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王里剧作与演出研究 = A study of Wang Li ‘s plays and performances
Published 2010“…本论文将通过整理出王里的生平与剧作演出来探讨他的剧作在该时代的意义及其演出的特点,同时沿着这个时代脉络分析王里的剧本, 理解他的剧本如何与该时代的政治和社会环境呼应。Wang Li was a local playwright active in the theatre scene during the sixties and seventies. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Comparison and validation of sensors for 3D and 2D motion capture to measure 10-pin bowling specific kinematics
Published 2023“…Ten pin bowling is a competitive sport that requires athletes to score as many pins possible using a bowling ball. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Reactivating and reorganizing activity-silent working memory: two distinct mechanisms underlying pinging the brain
Published 2025“…Recent studies have proposed that visual information in working memory (WM) can be maintained in an activity-silent state and reactivated by task-irrelevant high-contrast visual impulses (“ping”). Although pinging the brain has become a popular tool for exploring activity-silent WM, its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. …”
Journal article -
Tilted magnetisation for domain wall pinning in racetrack memory
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Competitive anxiety among university ten-pin bowlers
Published 2021“…Minimal research was done on ten-pin bowling. This study aims to explore the relationship between competitive anxiety and performance in ten-pin bowlers and the role of experience in reducing debilitative anxiety levels. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
'I do not care a pin about it myself'
Published 2016“…Andrew Honey, Book Conservator at the Bodleian, tells us of his excitement at discovering an original Jane Austen pin on our Sir Charles Grandison manuscript, and what this, and other pins, tell us about their use.…”
Journal article -
Wang simpanan KWSP suatu analisa menurut perspektif perundangan Islam
Published 2002“…Justeru itu, kajian ini menjawab beberapa persoalan iaitu perincian terhadap kedudukan wang KWSP menurut beberapa sudut. Iaitu ia menjurus kepada menentukan kesahihan meletakkan syarat supaya gaji dipotong untuk pencaruman dan menentukan sama ada wang KWSP caruman pekerja wajib dibayar zakat atau sebaliknya. …”
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Monograph -
A spiking neural network for pattern recognition
Published 2020Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Robustness to training disturbances in SpikeProp Learning
Published 2020“…Stability is a key issue during spiking neural network training using SpikeProp. The inherent nonlinearity of Spiking Neuron means that the learning manifold changes abruptly; therefore, we need to carefully choose the learning steps at every instance. …”
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Journal Article -
Impact of spike anneal on ultra shallow junction formation
Published 2008“…This report explains the need for ultra shallow junctions for modern day CMOS devices, how spike anneal can help achieve this, reviews the important parameters if this process and how these parameters affect the performances of the CMOS transistors.…”
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Thesis -
Automated spike detection using cascade of simple classifiers
Published 2016“…The infinite variety of spike morphologies and the similarity of spikes to normal EEG and artifacts also make the detection of spikes difficult. …”
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Thesis -
Domain wall pinning through nanoscale interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Published 2022“…We have also studied pinning in a device with five successive pinning sites. …”
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Journal Article -
Designing a spiking neural network system for object recognition
Published 2022“…Widely touted as the 3rd generation of neural networks, Spiking Neural Networks were introduced as an enhanced representation of working memory. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Dissipative solitons with extreme spikes in the normal and anomalous dispersion regimes
Published 2022“…In this paper, one recent example is considered—dissipative solitons with extreme spikes (DSESs). It was found that DSESs exist in large regions of the parameter space of the complex cubic–quintic Ginzburg–Landau equation. …”
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Journal Article -
Bayesian lesion estimation with a structured spike-and-slab prior
Published 2024“…Our method also accounts for underestimation of posterior variance due to variational inference by providing an approximate posterior sampling approach based on Bayesian bootstrap ideas and spike-and-slab priors with random shrinkage targets. …”
Journal article -
Articulation and expressive interpretation in Wang Jianzhong’s transcription ‘a hundred birds pay homage to the phoenix’
Published 2024“…Aim: Thus, this article examines the use of articulation and how it affects the expressivity in Wang Jianzhong’s piano transcription, ‘A Hundred Birds Pay Homage to the Phoenix’. …”
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Article -
Filmwise condensation of steam on pin fin arrays fabricated by selective laser melting
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Long contraction scour
Published 2020“…Hence, the objective of this study is to study the phenomenon of long and gradual contraction scouring in an open channel flow. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
FPGA implementation of spiking convolutional neural networks for voice keyword recognition
Published 2021“…The spiking convolutional neural network (SCNN) is a hybrid model of both the spiking neural network (SNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)