Presentation at a dinner
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Machinability improvement in end milling of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V through preheating
Published 2011“…Ozler et al [7] used gas flame heating to improve the machinability of austenitic manganese steel. Wang et al [8] performed LAM using YAG continuous solid laser on Al2O3 particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite (Al2O3p/Al). …”
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Book Chapter -
Malaysia's palm oil exports: does exchange rate overvaluation and undervaluation matters?
Published 2011“…Results suggest that in the long run, overvaluation has a significant negative impact on palm oil exports. …”
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Article -
Visual plumes coastal dispersion modeling in southwest Sabah
Published 2011“…The modeling results indicated that there was no significant change in ambient concentration for all constituents modeled when the effluent discharge was increased from 1,500 m3/h to 2,400 m3 /h, as long as the current quality was maintained. The plume travel distance would also not entrain into foreign waters as long as proposed volumetric discharge rate is no violated.…”
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Tactics, strategies and outcomes of relationship retailing in Bangladesh
Published 2012“…Relationship marketing creates, maintains and enhances long term customer relationships and leads to winning customer loyalty and retains customers for long time. …”
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Bank lending, macroeconomic conditions and financial uncertainty: Evidence from Malaysia
Published 2012“…Adopting time series techniques of cointegration, causality and vector autoregressions (VARs), we arrive at the following main results. We note long run positive relations between real output and both real bank credits and real stock prices. …”
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Antioxidant activity in children with ADHD – a comparison in untreated and treated subjects with normal children
Published 2011“…Conclusion: It is concluded that ADHD is associated with decrease in AOA and this should possibly also be addressed for limiting the long term outcomes of this condition.…”
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An empirical assessment of the impact of Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) on Malaysian economy
Published 2015“…The empirical results showed that both the variables in the form of total assets and financing activities of DFIs have positive and statistically significant long run relationship with per capita real income suggesting that the DFIs are also important in influencing per capita income in Malaysia.…”
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Sectoral impact of bank credit in Malaysia: ARDL modelling approach
Published 2016“…This study investigates the sectoral impacts of bank credit on economic output by analysing the long- and short-run effects of bank credit on the output of five major economic sectors in Malaysia. …”
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Fiscal deficit and inflation: an empirical measure in view of Pakistan
Published 2023“…The paper concluded that budget deficit and exchange rate are the variables that affect INFL in the short as well as in long-run, whereas MSP has only long run effect on inflation.…”
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Group of five people sitting at a table
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Causality relationship between electricity consumption and economic activity in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The result suggests a long run unidirectional causality from the per capita electricity consumption to the per capita real income and the source of causation is the error correction terms.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Core power control analysis and design for triga nuclear reactor
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
The mediating role of national culture on the relationship between corporate governance practices and corporate strategy effectiveness
Published 2022“…Furthermore, the result revealed that there is a substantial mediating effect of power distance, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation in the relationship between corporate governance practices and corporate strategy effectiveness in ADAA. …”
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