderation by perceived Facebook social support
Published 2014“…Three fictitious Facebook accounts were used for manipulation of perceived Facebook social support and also as the platform for cathartic status updating. Thirty-nine undergraduates underwent an anger-induction process and were assessed on their state anger before and after venting their anger through posting status update on Facebook. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An annotated introductory reading list for neurodiversity
Published 2024“…To address such barriers, we present an annotated reading list that was developed collaboratively by a neurodiverse group of researchers. The nine themes covered in the reading list are: the history of neurodiversity; ways of thinking about neurodiversity; the importance of lived experience; a neurodiversity paradigm for autism science; beyond deficit views of ADHD; expanding the scope of neurodiversity; anti-ableism; the need for robust theory and methods; and integration with open and participatory work. …”
Journal article -
Analysis of the knowledge export industry : exploration of the management education market in China.
Published 2008“…This study is organized into five sections. The first section examines the evolution of Internationalization of Management Education and the factors impending the evolution and the resultant variant process of Internationalization of Management Education. …”
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