Wastewater treatment by immobilised cell systems
Published 2011“…An effective way of removing ammonia nitrogen from aqueous solutions is the utilization of immobilized cells because of high cell concentration, long retention time of biomass in the system, rapid separation of cells from liquid and ability to scale up the process. …”
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Book Chapter -
مظاههر الاتساق في النص القرآني : دراسة وصفية لغوية = Mazahir al-ittisaq fi al-nas al-Qur'ani : dirasah wasfiyah lughawiyah
Published 2011“…Cohesion is linguistic concept that has long been discussed by the traditionalscholars in their study of the Quranic text and its distinguished features. …”
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A portable myoelectric-robotic system to prevent muscle stiffness and numbness
Published 2010“…The problem of muscle stiffness and numbness occurs due to long period of muscle passivity. This is a major problem faced by individuals who are elderly, bedridden or wheelchair bound during their recuperation periods. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Social entrepreneurship and sustainable competitive advantage: an Islamic perspective
Published 2010“…Thus, it provides better position for firms to outcompete the rivals on long term basis. Meeting the needs of the stakeholders’ needs (including the natural environment) is vital to ensure sustainability. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical analysis on the choice of Takaful (Islamic insurance) operating models in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Takaful and insurance have been compared long ago by many scholars around the world. Prior literatures of Takaful are mainly focusing on the concept and theoretical nature of takaful and its differences from insurance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The phenomenon of meeting the Prophet in this world: the Malay Sufi perception
Published 2011“…The analysis made on the authentic traditions and opinions of some of the traditionalists (muhaddith) reveals that the meeting with the Prophet can only take place in the true dream or al-ru'yah al-sadiqah as the Prophet who died long time ago will not return to this world. Contrary to this, one of the alleged sufi group of Malaysia develops the idea that the Prophet would return to this world by citing the views of outstanding scholars such as al-Suyuti (d.911/1505), al-Sha'rani (d.973/1565) and al-Dihlawi (d. 1176/1762). …”
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Book Chapter -
The possible application of the Islamic principles of equity to Malaysian Land Law: a discussion
Published 2008“…It is possible to invoke all concepts of equity, either from English or other laws, as long as they conform to the objectives of the Shariah. …”
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Comparing better performing companies from lesser performing companies in successful new product development
Published 2012“… The contribution of new products to corporate growth and survival has long been acknowledged. However, not much is known about the new product development (NPD) activities conducted by better performing companies compared to the lesser performing companies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fade margin analysis due to duststorm based on visibility data measured in a desert
Published 2010“…Problem statement: The fade margin analysis of microwave propagation in areas affected by duststorm had been presented in this study. Approach: Based on long term duststorm data recorded in Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, the fade margin due to duststorm effects estimated. …”
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Islamic education on line : a case study
Published 2013“…The general conclusion is that academics can develop ‘proof-of-concepts’ but that commercial organizations are needed to make the project sustainable over the long-term. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Natural corrosion inhibitor for corrosion protection of metal artefact: an overview
Published 2013“…This paper will review current practice use of inhibitor in metal preservation before propose a new inhibitor which been used a long time ago in Malay traditional practice in Keris preservation.…”
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Customized fault management system for low voltage (LV) distribution automation system.
Published 2010“…Currently, fault detection, isolation and service restoration takes a long time causing the interruption of supply for a longer duration.…”
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Book Chapter -
Decisive insight on communal and moral assessment of Islamic banking: is it identical to social and ethical banking?
Published 2010“…The emergence of Islamic banks is to introduce the ethical aspects that seem to be long forgotten into the current global financial system. …”
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Acute airway obstruction due to Ascaris Lumbricoides in a ventilated child
Published 2002“…Emergency rigid bronchoscopy under general anaesthesia extracted an eight-centimetre long Ascaris lumbricoides. The patient’s ventilation and oxygenation improved drastically and he was discharged home 3 weeks later.…”
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First record of toxic Gymnodinium catenatum off'the west coast of Sabah Malaysia
Published 2008“…Gymnodinium catenatum forms long chains of up to 30 cells and is characterized by cells which are anterior-posteriorly compressed and with cell sizes ranging from 30-40 um. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Global challenge of manual suapicion: Boko Haram uprising in Nigeria
Published 2013“…Religious sensitivity and a long time economic marginalisation of the north favor the growth of the insurgence in the region. …”
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Is shorting of Exchange Traded Funds a dangerous financial sport? recent UK evidence
Published 2013“…An ETF investor gains immediate exposure to the basket, by taking either a long or short position on this instrument. Both hedgers and speculators can short ETFs, making the informational content of increases in ETF short interest difficult to interpret. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Whole grain uncovered
Published 2012“…CEREAL GRAINY has long been a major part of our daily lives and we now consume rice on average three or two times a day. …”
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Post tsunami psychological impact among survivors in Aceh and West Sumatra, Indonesia
Published 2014“…The aim of this study was to determine the long-term psychological impact on the residents inhabiting these regions and to identify factors associated with it. …”
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The effects of subdermal hormonal contraceptive implant on health indices. A preliminary report
Published 2007“…Subdermal etonogestrel implant (Implanon®) is the newest, long term contraceptive implant which has recently been made available to Malaysian women. …”
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