Dealing, music and youth violence: neighbourhood relational change, isolation and youth criminality
Published 2023“…The study considers the emergence of drill music, county lines and the lowering of the threshold of when weapons are used to explore the isolated social environments so many young people find themselves in. The book tracks how authorities have transitioned from an enforcement led to a public health approachh to tacking violence. …”
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Monograph -
Flexural strength of concrete prism strengthened using CFRP with modified mortar
Published 2020“…Hence, it is essential to find repair and strengthening techniques of deteriorated concrete structures not only suitable in terms of the economy, but also to use them for their intended service life.…”
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Book Section -
Magnesium doped hydroxyapatite/sodium alginate biocomposite for bone implants application
Published 2019“…The 99.5/0.5 HA/SA are chosen and doped with various composition ratios of Mg-doped HA/SA from 0.5 wt.%, 1.0 wt.%, and 1.5 wt.% at 1000 to 1400 °C were investigated by evaluating the physical, mechanical, and bioactivity testing of the samples. …”
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Thesis -
The evolution of Malaysian banking sector’s efficiency during financial duress: consequences, concerns, and policy implications
Published 2010“…However, the results suggest that the FB were severely affected by the Asian financial crisis, implying that the FB were not insulated from unexpected events like the Asian financial crisis of 1997.…”
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Article -
Unlocking potential : harnessing the pedagogical benefits of e-learning
Published 2008“…This paper outlines the emerging literature that appears to confirm that when e-learning in used in a pedagogically effective way it can have a positive impact across a range of indicators like retention and attainment, and explores the history of innovation in learning and teaching at London Metropolitan University, and the current opportunities offered by e-learning.…”
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Article -
Negative impacts of riba banking on performance of Islamic banking
Published 2011“…It is hoped that this study will trigger similar studies to further prove its findings. It is the unashamed hope of the researcher that one day Muslim nations can bury riba banking and build on its ashes a sole and single Islamic banking system that upholds and embodies the true demands of the Quran and Sunnah.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The appropriation of the local: public service radio past and present
Published 2021“…Public service broadcasting, what it means and how it has responded to the challenges of competition and, more recently, of digital innovation, is a topic which continues to engage those who, like me, see this form of broadcasting as an essential presence, but who have campaigned for a local, community-based contribution to the public sphere. …”
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Article -
Navigating the impact of globalization on bank efficiency in China: panacea or Pandora’s Box?
Published 2011“…The empirical findings suggest that liberalization (restrictions) of the capital account exerts a negative (positive) influence on bank efficiency levels in China.…”
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Article -
Public lecture series 2003
Published 2003“…Yeats, Blake and Van Morrison'; a panel debate with Richard English, Fionnuala O'Connor and Martin O'Brien 'The Good Friday Agreement five years on'; and the Irish ambassador Dáithí O'Ceallaigh on 'Ireland: a changing society'. …”
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Ephemera -
Group portrait of eleven people
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Photograph -
Apprentice certificate printing plate
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Ephemera -
7th Annual Irish in Britain Seminar Series [poster]
Published 2015“…The 2015 seminar series focussed on five key public figures and how migration to Britain became a formative and enduring influence on the shape of their careers and sense of Irish identity.…”
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Pamphlet -
Konya : the land of peace and love
Published 2007“…A modern and a young viewpoint of the city stands like a promenade areas in the middle of the city. …”
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Book -
Leadership competency
Published 2019“…Leadership is a procedure by which an individual impacts other to achieve a target and coordinates the association such that makes it increasingly firm and cognizant (Sharma & Jain, 2013). This definition is like Northouse's (2007) definition — Leadership is a procedure whereby an individual impact a gathering of people to accomplish a shared objective.…”
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Book Section -
Development-induced water pollution in Malaysia: policy implications from an econometric analysis
Published 2008“…Methodologically, a Multiple Regression Analysis that is essential to reveal the likely hidden interactive effects between the multivariate pollutants from different sources on river catchments was employed. …”
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Article -
The Use of i-THINK Mapping in Teaching Reading Comprehension among ESL Teachers
Published 2023“…Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data obtained from classroom observations and interviews. The findings show that the teachers had applied five i-THINK maps, including a Circle Map to define in context, a Bubble Map to describe, a Double Bubble Map to compare and contrast, a Flow Map to show the sequence of an event, and a Tree Map to classify different ideas. …”
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Article -
Enhancing Maintenance Services Quality: A Study of Student Satisfaction and Maintenance Strategies in Student’s Residential College
Published 2024“…Through questionnaires, this study collected responses from a sample of participants and employed SERVQUAL approach, comprising five distinct elements, for analysis. Findings indicated that students' expectation and satisfaction levels, particularly in the realms of reliability, tangibles, and assurance, yielded high scores. …”
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Development of indicators for family well-being in Malaysia
Published 2014“…The findings suggest that family well-being is multifaceted, made up not only of the immediate family relationships and health and safety of its members, but include having adequate income to meet the demands of a minimum standard of living. …”
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Article -
Exploratory factor analysis: aalidation of Mathematical Values Inculcation Model among secondary schools' mathematics teachers in North-Eastern region, Nigeria
Published 2011“…Twenty one items loaded on the three factors, with eleven items on the first factor (sociological mathematical values (SMV)) - five items on the second factor (attitudinal mathematical values (AMV)) and lastly five items on third factor (ideological mathematical values (IMV)). …”
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