Effect of water absorption on mechanical properties of sugar palm fibre reinforced sugar palm starch (spf/sps) biocomposites
Published 2012“…From this investigation, it can be seen that tensile and impact strengths of biocomposites increase with the increase of fibre content. …”
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Measuring the vocabulary size of Muslim pre-university students
Published 2013“…The last decade has seen an increased interest in the field of second language vocabulary acquisition (SLVA). …”
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A case of an SMA child with a unique clinical and radiological manifestation
Published 2013“…However, the profound weakness and severity of the manifestation were not normally seen in a SMA type II. MRI findings of blunted conus medullaris and dysplastic sacral vertebrae were also not consistent with the diagnosis. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Consumers’ acceptance on Islamic home financing: empirical evidence on Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA) in Malaysia
Published 2008“…BBA as practiced in Malaysia is seen not to be in compliant with the Shariah principle as the bank does not take the risk of ownership and liability on the property. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Meeting the information needs of the ulama in the digital world: challenges for the Muslim information professional
Published 2010“…While a lot of progress can be seen in efforts being made to meet the needs of various professional groups such as engineers, lawyers, medical practitioners, scientists, administrators etc through the development of specialized databases and tailor-made information retrieval systems (IRS), the Ulama the most influential professional group in the Muslim world, vested with the responsibility of preaching, counseling, administration, and providing religious leadership to the Muslims is neglected. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mahar dan nafkah sebagai hak pemilikan harta wanita dalam konteks kesaksamaan gender
Published 2015“…As one of the world’s major religions, Islam’s position on the issue has also been subject of scrutiny and unfortunately, on several occasions, has been viewed with suspicions and seen as unbalanced. Islam is often regarded as a religion that prioritises men over women; men seem to possess more rights not only in such cases as polygamy and marital divorce but also in the possession of wealth through inheritance. …”
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Limited Liability Partnership (LLP@PLT): new business vehicle for the Malaysian legal and accounting private practice
Published 2015“…In Malaysia, the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act was enacted in February 2012; it introduced a new business vehicle in the local market. LLPs are seen as alternative business vehicles for professionals in Malaysia who are not allowed to carry out business in the form of companies, namely lawyers and accountants. …”
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TIG melted surface modified titanium alloy for cylinder liner application
Published 2015“…Pores were conspicuously seen on the melt microstructure modified with highest carbon content. …”
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The role of apologies in the resolution of medical disputes
Published 2016“…Nevertheless, apologies may also have the potential to be seen as admissions of guilt by the medical practitioner and may at certain circumstances, expose him to risks of impending lawsuits. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exploring the relationship between writing apprehension and writing performance: a qualitative study
Published 2016“…Writing skill is seen as a cornerstone of university students’ success in both academic and career life. …”
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Culture of five species of Malaysia indigenous freshwater microalgae
Published 2016“…The growth of Chlorella can be seen materially faster than any other microalgae strain especially from the strain that has spines such as Scenedesmus sp. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A study of parameters relationship to backcutting phenomena during high speed end milling of AISI H13
Published 2010“…Results: The result shown that pattern of surface roughness was not sufficient enough to compare between the surface with backcutting and without backcutting phenomena were seen mostly in combination of medium to high speed and medium to high feedrate. …”
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The framing analysis of vaccination in Malaysia: a comparative study between Berita Harian and Harian Metro
Published 2020“…Vaccination is mostly seen as news to be reported and not an issue to be highlighted and emphasized on.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Managing knowledge workers' commitment in small construction professional firms
Published 2009“…Meanwhile, the provision of job security and career advancement were seen as the biggest challenges in managing knowledge workers’ commitment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
How do counselling psychologists working with children and adolescents describe and give meaning to their experiences? An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2016“…However, challenges and difficulties during training and post-qualification appeared to raise the question as to whether working with children was seen as being outside the boundaries of the role of a counselling psychologist.…”
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Thesis -
The role of attachment styles in team functioning
Published 2016“…Attachment styles are seen to reflect internal working models of self, others, and relationships, and influence individuals’ motivations, abilities, and perceptions as regards relationships. …”
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Thesis -
An optimised competency framework for improving students’ self skills during work-related learning
Published 2017“…A study conducted to test the intervention reveals that significant improvements can be seen in students’ understanding and perception of their competencies, but that this improvement is only apparent when both Work-related learning and developmental feedback based on self-evaluation are implemented. …”
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Identifying antecedents of marketing orientation of microfinance institutions in Ghana : the case study of microfinance companies
Published 2017“…Poverty has been acknowledged globally as a challenge afflicting billions of people. Microfinance is seen as a means of alleviating extreme poverty through supporting low income customers, micro enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using microfinance products to ameliorate risks associated with the poor. …”
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Thesis -
Developing empathic resonance in interprofessional education and practice
Published 2019“…The World Health Organisation (2010) offered a Framework for action in inter-professional education (IPE) and inter-professional practice (IPP) which promoted ongoing collaborative practice as a key strategy to enhance patient outcomes in order to develop a practice-ready health workforce. This initiative has seen significant developments in practitioner training since this call for action. …”
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