Compact antenna based on a composite right/left-handed transmission line
Published 2015“…This letter presents a novel antenna that is based on composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line unit-cells implemented using slots and spiral inductors that are etched directly on the dielectric substrate by standard manufacturing techniques. …”
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Article -
Identification of a novel method for differentiating human monocytic cell line into macrophages
Published 2020“…The novel method produced a permanent macrophage cell line, THP-H, with similar physiological conditions for replicating the study in vivo. …”
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Thesis -
Path planning for unmanned aerial vehicles using visibility line-based methods
Published 2011“…The proposed 2D path planning algorithms, on the contrary, select a relatively smaller number of vertices using the so-called base line (BL), thus they are computationally efficient. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of skin elasticity after used different seaweed containing products by DermaLab® Combo
Published 2016“…Objective: This particular study aims to investigate the effect of different local antiageing products on the barrier function of normal skin, as measured by quality of skin elasticity. …”
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Article -
Modelling of low-energy/low-velocity impact on Nomex honeycomb sandwich structures with metallic skins
Published 2008“…In a previous publication, the authors demonstrated the possibility of representing the NomexTM honeycomb core by a grid of nonlinear springs and have pointed out both the structural behaviour of the honeycomb and the influence of core-skin boundary conditions. This discrete approach accurately predicts the static indentation on honeycomb core alone and the indentation on sandwich structure with metal skins supported on rigid flat support. …”
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Article -
Extraction and characterization of gelatin from camel skin (potential halal gelatin) and production of gelatin nanoparticles
Published 2020“…Gelatin is used as an ingredient in both food and non-food industries as a gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier, and film former. Porcine skins, bovine hides, and cattle bones are the most common sources of gelatin. …”
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Article -
Behavior of indented sandwiches structure with Nomex honeycomb core and metallic skins subjected to compressive loading (CAI)
Published 2007“…A finite element model is proposed to determine the residual strength and the evolution of damage area of indented sandwiches structures with Nomex honeycomb core and metallic skins indented by a spherical indenter under longitudinal compression load (CAI). …”
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Article -
The hidden danger of usury financing system : a case of Turkey
Published 2012“…This paper critically examines the Pool Finance Economic System (PFES). In general terms riba, defined as both “interest” and “usury”, is a way to make money without engaging in either risk or effort. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The interaction of skin sensitizers with gold nanoparticles and cysteine modified screen printed carbon electrode analyzed using impedance technique
Published 2023Subjects: “…Skin—Care and hygiene…”
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Thesis -
Fault tree analysis, a case study of a simple line following robot
Published 2011Get full text
Book Chapter -
Antiproliferative activity of Curcusone B from Jatropha Curcas on human cancer cell lines
Published 2011“…This study was designed to determine antiproliferative properties of curcusone B from the stem bark of Jatropha curcas on cell lines K562 (chronic myelogeneous leukemia), and H1299 (human non-small cell lung carcinoma). …”
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Article -
Comparison of growth rate and viability of DF-1 cell line in different culture media
Published 2008“…One of the commercial cell line that gained attention for the study of viral vaccine was an immortalized cell line derived from chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cellular uptake of Nigella sativa oil-PLGA microparticle by PC12 cell line
Published 2014Get full text
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Article -
Factors effecting fixed-line telecom services customer retention: A study of Pakistan
Published 2016“…The use of fixed line telecom services in Pakistan is declining gradually since past few years. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cost-effective model-based test case generation and prioritization for software product line
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Thesis -
Compact single layer travelling-wave antenna design using metamaterial transmission lines
Published 2017“…This paper presents a single-layer travelling-wave antenna (TWA) that is based on composite right/left-handed (CRLH)-metamaterial (MTM) transmission-line (TL) structure, which is implemented by using a combination of inter-digital capacitors and dual-spiral inductive slots. …”
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