Evaluating Chris Argyris's ideas: an Islamic perspective
Published 2012“…Design/methodology/approach – The main approach is a literature review combined with an analysis based on Islamic principles. …”
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Effect of ball milling parameters on the synthesization of carbon nanotube aluminium nano composite
Published 2013“…The preliminary mixing of CNTs and aluminium powder in a tube via manual shaking could be the main contributing factor in achieving uniform dispersion of CNT in aluminium matrix after ball milling. …”
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Muslim states and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: A special reference to Malaysia
Published 2012“…The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the only human rights treaty to which all Muslim States are parties. The main objective of this paper is to look into the difficulties of Muslim States in the implementation of the Convention and a special reference is given to the Malaysian experience. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Will of entrustment as a means of protection of the child’s right to property in Islamic law
Published 2012“…Due to vulnerability, they require protection in many aspects of their life. Parents are main supporters and sustainers of the children during their lifetime. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
From al-Shāṭibī’s legal hermeneutics to thematic exegesis of the Qurʾān
Published 2012“…His approach to the interpretation of the Qurʾān (the main source of the Sharīʿah) and the implications of such an approach have only rarely been heeded. …”
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Management of resources in muslim countries and communities : challenges and prospects
Published 2012“…Despite the fact that the Muslim world is blessed with enormous natural resources like: fertile lands, water, gold, oil, uranium, minerals and hard working masses, a vast majority of Muslim countries have yet to deliver the goods to their people. It is for this main reason that the conference focused on resource management in the Muslim world and critically examined the performance in this area and aimed at making appropriate recommendations to meet the challenges facing the Muslim ummah in the 21st century. …”
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Physical property of multi walled carbon nanotube reinforced aluminium nano composite
Published 2012“…Addition of small percentage of MWCNT in aluminium matrix is the main contributing factor in achieving mass reduction, hence reduced the density of MWCNT-Al nano-composite material compared to pure aluminium.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Enhancing graduates’employability skills: A Malaysian case
Published 2013“…Graduates should equip themselves, not only with technical skills, but more importantly with soft skills. The main objectives of this study are to identify Malaysian graduates’ employability skills, to identify the priority of each skill and to highlight the gap between the importance of graduates’ employability skills to employers and their satisfaction on that skill. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bank lending, macroeconomic conditions and financial uncertainty: Evidence from Malaysia
Published 2012“…Adopting time series techniques of cointegration, causality and vector autoregressions (VARs), we arrive at the following main results. We note long run positive relations between real output and both real bank credits and real stock prices. …”
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Liquidity, initial public offering (ipo) long-term return and government ownership: Evidence from bursa malaysia ipo stocks
Published 2012“…Using 283 samples of IPO stocks listed on Main Board and Second Board of Bursa Malaysia from 1998 to 2008, the study examines the relationship between liquidity and IPO long-term return and the moderating effect of government shareholdings on the relationship between the two variables. …”
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Position-based multicast routing in mobile ad hoc networks
Published 2012“…This paper introduces a position-based QoS multicast routing protocol (PBQMRP). The main objective of this protocol is to design a lightweight scalable QoS multicast routing scheme irrespective of the number of multicast members and network size. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessing policies for attracting international students: case of Malaysia
Published 2013“…The objective of this paper is to compare and assess the policy initiatives at the unilateral, multilateral, regional and bilateral level and their impact on the host environment which is defined in terms of the key pull factors that have attracted international students to Malaysia. The main findings show that domestic policy initiatives have enhanced the host environment for attracting international students by providing a governance system that protects the interests of international students through its regulations. …”
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Experimental investigation of chip tool contact process and determination of optimum cutting speed for steel of any composition
Published 1990“…One of the main source of raw materials for local mechanical parts are easily available steel scraps, whose composition in most cases are unknown and the facilities for determination of the same are inadequate and costly. …”
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Fish gelatin and its applications in selected pharmaceutical aspects as alternative source to pork gelatin
Published 2013“…In the last decades, the rising interest in halal products issues for Muslim populations become one of the main reasons for exploring different types of collagen and gelatin from different animal sources. …”
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Interaction between test-taker characteristics, task facets and l2 oral proficiency test performance
Published 2006“…There are other elements in the assessment framework which also yield a significant amount of influence on test-taker reactions towards certain tasks and test perfromance. it is, therefore, necessary to further investigate the nature of these other factors in the assessment framework and examine how they relate to test-taker reactions and how they impact test perfromance. in this study, the interaction between three main factors in the assessment framework-test task facets, test-taker personla attributes, and language ability-and their simultaneous effect on oral proficiency test perfromance are examined through the use of structural equation modeling which allows the effects of the different factors in the assessment framework to be directly observed and modeled, and their individual effect on test performance estimated.…”
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Invisible hands behind the corporate governance practices in Malaysia
Published 2013“…Thus, this study examines the possible reasons that hinder current corporate governance system less effective in Malaysia. The main reasons for this problem are due to nature of ownership structure, political and culture background of Malaysia and the adoption of unsuitable foreign corporate governance template. …”
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Hash function of finalist SHA-3: analysis study
Published 2013“…Thus, for this reason the paper addresses the comparative and analysis study of the finalist SHA-3 candidates in: complexity of security, design and structure, as well as performance and cost, to measure the robustness of the algorithms in this area, through the Fundamentals Security Measurement Factors of Hash Function (FSMFHF) of Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). Therefore, main idea from this comparison and analysis study between the finalist of SHA-3 candidates such as (BLAKE, Grostl, JH, Keccak, and Skein) is to investigate the tight security in the suitable designs of lightweight such as JH and Keccak for the future security of hash function. …”
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The influence of personal attributes and organizational ethics position on accountants' judgments: Malaysian scenario
Published 2013“…Findings – Adopting 15 vignettes used in Emerson et al. to assess ethical judgments, the main findings revealed from the analysis are that older accountants, accountants attached to corporations with higher ethics scale and accountants who understand the professional code of conduct are expected to be stricter in judging questionable ethical situations. …”
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ICT in Telemedicine: Conquering Privacy and Security Issues In Health Care Services
Published 2013“…The ultimate success of telemedicine demands an effective technology as well as privacy and security of records should be main concern. This paper explores recent identified privacy and security issues that affect telemedicine by featuring threats on security and authentication of medical records. …”
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