Second life as a platform for virtual design and manufacturing
Published 2009“…The only difference is Second life emulating is fully supportive of the user to the users. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The impact of social support on work-life balance in Singapore.
Published 2013“…The importance of work-life harmony is increasingly receiving greater attention from the Singapore government, organisations and employees to promote work-life balance in the workplace to better attract and retain a mobile and educated workforce in a knowledge-based economy. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A macroeconomic analysis of the demand for life insurance in Singapore
Published 2014Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ways and means to improve the quality of life insurance agents
Published 2014“…Thus, to ensure that a life insurance company continues to grow and prosper in a highly competitive field, she has to excel in her service to customers. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
London March 2017: ISIS “Weaponisation of Everyday Life”
Published 2017Get full text
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Commentary -
Life writing and the Southern Hemisphere: texts, spaces, resonances
Published 2024“…Exploring lives lived, written and narrated in and from the Global South, the far South and the ultimate South, Antarctica, this book asks how life writing from southerly compass points impact both how we understand and read life narratives, and ultimately how we perceive our planet. …”
Book -
Factors affecting the success of construction projects: a case study of the social development fund (SFD), Mukalla branch in Yemen
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Conference or Workshop Item -
论汉魏六朝挽歌与悼亡诗的生死主题 = Theme on life and death in elegy and lament poetry of Han, Wei and six dynasties
Published 2014“…Through the usage of first person narration, elegies express poets’ sighs at long duration of time, regret the loss of life and their hope for joy and pain reduction. It also reflects their philosophical views on life and death. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Finding transcription factor binding motifs for coregulated genes by combining sequence overrepresentation with cross-species conservation
Published 2013“…Novel computational methods for finding transcription factor binding motifs have long been sought due to tedious work of experimentally identifying them. …”
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Journal Article -
Ten pressure points in primary care during COVID-19: findings from an international narrative review
Published 2025Journal article -
A Lean Management Approach of Rice Subsidy Distribution: Some Findings from A Study in Selangor
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Article -
A Lean Management Approach of Rice Subsidy Distribution: Some Findings from a Study in Selangor
Published 2023“…Methodology: For that purpose, a survey was conducted on 10 senior government officials who manage matters related to fertilizer subsidies in the Ministry, Farmers Organization Board, Area Farmers Organization, Department of Agriculture and Subsidy Product Suppliers and 20 farmers in the area studied. by using Lean Management as the main point in this study. Findings: The collected data were analyzed using ATLAS.ti and Microsoft Excel. …”
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Article -
Halving premature death and improving quality of life at all ages
Published 2024“…For each sex, country, and year, probability of death was calculated from these life tables with 1-year age-specific mortality rates.…”
Journal article -
A mid-life health crisis : supplements for good health.
Published 2010“…The data is collected from 20 interviewees between the ages 30 to 60, with a representative percentage of the national ethnic division, in a period of three months from October 2009 to January 2010. An important finding is the challenges to their doctors’ opinions by seeking second opinions from friends and the Internet, as well as the link between gender and the propensity to consume health supplements, where men are more likely to reject supplements and women to consume them and encourage others to consume them regardless of their ethnicity.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study on whole life cycle of carbon emissions of buildings
Published 2024“…The findings revealed a growing emphasis on integrating LCA practices with Building Information Modelling (BIM) and showcased the variety of different LCA software and regional carbon calculators. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The impact of psoriatic arthritis on quality of life: a systematic review
Published 2024“…</p> <br> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study included 37 comprehensive studies that examined the impact of PsA on QoL and physical function. The findings revealed that the impact of PsA extends to various aspects of life, including activities of daily living, physical, and emotional aspects, such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, anxiety and depression. …”
Journal article -
Improved life cycle assessment for desalination : handling the choices and uncertainties
Published 2014“…To examine the impacts by the choice of predefined life cycle impact assessment method on the result of desalination LCAs, a comparison study was carried out between a generic method and a regional specific method. …”
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