Malaysia’s palm oil exports: does exchange rate overvaluation and undervaluation matter?
Published 2011“…Results suggest that in the long run, overvaluation has a significant negative impact on palm oil exports. …”
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Inspiring and encouraging organisational knowledge sharing through religion
Published 2008“…It is not something long term and lasting. On the other hand, religion highlights the significance of knowledge in seeking answers to fundamental questions of life and the truth-centring faith and belief. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Building agent-customer relationship in the Takaful industry: a framework of Islamic relationship marketing
Published 2012“…The literature indicates the significance of maintaining long-term relationship with customers, especially these days. …”
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Collaborative open bibliographic network for Malaysian school libraries
Published 2012“…Collaborative bibliographic network among libraries has long gained its popularity not only due to the sheer cost of integrated library systems (ILS) but also the many benefits gained from being a member of library network or consortium. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Understanding the decision making process of beginning hormone therapy for trans individuals: a grounded theory study
Published 2020“…These gaps surround lack of support for the trans community, long waiting times, the urgency of need often leading to self-prescription of hormones, and the compromising gate-keeping roles of professionals working with this population. …”
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Thesis -
Developing rat testicular organoid models for assessing the reproductive toxicity of antidepression drugs in vitro
Published 2022“…With the increasing incidence of depression worldwide, antidepressant medications are commonly used in males of reproductive age for long-term treatment of depression, as well as other disorders. …”
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The ‘expat factor’: the influence of working time on women's decisions to undertake international assignments in the oil and gas industry
Published 2015“…The research identifies an ‘expat factor’: assignees state that long hours are inherent in expatriation and necessary to further their careers. …”
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The nexus between mortgage financing and economic growth in Malaysia: a comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banks
Published 2022“…Finding of the study shows that, both in the short-run and long-run, there is positive and significant relationship mortgage finance and economic growth. …”
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Irish building worker
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Prioritizing the nine challenges of Malaysian Vision 2020
Published 2011“…The exotic phrase “Vision 2020” has been coined to signify a lofty and long term objective pertaining to some issue in many countries across the world. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preservation of behavioural functions by haruan traditional extract (HTE) in rats with ketamine-induced neurodegeneration
Published 2011“…RESULT AND DISCUSSION Restoration of nose dipping and rearing activities show significant differences between short and long ketamine exposure group. CONCLUSION Statistical analyses comparing the groups indicate that HTE may be able to exert neuroprotective effect.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Highly infectious prions are not directly neurotoxic
Published 2020“…Prions are infectious agents which cause rapidly lethal neurode- generative diseases in humans and animals following long, clini- cally silent incubation periods. They are composed of multichain assemblies of misfolded cellular prion protein. …”
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Physiotherapists’ views on their role in self-management approaches: a qualitative systematic review
Published 2021“…Self-management has been an increasingly important aspect of helping people manage their long-term conditions. The aim of this qualitative review was to synthesise the views of physiotherapists concerning their delivery of a self-management approach. …”
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Determination toxic effects of Hystrix Brachyura Bezoar extracts using cancer cell lines and embryo zebrafish (Danio rerio) models and identification of active principles through G...
Published 2020“…In vivo toxicity of PBs extracts found affecting tail detachment, hatching, craniofacial, brain morphology, soft tissues, edema, spinal, somites, notochord and cardiovascular system (brachycardia, disruption of blood circulation) deformities. …”
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Suicide attack: weapon of the weak or crime against humanity?
Published 2009Get full text
Book Chapter -
Police administration
Published 2008“…In Malaysia, the Royal Malaysian Police or Polis Diraja Malaysia is the inheritor of a long and proud tradition of service to the people. …”
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Book Chapter -
Waqf lands and challenges from the legal perspectives in Malaysia
Published 2012“…In the long term, amendments of the laws are imminent so that the status and objectives of waqf could be realized in the way that it is prescribed by Islam.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fast and slow carbonaceous BOD speciation of sewage effluent
Published 2010“…The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) test has been a long standing test method to quantify the amount of biodegradable organic matter present in a water sample. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Visual plumes coastal dispersion modeling in south-west Sabah
Published 2011“…The modeling results indicated that there would not be a significant change in ambient concentration for all constituents modeled when the effluent discharge is increased from 1,500 m3/hr to 2,400 m3/hr, as long as the current quality is maintained. The plume travel distance would also not entrain into foreign waters as long as proposed volumetric discharge rate is no violated.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ranking of the nine challenges of malaysian vision 2020
Published 2012“…The exotic phrase “Vision 2020” has been coined to signify a lofty and long term objective pertaining to some issue in many countries across the world. …”
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