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Quantum Monte Carlo study of the phase diagram of the two-dimensional uniform electron liquid
Published 2024“…We present a study of spin-unpolarized and spin-polarized two-dimensional uniform electron liquids using variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo (VMC and DMC) methods with SlaterJastrow-backflow trial wave functions. …”
Journal article -
Hybrid biometric authentication for automatic teller machine
Published 2024“…Unlike traditional password or PIN-based methods, biometric authentication uses unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, to verify identity. …”
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Article -
Superconductivity from repulsive interactions in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene
Published 2024“…Intriguingly, superconductivity manifests only at nonzero magnetic fields, or when spin-orbit coupling is induced in BBG by coupling to a substrate. …”
Journal article -
Cold atoms laboratory in a hollow core fiber
Published 2021“…The long quantum spin coherence time opens up possibilities for various quantum experiments in HCF. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Cationic distribution, exchange interactions, and relaxation dynamics in Zn-diluted MnCo2O4 nanostructures
Published 2019“…Relaxation time τ follows the Power-Law variation with a dynamical critical exponent zν=6.17 and microscopic spin relaxation time τo=4.4×10−15s for xB=0.2 (for yA=0.1, zν=5.2 and τo=5.4×10−13s). …”
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Journal Article -
Design of a dual band planar inverted-F antenna for GMS/DCS mobile handset
Published 2008“…This project involved the study of size miniaturization of microstrip antenna techniques: shorting pin and shorting wall, loading, shorted spiral printed antenna and stacked shorted patch antenna are fully discussed.…”
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Thesis -
Study on the wear characteristics of aluminium metal matrix composite with 15% Al2O3 and 20% Al2O3
Published 2008“…The objective of this dissertation was to study the wear characteristics and behaviour of aluminium metal matrix composite materials (MMCs), namely Duralcan 286 and Duralcan 284 as a pin material when mated against three types of dics materials.…”
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Thesis -
Nanosensors for regenerative medicine
Published 2014“…While genetic engineering techniques allow cells to express molecules with detectable signals (e.g., fluorescence, luminescence, T1 (spin–lattice)/T2 (spin–spin) contrast in magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide), concerns arise regarding technical complexity, high-cost of genetic manipulation, as well as mutagenic cell dysfunction. …”
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Journal Article -
Optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses on the role of magnetic ions in colloidal nanocrystals
Published 2024“…Incorporating magnetic ions into semiconductor nanocrystals has emerged as a prominent research field for manipulating spin-related properties. The magnetic ions within the host semiconductor experience spin-exchange interactions with photogenerated carriers and are often involved in the recombination routes, stimulating special magneto-optical effects. …”
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Journal Article -
Understanding Indexing Efficiency for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in High-dimensional Vector Databases
Published 2024“…Hence, it is unclear how to pick or combine the right heuristics to build a high-quality graph. …”
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Thesis -
Labeling of names in the video stream
Published 2013“…The video needs to segment to frames and pick up those key frames as the test images. Secondly, all the training images and test images go through with face detection program and feature extraction program. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
E-portal for life long learning
Published 2015“…Life Long Learning is an online portal meant to bridge the informational gap between the everyday individuals seeking to pick up a new skill or hobby, and the course providers ranging from well-established corporations and government agencies to the small businesses hidden in our heartlands. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Technology enabled interactive learning
Published 2019“…It is an online learning environment which differs from the conventional classes with a teacher is present in the classroom imparting knowledge to students. As teacher can pick up the level of understanding the students have in class through class participation, TEL should also be capable of this similar function. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Polarized fragmenting jet functions in inclusive and exclusive jet production
Published 2024“…As examples, we provide numerical results for the spin asymmetry A TU , T cos ϕ S − ϕ ̂ S h $$ {A}_{TU,T}^{\cos \left({\phi}_S-{\hat{\phi}}_{S_h}\right)} $$ from polarized semi-inclusive hadron-in-jet production in polarized pp collisions at RHIC kinematics, where a transversely polarized quark would lead to the transverse spin of the final-state hadron inside the jet and is thus sensitive to the transversity fragmentation functions. …”
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Article -
Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions and bimerons at room temperature
Published 2021“…Here we realize a family of topological antiferromagnetic spin textures in α-Fe2O3—an Earth-abundant oxide insulator—capped with a platinum overlayer. …”
Journal article -
Synthesis and characterization of photocatalytic zinc oxide thin films
Published 2009“…The 4 reagents were zinc acetate dihydrate, DI water, H2O2 and PEG 200. The colloid was spin coated and spray coated onto glass substrates, then heated at 450oC for 1hr to obtain ZnO thin films. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Quantifying and analysing the non-collective bargaining benefits of NTUC
Published 2012“…The paper also made recommendations to NTUC on how informative advertising and regular review on the benefits in accordance to preference can to reduce asymmetric information and more importantly help the union to maintain a pink state of membership numbers…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Executive's Cybersecurity Program Handbook : A comprehensive guide to building and operationalizing a complete cybersecurity program /
Published 2023“…You'll explore the different types of cybersecurity frameworks, how they differ from one another, and how to pick the right framework to minimize cyber risk. …”
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software, multimedia -
Quantum mechanical theory of dynamic nuclear polarization in solid dielectrics
Published 2012“…Microwave driven dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a process in which the large polarization present in an electron spin reservoir is transferred to nuclei, thereby enhancing NMR signal intensities. …”
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Article -
Drawing memories.
Published 2010“…It illustrates a little boy's pain and sorrow of not being able to let go of the death of his mother and how he eventually was able to pick up the courage to move on after given the opportunity to see his mother for the very last time. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)