Studies of 1,2-naphthoquinone mono-oximato complexes
Published 1991“…The oxidation involved oxidative cleavage of the aromatic ring of catechol by molecular oxygen to give muconic acid anhydride and 2H-pyran-2-one in addition to benzoquinone. …”
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Thesis -
Novel narrowband microstrip filters for wireless communications systems
Published 2010“…The various ‘C-shape’ open-loop ring resonators were developed and fabricated, namely ‘Embedded-Square’ and ‘Embedded-Triangle’ resonators, exhibited a quasielliptic function bandpass filter response free from spurii across an ultra-wide bandwidth. …”
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Thesis -
Islamizing engineering curriculum
Published 2006“…My contention in this paper is to establish the compatibility of the two streams, science and religion, as the justi$ring evidence of both holds identical caliber, an account that indicates the impossibility of ones existence without the other. …”
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Book Chapter -
Studies of complexes derived from 5-acetylamino-1,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime and related ligands
Published 1991“…For all complexes i.r. studies indicate the involvement of the ring CO in bonding. Their electronic spectra show strong absorption in the u.v. region which tails into the visible but d - d transitions have been clearly Identified for Ni(5-Acqo)2.6H20 and Mn(5-Acqo)3 .H20. …”
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Thesis -
Development of tool life prediction model of TiAlN coated tools during the high speed hard milling of AISI H13 steel
Published 2011“…Despite the widespread adoption of milling process in fabricating mould and die, most of the research works till to date concentrated on hard turning. J. J. Junz Wang & M. Y. Zheng, 2003 et al [1], illustrated the machining characteristics of AISI H13 tool steels of hardness 41 and 20 HRC and found that the higher cutting and frictional energies are required in the chip shearing as well as in the nose ploughing processes of the softer tool steel. …”
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Book Chapter -
Microwave absorber based on biocomposites derived from agricultural wastes with reinforcement of poly lactic acid
Published 2021“…The fibers samples are prepared in 0.3 mm particle size, meanwhile the polymer and biocomposites are in ring shaped forms using mix and blend process and injection moulding. …”
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Thesis -
Comparison of surface roughness in end milling of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V using uncoated WC-Co and PCD inserts through generation of models
Published 2011“…They developed contours to select a combination of cutting speed, and feed without increasing the surface roughness. Fuh and Wang [9] developed a model for predicting milling force model in end milling operation. …”
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Application of functionally graded materials for severe plastic deformation and smart materials: experimental study and finite element analysis
Published 2012“…The thick�walled pressure vessel was replaced by a system of discrete rectangular cross-section ring elements interconnected along circumferential nodal circles. …”
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Untitled (Publicity notice board)
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High-gain metasurface in polyimide on-chip antenna based on CRLH-TL for sub-terahertz integrated circuits
Published 2020“…Concentric dielectric-rings are etched in the ground-plane under the radiation patches implemented on the top-layer. …”
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Article -
A study on customer satisfaction towards digital advertisement of consumer goods
Published 2019“…Excessive stress on employees will create health issues like depression, diabetes, ulcers, high blood pressure, anxiety, dissatisfaction, loss of concentration, etc. Butts, Pines (2009), NIOSH (1999). Many organizations wanted to reduce and prevent occupational stress. …”
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Article -
Metasurface for controlling polarization of scattered EM waves
Published 2020“…The dual band metasurface is realized by stacking an array of multiple concentric circular rings. By rotating each array with respect to each other, we can manipulate its impedance at distinct frequencies. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
2,3,9,10,15,16-Hexaazatetracyclo[,16.011,15]hexadecane dihydrate
Published 2012“…The four six-membered fused rings in the title compound, C10H20N62H2O, adopt chair conformations; the H atoms of the four secondary N atoms occupy axial positions. …”
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Article -
Syzygium campanulatum korth methanolic extract inhibits angiogenesis and tumor growth in nude mice
Published 2013“…Antiangiogenic effect was studied on rat aortic rings, matrigel tube formation, cell proliferation and migration, and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). …”
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Metamaterial inspired electromagnetic bandgap filter for ultra-wide stopband screening devices of electromagnetic interference
Published 2023“…The size and gap between the slit-rings dictate the magnitude of the reactive loading. …”
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Innovative UWB phase shifters using groove gap-waveguide technology inspired by metasurfaces for beamforming networks operating at 100 GHz
Published 2025“…The metasurface features a "bed-of-nails" structure, where metal pins are connected to a bottom layer and spaced <λ/4 from a top plate. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A study of touching behavior for authentication in touch screen smart devices
Published 2016“…Due to increasing demand for safer access in touch screen mobile phones, old strategies like pins, tokens, or passwords have failed to stay abreast of the challenges. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ethyl 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-[2-(methylsulfanyl)ethyl]-1H-benzimidazole-5-carboxylate
Published 2012“…The crystal packing exhibits - interactions between the five- and six-membered rings of neighbouring molecules [centroid-centroid distance = 3.819 (2) Å] and short intermolecular SS contacts of 3.495 (1) Å.…”
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2-[1-(2-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]-6-methoxyphenol methanol 1.13-solvate
Published 2009“… In the main molecule of the title compound, C22H20N2O4·1.13CH4O, the dihedral angles between the benzimidazole plane and the two benzene rings are 80.53 (10) and 82.76 (10)°. The solvent molecules are disordered between three positions, with refined occupancies of 0.506 (13), 0.373 (13) and 0.249 (5). …”
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Metamaterial based ultra-wideband antennas for portable wireless applications
Published 2017“…Various approaches have been reported to reduce the physical size of RF antennas including using high permittivity substrates, shorting pins, reactive components, and more recently, metamaterials (MTM) based on composite right-/left-handed transmission-lines (CRLH-TLs). …”
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